Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant's Fashion and Style Part 2: October 2023 -

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to Part 2 of the thread for the Duchess of Brabant's Fashion and Style!

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** The Duchess of Brabant's Fashion and Style Part 1: October 2019 - October 2023 **

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:flowers: Happy Posting! :flowers:
The jacket is beautifully cut on her but the color and her hair and earrings are all very disappointing.
Not crazy about the colour but the duchess does look lovely and chic.
I like the cut of the suit but the colour doesn't do her any favour. Speaking in Personal Colour Analysis, mustard is not for her "season" LOL

Last night's outfit was perfect for her instead, absolutely stunning.
It's different (and not my taste) but somewhat in the same style of her host...
I love both if todays looks. That suit is so cool and ultra chic. It’s not most people’s cup of tea, but imo, it is a great cut, fit, style and color.

The blue dress looks amazing.
I think the suit is wonderful - You see at the first view, who is the Princess.

Plus: The turtleneck, or what it is, underlined her eye color. Well done!
Whilst the colour isn't exactly flattering, somehow, Princess Elisabeth pulls it off!

I completely agree. It's not my favorite outfit, but I also don't dislike it. She makes it work.

Elisabeth is one of two or three Royal women who can manage to look elegant in just about everything they wear.

Her height and her perfect figure carry the day.;)
I'm not 100% sure about the color (maybe 85%), but it's a beautiful style on Elisabeth.
Breathtakingly beautiful ! And what a wonderful colour !
That blue suit looks phenomenal on Elisabeth! I suspect the colour would be even more vivid in real life.
This blue colour looks wonderful on her.
It' s such a pity that she hasn' t inherited her mother' s beauty IMO.
She may not have inherited her mother's, or grandmother's, aristocratic beauty like her sister but I find her to be a very attractive woman. Her confidence and poise is magnetic.
Physical beauty inevitably fades. Elegance, presence and a sense of dignity are qualities that tend to last...and the princess has it all in spades.

In any case, I do find her to be a pretty young woman if not a classic beauty.
A great look for Princess Elisabeth during a meeting with Barack Obama at Laeken Castle this weekend:
What a beautiful colour and such a polished look on the duchess!
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