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What do you think of her? Do you like her?
Alexandria said:It's a shame that someone whom she was associated with in her past, even as shady a character as he was, is the reason that others lambaste her. Mabel is more than someone she once dated, or at least has associations with. We don't think of men any different for the less than perfect women they dated in the past -- eg. Felipe with Eva, Frederik with Katya, Albert with his many women, etc.
Jamerican said:Let's pretend for a second that we know for a fact that Mabel married for title alone. Even if that were the case, I admire the fact that she is using that title not for swanning around in ballgowns at fancy parties, but for doing something that can help people in the world. IMO, I think that the work she has chosen says a lot for her character. If you want to be powerful and rich, you marry some monstrously wealthy guy in high finance, or get into big business.
juliana said:They obviously have plenty of money- where they live is testimony to that. Even their two jobs would not necessarily pay for their seeemingly grand residence in London after the deduction of the UK taxes. How rich is Friso? Were trust funds set up for him as a child?
Henri M. said:I have seen documentaries in which Princess Mabel waded with her Christian Louboutins through the scat, blood and vomit in Hells-on-Earth like Russian prisons, in the framework of HIV and Aids-prevention.
I have seen Princess Mabel openly attacking the United States Government's attitude against prostitution and drugs. By 'criminalizing' these, no sufficient aid can be provided. Princess Mabel pointed out to the situation in the Netherlands where prostitution and drugs is not seen as a criminal problem but as a public health problem. Clean needles for drugs users, free condoms and medical care for prostitutes and methadon programs fight the spreading of HIV and Aids so much more than whatever else.
I have seen Princess Mabel crying with orphans in the countries of former Yugoslavia who have lost their parents in the various wars on the Balkan. I have seen Princess Mabel nailing their governments for neglecting the thousands of minefields around the former Yugoslav cities, every day terribly wounding animals and men.
Her Royal Highness Princess Mabel, Countess van Oranje-Nassau van Amsberg, director of the Open Society Institite in Brussels, (a very powerful lobby machine) is no symbolic figure who cuts ribbons but the unsung hero and angel to thousands and thousands who owe a lot to her.
juliana said:Henri M. , as an employee of a "lobby machine" a marriage to a royal would be very advantageous. Lobbyists rely on their contacts for their promotions. She still uses the title Princess in her public speakings, albeit with part of her maiden name, from what I have seen -most successful working women I know still use just their maiden name ,no matter to whom they are married.
tricia said:How can she be MM van Orange-Wisse Smit? Shouldn't Wisse Smit be in front of van Orange...or is it just the way it's done (unlike in the U.S., where your maiden name is in front of your married name)?
Zonk1189 said:Bottom line..she is okay with meIf she is okay with Beatrix and Laurentien (who I adore) she must be good people.
juliana said:With the apparent money that Friso has then both Mabel and he are wealthy enough to work, at a high level of course, for international charities as, for example, The Princess Royal does; or even set up their own foundation or trust-eg Friso's grandfather, the WWF or Charles' The Prince of Wales Trust. The Open Society Institute promotes "democratic governance, human rights, and economic and social reform". Mabel van Orange-Wisse Smit is the Director of EU Affairs and though perhaps some of those economic and social reforms are dealt with in the new EU countries, though previously Eastern European communist countries, the economic part is always well "supported" by companies who want to set up businessses with government support. The Open Society was set up by an ex-financier's personal funds but it is not seemingly a true charitable foundation, as those I have mentioned. The royals that have sufficient income to give them a decent standard lifestyle should certainly be seen working for true charities. I cannot recall seeing information at an international level about Mabel working for charities compared to The Princess Royal with her connection to Save The Children Fund. (I remember one Asian conference and Mabel's title was used there). There is plenty of media attention for serious charities, a great Dutch example is the WWF, and with Mabel's royal connections I would think that, as an improvement on her controversial background and using her experience, promoting one of these voluntarily would be much better - and her royal title would be worthwhile using, in that instance, as good PR.
Does anyone know why Mabel and Friso moved to London - as Diector of EU section would not residence back in The Netherlands or Brussels be better? Is it because of the controversy surrounding their relationship?
I must say the photos of Beatrix with the family are lovely but that equally reflects on what a great mother-in -law Mabel has.