I recently read a book about royals and their lives, before the current Windsors, and although many might seem it trivial - Britian has never had it better with their royal family. They have royals that actually care the British people and about other causes. And yes, this is long before Diana and her "common-touch" made an appearance. And do a whole lot of good whether the British people or press are willing to hear it or not.
Charles will be a good king. We know enough of his passion and drive to know that. Will the British people allow Charles to demonstrate this, it might even redeem him in their eyes. They should give him that chance, if anything. The crown might make Charles into the man were believe that he can be.
Here is something you might not know. After the abdiction, there was a lot in the press about ending the monarchy then and there. The reason, the press darling Edward VIII had gone away. The press disliked the Duke of York. They believed him dull, unable to follow the fashions and in general, stupid. (Probably due to the stuttering.) Likewise they weren't too happy with the Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of York becaming Queen. Her nickname in the press was Cookie and they liked dismissing her as a royal tag along. Isn't it ironic that George VII and the Queen Mother are now held up as icons of royal standing.