Video Clips from the Nobel Prize - All Years

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Nov 8, 2002
This is information from the Nobel site

These are not my words I have copied them at the Nobel site
Must see

you need real player to watch the Videos


The 2001 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and Banquet
The 2001 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in the Oslo City Hall, Norway
a summary (14 min.)
The 2001 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall,
Sweden a summary (17 min.)
The 2001 Nobel Banquet in the City Hall of Stockholm, Sweden
a summary (13 min.)

Time Lapse Video
The Nobel Banquet at the City Hall of Stockholm, December 10, 2001
A live web camera took pictures every 15 seconds during the preparation
of the Nobel Banquet on December 9 and during the festivities on
December 10. The pictures have been spliced together into this two-
minute long Time Lapse Video.


The 2000 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and Banquet

The 2000 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, December 10, in the Stockholm
Concert Hall, Sweden

The Ceremony begins with the arrival of the Royal family, followed by the
King's Anthem.
The Nobel Laureates and representatives of the Prize- Awarding
Institutions arrive on stage.
The Nobel Laureates receive their Nobel Prizes from the hands of His
Majesty the King.

The 2000 Nobel Banquet, December 10, in the City Hall of Stockholm,

Views from the Nobel Banquet starting with prominent guests arriving.
Performance during the dinner in the The Blue Hall.
The lit dessert is being served.
After dinner dancing in the Golden Hall.


The 1999 Nobel

Brief description of the contents of the video:
The 1999 Nobel Banquet, December 10, at the City Hall of Stockholm,
External view of the City Hall
Prominent guests arrive
Champagne is served
Toast to His Majesty The King of Sweden
Toast to Alfred Nobel
Entertainment numbers
Dessert is being served
After dinner dancing


The 1998 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and Nobel Banquet

Brief description of the contents of the video:
The 1998 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony, December 10, in the Stockholm
Concert Hall, Sweden:
The Ceremony begins with the arrival of the Royal family (King Carl XVI
Gustaf, Queen Silvia and Princess Lilian), followed by the King's Anthem.

The Nobel Laureates and representatives of the Prize-Awarding Institutions arrive on stage.
The Nobel Laureates receive their Nobel Prizes from the hands of His Majesty the King.

The 1998 Nobel Banquet, December 10, in the City Hall of Stockholm,
Views from the Nobel Banquet starting with prominent guests arriving.

Performance by Katarina Dalayman, soprano.
The lit dessert is being served.
After dinner dancing in the Golden Hall.


To view this broadcast you need the RealPlayer from Realnetworks.
OK, I was just watching a 17minutesclip of the Nobel Prize 02 and lots of questions came to my mind.
I don´t even know where to start. lol.
First...are they getting up all the time? I mean, everytime someone gets the prize they get up and sit down and get up and sit down...!
Second...does anyone know how the programme is in detail? Isn´t there a gala dinner before, too? At what time does the ceremony take place? And where?
Third...Does anyone have a picture of the Royal Family from Nobel 1994 (when J. Nash got the prize in Economic Scienes or something)?
Fourth...when did the kings´sisters stop attending the ceremony?

It would be great to read your answers!
ok, thats alot of questions =)

1. The gala dinner is after the award cermony. The cermony usually begins at 4 am or something like that

2. The Nobel Awards is every year on December 10. The cermony is at Stockholm concert hall, and the dinner takes place in Stockholm city hall.

3. Princess Christina is there almost every year. The other sisters isn´t there that often, but I think they have attended the cermony some years ago. Not sure though.

Here´s some information from
The Prize Award Ceremonies and Banquets on December 10
Since 1901, the Nobel Prizes have been presented to the Laureates at ceremonies on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. As stipulated in the will of the Swedish-born inventor and international industrialist Alfred Nobel, which was opened after his death in 1896, the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, while the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway. Since 1969 an additional prize has been awarded at the ceremony in Stockholm, the Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, which was established in 1968 on the occasion of the Riksbank's 300th anniversary. The Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm has, almost without exception, taken place at the Stockholm Concert Hall (Stockholms Konserthus) since 1926. In Oslo, the ceremony was for many years held at the Nobel Institute. From 1947 till 1990, the setting was the auditorium of the University of Oslo. In 1990 the event moved to the Oslo City Hall.

At the Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm, presentation speeches extoll the Laureates and their discovery or work, after which His Majesty the King of Sweden hands each Laureate a diploma and a medal. The Ceremony is followed by a banquet at the Stockholm City Hall (Stockholms Stadshus) for about 1,300 people, including 250 students. With a few exceptions, the Nobel Banquet has taken place at the City Hall since 1930. The Nobel Festivities in Stockholm are arranged by the Nobel Foundation and are primarily an academic celebration focusing on science and literature. In addition to the Nobel Laureates and their families, Their Majesties the King and Queen and other members of the Royal Family of Sweden are guests of honour at both the Prize Award Ceremony and the Banquet. Representatives of the Swedish Government and Parliament also participate. International guests enjoy priority, especially those who represent the sciences and cultural life. Swedish guests are people who participate in Nobel-related functions in one capacity or another, aid the sciences through donations or otherwise support the Foundation and the Prize Awarding Institutions.
I hope you have seen this thread

what I want to know what other roylas besides the swedish has been at the Nobel Prize

Princess Benadicte of Denmark was last year..
Maybe they´re not really "royals", but Sonja Bernadotte and her daughter went, I think it was two years ago...?
Nice photos. I liked the videos too.
does someone know what royals have been at the nobel prize festivities?
I know a year or so back the danish princess Benedikte were there

don´t forget about the videos from the different nobel years
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A funny clip from the Nobel dinner 1993. The (in Sweden) famous choir "Orphei Drängar" acting sommelier ... and as a complete surprise to all, they suddenly starts to sing "Ein König ist der Wein " - " The wine is a king" (at 2:00) You can see that the guests get confused and amused! (and the commentators are surprised too)

YouTube - OD sjunger på Nobelfesten
There are full length videos of the ceremony and banquet from more recent years:
ceremony The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2009 - Media Player at
banquet The Nobel Banquet 2009

ceremony The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2008 - Media Player at
banquet The Nobel Banquet 2008

ceremony The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2007
banquet The Nobel Banquet 2007

ceremony The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2006
banquet The Nobel Banquet 2006

ceremony The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2005
banquet The Nobel Banquet 2005

There are also video summaries of earlier years on the website.
Video of the guests arriving to the King's dinner for the Nobel Laureates, 11th December 2015. The royals arrive last.
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