Oi gevalt. Am I the only one who is tired of people talking about what horrible people the Bushes are?
Whether or not you like them, they are the heads of state of the United States of America, and deserve some respect. Sure, George Bush II does plenty of things that I don't agree with, but he also does plenty of other things that I do agree with- things that people from other countries never hear about. However, he is not a horrible, terrible, disgusting person, as so many seem to believe. A lot of his problems are caused by a sensationalist media and idiot advisers.
Laura Bush has done more for children and literacy in this country than most people will ever know about. She is a lovely person.
And forgive me, but I'd much rather have the Bushes as heads of state than the perennially unstable, scandal-ridden Windsors or Grimaldis. But again, that's just my opinion. You get what you pay for.
In closing, let's get off of the current US president's back, please. Some of us are tired of hearing about it. Thanks.
Lollies and kisses!