There are sooooo many stories from this book in the norwegian papers theese days, and it dominates the TV and papers
Håvard Mælnes worked in Se og Hør for 9 years until he resigned, he has written the unauthorised book Mette-MArit -Priness against all odds. In thisnew book he reveals how se og hør works, how it has become the bigges weekly magazine in the nordic countries, and what he became working in that magazine. How honest he is about his intention is hard to say though

he surly is getting a gret deal of publicity and good booksales theese days. the rest of the press were waiting for him after he exit a popular talkshow this evening at NRK.
The editor of se og hør, Odd Johan Nelvik has been deffending his magazine theese last days, but today he was unable to meet Mælnes face to face on national TVs most popular talkshow because he has become sick

The other papers love to play holieer than thoù, and is litterally loving this book to pieces with all the dirt he serves on his old employer
some stories from the book
Mælnes says he has seen the bank accounts from several of the royals, se og hør payed to get copies of their transactions and he says he has seen both Märtha Louises and Ari Behns bank transactions
Se og hør payed a "friend" of Ari 20 000 kr to get a hold of where his bachellor party was beeing held, the same "friend" got 10 000 to send text messages to Mælnes
during the wedding dinner of Märtha and Ari Behn
If you understad norwegian you can read what all sorts of different celbreties are getting payed to help/pose/cooperate with the magazine.
a vivid description of how se og hør arranged the wedding of Sven O høiby to Renate Barsgård, it really makes you go
and how it was panic when a freelance photographer from VG got a hold of the secret wedding in Amsterdam and the couple had to be covered up and enter the embassy seperatly. Sven O never proposed to Renate but Se og Hør wrote over their front cover, and when Sven O told Mælnes he never asked her he just told him it was a minor detail.
The start of the cooperation was that Sven O Offered Mælnes 10 childhood pictures of Mette-Marit if they would write a nice story on her
He also said Nelvik sent him to London to buy spy camera in a pen and a coin with a hidden microfone in that they would get one of Mette-Marits “friends” to plant in a private gathering where Haakon and Mette-Marit would be, he claims the order to buy this comes directly from editor Nelvik. The plan leaked out in the circle of friends around the CP couple and the party was cancelled, the “moll” got 5000 in advance payment to plant the camera and bug
Nelvik spent most of yesterday denying that they ever used such things in their stories
the story in the topic title, loosly translated summary
2 reporters from se og hør, including Mælnes had camped outside their appartment and taken picture of her, Haakon and MArius in 2001 (as I understand it before the wedding but after the engagement which was in dec 2000)
At 15.00 she came out with a friend, she smiled at us, when she came back 16.15 with Haakon and Marius she said nothing but looked grumpy at us, Haakon talked to us in a friendly way. The third time she came back 16.54, she unlocked the door and she looked extremely displeased that we were taking pictures for the 3 time. Suddenly she turns and screams at my coworker “Can you not leave me alone? You are standing there the entire time. Don’t smile like that. You stand there with your **** smile, you make me sick, you are so **** disgusting
She was loud, it could be heard in the neighborhood, we did not respond but retired to the car, and was about to phone our boss that we would leave their home. Then she came running out. It was minus degrees but she was wearing only jeans and a thin top,
- Enough is enough, you stand her all day, every day of the week, how do you think I can be a mother when you follow me and my son all the time, I cannot do it anymore. My son does not want his pictures taken the whole time, but you do not show any understanding, how do you think Im going to take care of him like this? We have talked about this before, many times, but you only says “yes” and the next week you are back again
I don’t say much, my coworker mostly says "yes" and "we understand", but she does not retire, she gets louder and her language is quite corse. She was bending down talking to us trough the car window, using quite colorful language to describe the reporters in se og hør. She bangs her hands in the side of the car door to underline what she says and she is partly crying.
- How do you think we can cooperate when you do not play by the rules, Marius is sick today and he does not want his picture taken, we have talked about this before and you know not to take his picture when he don’t want to.
I tell her we are sorry and that we did not know he was sick and did not want his picture taken.
- But now you know. By the way you never show any respect, or think about how this is for me, I’m sure you have children, how would you feel if your child was followed around like this, no I don’t think you have thought that far at all.
She repeated this several times, sometimes she screamed, sometimes she cried and sometimes she spoke calmly, it was obvious that she froze, it was minus six and she had been outsider for ten minutes, the reporters ended the conversation and left
Another royal related story is that one of Norways richest men, Kjell Inge Røkke who is now married to one of Mette-Marits former bodyguards Anne Grethe Eidsvig, supposedly threatened Mælnes with death threats because of some stories they did on this couple. He also got so tired of Se og hør standing outside his, and Eidsvigs apparmtent while they were still dating, that he agreed to pose for what seemed like papparazzi pictures so that se og hør could get the first exclusives of them as a couple and then they would leave them alone, a deal se og hør swiftly broke. Røkke has according to Mælnes said that he thinks Nelvik and se og hør does not have one single decent hair in their intired body. Also other celbreties has been so tired of se og hør hunting them that they have agreed to posed for what seems like papprazzi pictures but that was agreed upon.
Felipes Ex Eva Sannum (now brunette

) was also giving a short interview about her experiences on TV today, and she said she was not suprised what has come out
there is plenty more juicy stories but i cant translate them all, and many of them not very interesting if one does not know the norwegian celbreties