It's so sad seeing how Simmone Simmons is now claiming all kinds of things about Diana. Personally, and remembering what a sense of humour the Princess had (and the fact that she sometimes purposely said something outrageous to see if she could trust someone - i.e. if it appeared in the Press she knew that person couldn't be trusted) I wonder in some instances whether Diana didn't do this with this particular 'friend'....i.e. tell her an outrageous claim to see if it appeared in the papers. I know this is certainly something Diana's brother, Earl Spencer, did with members of his own staff - he once told someone something quite sensational and then sat back to see what happened. Said staff member did, indeed, sell the story to the Press and was ultimately sacked.
Regarding Simone Simmons' claims, I don't, personally, think Diana did have a relationship with JFK Jnr and I certainly don't think she would've have had any kind of 'tryst' with George W. Bush (I even wonder whether she ever even met the current President?). These claims are just becoming more and more outrageous. I wonder if others agree with me in thinking Miss Simmons is just thinking up the biggest names in America and linking them to Diana in whatever way she can so as to promote and sell her book to the American market and/or people?
Kindest regards,