The Duchess of Sussex: Family and Background

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Sam just told the Sun KP didn't reach out to Dad

The meet story may have been a test to see if Dad or the half sibs would run to the press; and true to form Sam did in under 24 hours. By admitting Dad told her there was no outreach from KP Sam proved he will blab private details again and Sam will sell the story. They both walked into it. Meghan has no reason to talk to him now. Dad can forget being in the christening pictures of Harry and Meghan's firstborn.
There was a credible source quote at the time of the wedding mess that Meghan's relationship with him had always been strained because if his ill-thoughtout decisions and lack of responsibility. Those proved to be prophetic words post-wedding. Meghan did have phone and e-mail contact with her father and shared positive stories about his influence on her. Her father has also now not been present for the biggest milestones of her adult life when her mother has including both weddings and her UN speech. And no evidence that despite his pride in her career, which he could credit to his own guidance, that he ever visited her in Toronto over a seven year period. It can be easier to maintain some relationships and have positive thoughts when there is the security of geographic distance.
The Markle's are *true to form*.........:lol::lol::lol: as expected!

Wonder if Harry and Meghan called Richard up and gave him all the info so that it could be put out there for all to see and read......:lol::lol: yep, that is the story now......Meghan is inviting dad to live in BP with the Queen and HM thinks it is a great idea............??, Oh Osipi those *Pink Pigs* are really having a workout today.....:lol:
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My goodness so telling lies, making up stories and bashing her step-sister and then in cahoots with dad who tells all to the media and lies and betrays his daughter is now a very profitable business that she hires outside help.......:lol::lol: this gets funnier then ever as time goes by......
To paraphrase the immortal Sonny and Cher, and the beat goes on.

Just another of the hundreds of click bait stories that you all comment on, share, re-post, etc. that keep the media machine humming right along. They'll never turn on the Markles, not for years anyway, why would they kill the geese that are laying them golden eggs? The media has no scruples and a voracious appetite for dirt as long as it keeps getting the click$.
To paraphrase the immortal Sonny and Cher, and the beat goes on.

Just another of the hundreds of click bait stories that you all comment on, share, re-post, etc. that keep the media machine humming right along. They'll never turn on the Markles, not for years anyway, why would they kill the geese that are laying them golden eggs? The media has no scruples and a voracious appetite for dirt as long as it keeps getting the click$.

Was just at the DF website and saw that in the same time Sam's story about Meghan not coming to the US got 197 shares, a sweet little (non-) story about Mia Tindall got around 500 and the "top" story more than 2500. Talk about people interested in Samatha Grant's stuff....
At the end of the day, this is Meghan's decision. None of us know how she really feels, or what is going on behind the scenes regarding her family. If she feels that meeting her father and working on their relationship is the best solution, then so be it. Folks may not like it, but it's not our relationship. This is between Meghan and her dad.

Agreed. And the same if she doesn't. People have to stop trying to force it on her. At the end of the day only Meghan knows what is best for her. She knows her family. She will handle how she sees fit.

Not surprised Samantha is denying the story. She is the Markle mouthpiece these days. And she even commented on Palmer's tweet basically calling the story BS and attacked Meghan, again. Also her new publicist works with The Mirror?

That explains it all.
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A couple of quick thoughts....

1) Samantha's tweet in reference to Harry and Meghan retreating shows that she has no idea how the BRF works. Though to be fair, why should she? Until Meghan married into the BRF, unless she was like us and had a royal interest, she would have no idea that the BRF tends to "disappear" during the month of August. So if she thinks that Harry and Meghan are retreating because of the "heat" brought on by the Markle's she has another thing coming.

2) Calling her sister Cruelle de Ville is so Samantha and again, shows more about her than Meghan.

3) Which reminds me...she is so intent on Meghan calling their father for his birthday and Father's Day...makes me wonder if Samantha has called ANY of her kids for their bithday and did she wish Roslyn a Happy Mother's Day.

4) At the end of the day, we don't know the intricacies of Meghan's relationship with her father. She is on record several times saying that she had strained relationship with her father. That doesn't mean that she didn't/doesn't love him. You can love someone and still realize that they are toxic in your life and keep them at arm's length.

5) I do think Harry should have met Thomas Sr., in the beginning but correct me if I am wrong, haven' the Sussex's attempted to see Thomas? Didn't he acknowledge that and say he said, we can get together later?

6) Someone needs to let Samantha know, just because something is reported in the papers (especially the British tabloids with no name attached to it) doesn't make it so. Now, she is saying its a PR Stunt? Whose stunt?

Someone is over playing their hand and is not Meghan.

And its not going to bet better while Meghan and Harry are in Australia.

I agree with you on all your points yet the thing is, Sam keeps saying the *same song* over and over again in a hundred different ways.......same song and dance now for how long? This person is bent on causing trouble any which way she can, nothing is off limits with her. If anything Meghan has given her indirectly everything she has at this point, money, has the media in her pocket so she thinks, on the world stage, name is now very well know, maybe a stunt on a TV show (regardless of the type of show), and now reported she *hired* a publicist of all things.......all this came about by bashing her step-sister for without Meghan she is nothing and would have nothing.

How can it get worse when Harry and Meghan go down under, more interviews, more lies, more gossip, haven't we all here seen and read all that she has spewed out of her mouth so what, more the same when they are off working for the family...... it is the tabloids that are keeping this alive and trying to *force* Meghan into something that will quickly backfire on her big time....I think the way KP/BP and the royal family are handling this by not giving them a word is the very best policy for all concerned here.
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Sam just told the Sun KP didn't reach out to Dad

The meet story may have been a test to see if Dad or the half sibs would run to the press; and true to form Sam did in under 24 hours. By admitting Dad told her there was no outreach from KP Sam proved he will blab private details again and Sam will sell the story. They both walked into it. Meghan has no reason to talk to him now. Dad can forget being in the christening pictures of Harry and Meghan's firstborn.

The biggest dead to rights giveaway that this meeting will never happen comes from Samantha's own mouth. She states "I talk to my dad every day". We know why. Do we really think that Tom, Sr. Meghan and Harry could meet and work things out and Tom *not* tell Sam everything? Do we really think that Meghan would give Tom a personal contact number and have him keep it confidential?

I think I just heard that portcullis slam down even harder now and fresh piranhas are added to the moat.

6) Someone needs to let Samantha know, just because something is reported in the papers (especially the British tabloids with no name attached to it) doesn't make it so. Now, she is saying its a PR Stunt? Whose stunt?

Oh most definitely, according to Sam, this is a ploy by Meghan to make herself look better. This is how she'll twist it and turn it to make it look like Daddy Dearest is being used like a pawn in a game of chess. That thought would easily come to her because that's exactly what she, herself, is doing. ;)
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She called her Cruella? Seriously? Wow, what a creative woman little Samantha is

Insecurity and ignorance are those things a human being bears least
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I know I’m alone on the forums in thinking that Mr. Markle and Meghan and Harry should sit down and talk things out and come to some understandings, but it’s the only way I can think of calming the Markle Debacle down and putting it in the past.

Now perhaps these talks could involve Sam and Tom Jr., but I’m just focusing on Meghan’s dad at the moment.

Of course I could be totally wrong here.

At the moment Meghan's Dad is trying to force his way to his daughter through all means and I don't think this is the right time to talk to him. He will see it as a victory for his strategy and I don't see him change his tactics when they have proven to work.

Plus the tabloids will feel victorious, too, and not cease to go after Meghan. So she can only loose, for even if her father promises her everything, as soon as Sam gets her claws in him again he will see everything again her way and not stop.

I think it will take quite some time for the Markles to learn that the media is not interested in them, only in their chance to get attention from Meghan, that the publishers are much better off to make a truce with Harry than support the Markles in the long-term.

My personal guess is that Meghan has been through this already when it came to pay her father's debt (she would still be handling over her personal wealth if she started it, IMHO) and be used and abused by her father's first family. She knows the only chance is to cut them all off till they accept that she won't relent and then try to make some sort of peace with them without giving them the means to sell her out again to the media.

I'm so glad she led an impeccable life (apart from her divorce) before Harry and that her choices in men turn out to be fine. That her first husband is a gentleman after all and that with Harry she'll have a HEA.
I agree with everything you wrote, zonk, except the first part.

Samantha is acting like she has some insider knowledge on the BRF, Diana etc, when she's extremely ignorant, and it's embarrassing for her. She keeps saying how Diana this and Diana that, when a very quick google search would prove her completely wrong.

Samantha and TM think that their tweets and interviews have any effect on the RF and even Harry and Meghan. They don't. And each tweet they send and interview they give, they show their hand more and more.
If Sam is trying to discredit the Palmer tweet she realized the Sun interview confirmed Dad will spill the beans about the reunion and she just blew the big score: access to the platinum life of a royal. Dad may not be too happy with his firstborn right now so Sam is desperately trying to clean up the new mess she just made. The publicist Sam just hired is useless; if he was any good this Sun interview would not have happened.
Samantha definitely overplaying her hand. All she does is confirm why Meghan walked away. She said "Meghan's word against ours" as if that really means something when she rants her feelings every day. We haven't heard from Meghan. All we have seen her do is live her life.

Thomas and Samantha have become a little duo. You can tell this is everything to Samantha and she never passes an opportunity by to yell how much attention "the daddy" has finally tossed her way after likely begging for it for decades. That is the source of her animosity.

I think Samantha is happy Meghan has had this public fallout with Thomas. It is a 2 for 1 special. She gets their dad's attention and she gets to trash on Meghan. The joke on her is that the moment Meghan tosses him a bone is then Samantha will be tossed to the side... again. So this will never end.
Sam was the mastermind of the staged pap pics so she and Dad have no credibility. Dad must really be mad at her for that interview.
Sr. primarily talks to the mirror so it seems either the mirror is making the story up based on speculation or Sr. leaked the story.
This is just another case of people having sheepleosis. That's why I say that Samantha and her father bleat all the time. They're hanging their hopes, their futures and their bank accounts on someone else's prominence on the world stage. It won't last. its already becoming to the majority of people something that resembles a circus sideshow.

There have been quite a few siblings that have ridden on the crumbs of a brother or sister that has made it big in the public eye. Anyone remember Billy Beer? Or Roger Clinton having a small role in the sitcom "The Nanny"? We have Jon Bon Jovi's dad peddling spaghetti sauce. There are also two women that because of a name, have received a lot of attention because of it but in the case of Pippa Middleton, she never cashed in on it using her sister but it gave her some advantages. The same with Stella McCartney. McCartney though earned her reputation by her designs and not because of who her father is. The attention given to the Markles is solely because of their gross negativity, their own gross sense of entitlement and their own greed for money and fame. That's fool's gold.

Right now Meghan is brights and new and shiny coming into the royal family. A few fools are cashing in on that. Meghan though will not fade away in time but continue to grow in her role and she and Harry have a bright future ahead of themselves. Obscurity awaits the sideshow. It will not stand the test of time. There is absolutely nothing about the sideshow that has staying power.

Basically, when we really look at it, anything the Markles bleat and are given print space is about as relevant to Meghan's life and times as the flash in the pan pearl clutching over a wardrobe malfunction. Those things come and go and are quickly forgotten.

To be real, looking at the Markles, there isn't one thing about Meghan that could come out of their mouths now and actually be believed to be true. They could state that Meghan committed a felony back in her teenage years and was never caught and it would be laughed away as attention seeking, defamation of character and just plain old sour grapes on their part.

If, and its a big if, the meeting being planned between Meghan and her father in LA at the end of August was a ploy like Harry and William use to determine their "circle of trust" was indeed a "test" of the waters, both Tom, Sr. and Samantha have sunk that boat they were in. They fell for the trap hook, line and sinker.

Meghan's relationship with her father, at this stage can only be described as one thing. Its a FUBAR. The siblings never stood a chance to begin with.
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This madness will be a never ending story, if something isn’t done to help stop it.

The tides will turn at some point. Right now everyone is on Meghan’s side, but I feel the Markle Debacle blowback will make its way to the doorsteps of KP at some point.

The Duchess don’t deserve this kind of treatment.
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I sincerely believe at this point that its going to be never ending madness even if something is done about it.

The only end in sight is when the Markles, themselves, give up the ghost and concede defeat, run out of steam or the tabloids lose interest or all of the above. ?
This madness will be a never ending story, if something isn’t done to help stop it.


The Duchess don’t deserve this kind of treatment.

I certainly agree with your last line. But I just don't buy the idea that there's anything to stop it beyond Samantha and Sr. deciding for themselves that they're tired of it or the tabloids getting tired of hearing the exact same thing from those two over and over. Sitting down with him could buy Meghan a short-term detente, but as long as Samantha's in the picture to keep whispering in his ear Sr. will be a moving target. And if the press get wind of her talking to him, it just breathes more life in to the story and delays the day when the press get bored and move on to a new scandal.

You've said they need resolution; sometimes the only possible resolution is to stop engaging. Not everything can be talked out. Sometimes conversation can only fan the flames.
It was only 2 years ago she posted this message to her Instagram. Would be a shame if things can’t be repaired between them.

She has praised her father publicly in the past but she knows him better than we do. She knows he has issues where Doria is concerned. Think about it, he praised Doria in the GMB interview and claims to still care about her to bashing Doria in The Sun interview saying she has an 'attitude' (don't get me started on how problematic that is).
He is jealous of the goodwill towards Doria that she received from the press and the BRF. He listens to Samantha/Yvonne who feeds the animus he has for Doria.

Until he stops listening to Samantha/Yvonne; there is no hope of a reconciliation.
I sincerely believe at this point that its going to be never ending madness even if something is done about it.

The only end in sight is when the Markles, themselves, give up the ghost and concede defeat, run out of steam or the tabloids lose interest or all of the above. ?

If something isn’t done to at least calm the waters, it’s all going to heat up. Especially when the joyous family news is announced in the near future.

I believe Samantha’s issue is more on the jealousy side. I don’t think there’s much hope on that front.

Tom and Meghan can come work things out. They just need to get together as a family and talk. I still think a lot of this drama was avoidable.
If something isn’t done to at least calm the waters, it’s all going to heat up. Especially when the joyous family news is announced in the near future.

I believe Samantha’s issue is more on the jealousy side. I don’t think there’s much hope on that front.

Tom and Meghan can come work things out. They just need to get together as a family and talk. I still think a lot of this drama was avoidable.

The Markles can heat things up to their hearts content but its not going to affect Harry and Meghan. The ones that will be affected by the "joyous family news" and be left on the outside looking in are those that are detrimental to Meghan's health and well being.

I have seen absolutely nothing to indicate at this time that Tom, Sr. deserves and rates any kind of consideration as a "father". Can you in all honesty say that you would be willing to talk to someone that tells you they're going to talk to the press and state whatever they want to about you unless you pay attention to them and treat them like they're demanding you treat them? Would you sincerely want to interact with a person that repeatedly says nasty things about you and your loved ones to all and sundry? Most importantly, would you really want to "calm the waters" with someone that's going to use it to their advantage and bleat to the world "I got you to do what I wanted you to so neener, neener, neener (insert raspberry here)" and twist everything that you thought was a kind and generous act into a ploy to bribe, cajole, push and shove and perhaps even pay them off for their "silence"? We know Samantha is behind everything in this and she's just waiting to take a drop of water and turn it into an ocean for her own perverse pleasure. Her "father" is her puppet in the game right now and she's gleefully pulling the strings.

The Markles (and this includes her father) right now are trying to grab Meghan by the proverbial short hairs and force an issue. Would you, in all honesty, put yourself into that kind of a vulnerable position?

I think back and remember when there was the first glimmer of a hope of a royal wedding between Harry and Meghan and stating that perhaps Meghan would be kind and invite the half siblings to the wedding to pacify them. Now, I'm totally convinced that she was doing the right thing in excluding them from the very beginning.
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Meghan praising her father two years ago doesn't change the facts of today. Relationships change, as was mentioned with Tom going from praising to attacking Doria.

Social media can hide true feelings. A sweet picture can mask reality all the time. Not to say she doesn't love her father but if we really looked through her account you saw pictures with her mom frequently and all her images of her dad were "throwbacks".

I do think it speaks volumes that Harry clearly formed a relationship with Doria prior to IG when we saw her with them. The way he spoke of her vs how they acted at the mention of Thomas said a lot. Also Meghan's "I have always cared.." said another tale.

Meghan will do what is best. This is only a story because of the Markles need to broadcast for attention. If they would stop this likely could have been resolved by now. Thomas was offered everything Doria was. He said it out his own mouth. Meghan shouldn't have to bend over backwards for this man and thankfully she hasn't.

If he is truly sincere he will shut up.
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