I have to support Naggi here: regarding credibility Mary and Fred stay way behind their possibilities.This is a goodlooking, intelligent and stylish couple which is not a disadvantage at all
, but when it comes to having something important or significant to say or do they are not really convincing. Rania, Maxima, Mette-Marit have strong opinions and are not afraid to say what they think ( just saw a documentary about Rania and her husband-wow these people really know what discrimination, terror and poverty mean and fight against it!). It is true that as a Royal you should be very careful when it comes to political issues but you still can make a difference. If you are clever you know how to do it if you really want.
From posts like that I do get the feeling the only thing Mary and Frederik stay way behind their possibilities is self-promotion.
Mary and Frederik definitely have strong opinions and they are not afraid to say what they think - in Denmark.
Apparently what they need are more documentaries, more appearances on TV-shows, more glamourous causes like AIDS or landmines which are well known causes anyhow and automatically give a person credibility.
Just look at MM. The moment she was appointed special representative of UNAIDS she was praised for her commitment. But did she really make a difference in those last 2 years?
And why is everything Mary has done in the same period of time for various organisations and causes in Denmark (cancer, heart disease, mental health, obesity..) considered as insignificant. Why do you think that she hasn't made a difference?
(Those are just rhetorical questions. You don't have to answer them.
I think part of the "job" of a cp/(future) queen is to support organisations (of course she is only the front woman and most work is done by persons who are unknown to the public, but that's the same for all royal women), to raise awareness, to highlight issues, to destroy prejudices.
In the 80ies AIDS was an issue that needed all this, and Diana did a great job here, but nowadays?
I like Mette-Marit but I actually think she profited more from UNAIDS than the AIDS issue profited from her.
I am more impressed with MM's other engagements and I actually think that she and Mary have a lot in common, both seem to focus on the social outsiders in their countries.
IMO Mary is doing a great job, I actually like the fact that she is supporting various causes and not focusing on one or two only like e.g. Maxima.
Perhaps Mary would be more "convincing" for some if she would engage herself in fewer areas but I personally think the more causes are highlighted and supported the better. They are important, not the personal image.
IMO Frederik could improve a bit though.
Moreover, it bothers me if a CPss has to take on causes with a high media profile in order to be acknowledged for her efforts!
You said it much better and shorter than I.