Swedish State Visit to Lithuania: October 7-9, 2015

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Imperial Majesty
Jun 22, 2007
The King and Queen will pay a State visit to Lithuania on 7-9 October 2015 by the invitation of President Dalia Grybauskaite. The minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström and Minister for Enterprise and Innovation Mikael Damberg represent the government at the state visit.
The theme of the visit is "The Baltic Sea unites us" and the aim is to recognize and further strengthen the Swedish-Lithuanian cooperation, both politically, culturally and economically.
Statsbesök i Litauen 7–9 oktober 2015 - Sveriges Kungahus
The court press release of accreditation, about the program:

Wednesday, October 7
The welcoming ceremonies are followed with the meeting with the president in the presidential palace, visit to the Seimas (the Parliament) and meeting with the speaker. In the evening President Grybauskaite hosts a state banquet.

Thursday, October 8 - Research and Science
The King and Queen and the business delegation participate in the Swedish Business Forum & Awards. Then they visit companies in the energy sector, telecommunications and startup values ​​within IT, and Vilnius University's new research facility Sunrise Valley.

Friday, October 9 - "The Baltic Sea unites us"
In Klaipeda the royal couple among others visits the Marine Environmental Research Institute and go aboard the marine research vessel Mintis, which houses a laboratory. A visit to NordBalt for the presentation of ongoing power line projects completes the visit.
Statsbesök i Litauen 7-9 oktober 2015 – ackreditering - Sveriges Kungahus
Info about the state visit from the website of the President of the Republic of Lithuania.
The state visit will start on Wednesday, October 7, with a meeting between the President and King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. The meeting will focus on economic and cultural cooperation between the two countries and regional security.
After the meeting at the Presidential Palace, the President together with the royal couple will pay tribute to the defenders of freedom, who have lost their lives, in Antakalnis Cemetery.
On Thursday, October 8, the President and the King of Sweden will attend the Swedish Business Awards ceremony, which celebrates its tenth anniversary.
During the Swedish royal couple’s visit, special focus will be placed on the Baltic Sea which connects Lithuania and Sweden, its ecology and protection. On Friday, October 9, the President together with the King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden will arrive at the seaside. There they will visit the Nagliai Nature Reserve in the Curonian Spit, get acquainted with dolphin therapy, visit the Klaipėda University maritime research vessel Mintis and the Palanga Amber Museum.
The Swedish royal couple will also meet with the leadership of the Seimas and the Government, visit the National Open Access Scholarly Communication and Information Center (SCIC), the Saulėtekis valley of science, business and studies, the Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid, and the reconstructed transformer substation in Klaipėda, which is an integral part of the Nordbalt power link.
Queen Silvia will attend a Seimas-hosted conference on children’s literature and a round-table discussion dedicated to fighting human trafficking. The Queen will also visit Vilnius University and attend a festive concert at the Church of St. Johns in Vilnius.
The Swedish royal couple to arrive in Lithuania at the invitation of the President _ President of the Republic of Lithuania
The swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs updates information about the state visit here:
State Visit to Lithuania (with images, tweets) · Utrikesdep · Storify

From the president's website:
14:00 The President meets with King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden on state visit to Lithuania
15:05 The President and the Swedish royal couple visit Antakalnis Cemetery
19:00 State dinner hosted by the President in honor of the King of Sweden
The President’s Engagements _ President of the Republic of Lithuania

The king and queen arrived to Vilnius, photo from the Facebook of the Embassy
Another photo

Waiting for the royal couple, gallery from the Facebook of the President

Į Lietuvą atvyko Švedijos karališkoji pora - DELFI
Prezidentė Švedijos monarchus pasitiko su žėrinčiomis dovanomis _ Aktualijos _ lrytas.lt


Gallery from the website of the president


At the Antakalnis Cemetery, gallery from the website of the president
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Kungaparet åkte österut för statsbesök i Litauen _ Svensk Damtidning

Kungaparet framme för presidentbesöket _ Nyheter _ Expressen

Visiting Seimas (Parliament), meeting the Speaker of Seimas Loreta Graužinienė. They saw also A memorial situated at the house of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania which immortalizes the memory of defenders of Lithuania’s freedom and events of January 13th. On 13 January 1991, an attempt was made to carry out a coup using the armed forces. During the assault on Vilnius TV tower and Tele Radio Committee office by the Soviet military units, 14 Lithuanians lost their lives. Fragments of parliamentary defence fortification remained at the houses of the Seimas were incorporated into the memorial.
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The king and queen visited the Vilnius University Library, their signatures at the guest book.

The queen inaugurated the Swedish Institute's touring photo exhibition AccessAbility. The photography exhibition AccessAbility displays the stories and photos of Lithuanian and Swedish people with different disabilities. This exhibition aims to initiate conversations and strengthen international cooperation on accessibility, dignity and disability policies.

The queen's speech (in english)
H.M. Drottningens tal vid öppningen av utställningen AccessAbility , onsdagen den 7 oktober i Vilnius, Litauen - Sveriges Kungahus

Video: the welcoming ceremonies, changing the gifts, leaving the Presidential Palace.
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Compared to Queen Silvia, Lithuanian women are massive.
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Thanks for catching my mistake!:flowers:
Well ... I am sure that there are people, who find Mrs Grybauskaite stylish. Latvian ladies are the most attractive for me.
About the first day at the court website
Kungaparets statsbesök till Litauen - Sveriges Kungahus


Video from the dinner
Kaip prezidentūroje puotavo Švedijos karaliai ir iškilūs žmonės_ _ Lrytas.tv

In the morning the king and queen attended at the meeting of the business delegations of Sweden and Lithuania.

Queen Silvia and the Speaker of Seimas at the conference on Children's literature

"As a mother and grandmother, I know how important for children to want to give an opportunity to read, to open the way into literature. Books are also as bridges. In Sweden it is very important that all children have access to books. The children need books, not just the Internet, as good literature gives the child a place in the world, and the world finds it's place for children".
Švedijos karalienė_ „Svarbu vaikams suteikti galimybę skaityti“ _ Aktualijos _ lrytas.lt
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Thank you for posting the video and links, LadyFinn. I must say, I am very impressed so far with this state visit - the ceremonials and everything were carried out very nicely and I like all the gifts too!
The queen and the speaker of Seimas at a round table discussion on "United in the fight against trafficking of human beings".

The queen's speech at the discussion (in english)
H.M. Drottningens tal vid rundabordskonferens om Människohandel och trafficking , torsdagen den 8 oktober i Vilnius, Litauen - Sveriges Kungahus

The King and the President delivered the Swedish Business Awards.
Švedijos karalius ir prezidentė apdovanojo verslininkus - DELFI galerijos

Queen Silvia at a concert at the Church of St. Johns in Vilnius. She met Vytautas Landsbergis, who was the Head of State when the king and queen did their state visit to Lithuania in 1992.
Švedijos karalienės vizitas VU_ tarp politikų ir mokslininkų _ Aktualijos _ lrytas.lt

The King visited Litgrid, the most modern power system control centre in the Baltic countries and got acquainted with the history of Lithuanian power system control.
Litgrid D. Virbickas: We aim to become the Baltic Sea region’s energy competence centre

The king visited company Teo. During the meeting, he was introduced to Teo company's history with a brief comparison of how telecommunications market have developed in Sweden and Lithuania - the introduction of the telegraph in Sweden in 1853. and Lithuania in 1859.
Švedijos karalius išgirdo, kuo po 10 m. užsiims „Teo“ ir „Omnitel“ - Verslo žinios

About the orders and gifts
The president awarded state decorations to the royal couple. King Carl XVI Gustaf was presented with the Order of Vytautas the Great with the golden chain and Queen Silvia was awarded the Grand Cross of the Order for Merits to Lithuania. The Swedish King presented Grybauskaitė with the highest Swedish decoration - the Royal Order of the Seraphim. During the meeting, state gifts were also exchanged. Grybauskaitė presented the royal couple with a work of art by Lithuanian artists - a ceramic dish - and the photo album Splendid Country. A blue glass vase created by Swedish designers and a photo album with the images of Swedish cities and nature - such was the gift from the Swedish royal couple.
Lithuanian president_ Swedish royal visit is consolidation of bonds between the countries - EN.DELFI
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Prime minister Algirdas Butkevičius and his wife hosted a lunch in honor of the king and queen. And after that the king, queen, the prime minister and his wife visited the Saulėtekis valley (Sunrise valley) of Technology and Innovation.
Premjeras A. Butkevičius_ labai vertiname draugystę su Švedija _ Ministras Pirmininkas
Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius met with Swedish Royal Family – His Majesty King Carl Gustaf XVI and Queen Silvia _ Prime Minister

Pippi Långstrump finns i Litauen också _ Svensk Damtidning


Before the visit, queen Silvia has been interviewed to a magazine about social responsibility, the dangers of drugs and refugee crisis, on the cover
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Prime minister Algirdas Butkevičius and his wife hosted a lunch in honor of the king and queen. And after that the king, queen, the prime minister and his wife visited the Saulėtekis valley (Sunrise valley) of Technology and Innovation.
Premjeras A. Butkevičius_ labai vertiname draugystę su Švedija _ Ministras Pirmininkas

Looking at the picture and many others throughout the years, I wonder if Carl Gustaf occasionally feels unease about being so short according to (northern) European standards.

I say that because, being also short myself, it bothered me somewhat, especially when I was younger. I am not of northern European origin or a king though...
The king and queen made an exception and talked with the swedish and lithuanian press. They usually don't do that with the press at a state visit (In Finland they made an exception too). The king wanted that also the swedish journalists spoke english so that everyone understood and as many questions as possible could be handled at that short time.
Å*vedijos karalienÄ— prisiminÄ—, kas Lietuvoje 1992 m. jai labiausiai įstrigo - DELFI galerijos

The king calls for a dialogue between Sweden and Russia.
- Only if one can keep a dialogue open between the countries that have eliminated much, he says.
Concerns about Vladimir Putin have been high on the agenda during the royal couple's state visit to Lithuania.
- We have obviously discussed it with the president.
The King also responded to the question why it is so important to have good relations with the countries around the Baltic Sea:
- We'll try to have relationships with all the countries. I have visited many countries that are of interest to Sweden, it is obviously important both politically and for the business community. We have good relationships.
In Lithuania, many appreciate the close cooperation with Sweden, according to the King.
- Both politicians, the population and countries feel that there is a neighboring country that wants to be with and help and support.
During the press conference the king commented also the large flow of refugees to Europe.
- It is a big challenge for all of us. We must pull together to take care of all the people coming. They suffer a lot and many carry traumatic experiences in their home countries. People don't leave their country if they don't have to. It is the most important issue right now.
The fact that Sunday is time for a new royal baptism in Drottningholm Church the royal couple commented:
- We are getting pretty used to it, so everything goes according to the program. I have checked everything, and everything is absolutely perfect, said the king.
The Queen, however, wanted to clarify:
- We are very happy. It is very special when a grandchild will be baptized. It is very important to us. It is not just a family gathering, it is also very important.
Kungen uppmanar till dialog mellan Sverige och Ryssland _ Nyheter _ Expressen

Video from Wednesday
Drottningens tårar för offren i Litauen _ Kungligt _ Expressen.tv

Photos from the dinner the king and queen hosted in honor of the President
Valdovų rūmuose – išrinktųjų vakarienė su Švedijos karaliais _ Veidai ir vardai _ lrytas.lt
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About the second day at the court website
Kungaparets statsbesök till Litauen – dag 2 - Sveriges Kungahus

Kungaparet bjöd presidenten på galamiddag _ Svensk Damtidning

Expressen's reporter Niklas Svensson tells at his Instagram, that the king was very happy and spontaneous at the dinner on Thursday
The king asked the swedish ambassador in Lithuania, Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin, to sing before the coffee. And the ambassador sang.

From the Facebook of Vilnius University

About Friday's program from the President's website:
The President and the Swedish royal couple visit the Nagliai Nature Reserve in the Curonian Spit, the Lithuanian Sea Museum, the transformer substation Nord Balt, and the Palanga Amber Museum

The king, queen and the president at the Curonian Spit
Švedijos karališkąją porą sužavėjo Mirusios kopos _ Aktualijos _ lrytas.lt
Prezidentė ir Švedijos karališkoji pora lankosi Naglių gamtos rezervate, Kuršių nerijoje

Short video at the Curonian Spit

At the Lithuanian Sea Museum. They visited the Dolphins Assisted Therapy Centre and Marine Research Ship Mintis.
Prezidentė drauge su Švedijos Karaliumi Karlu XVI Gustavu ir Karaliene Silvija lankosi Lietuvos jūrų muziejuje
Švedijos karališkoji pora lankėsi Jūrų muziejuje _ ve.lt

The king planting a tree
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HQ photos from the trip at the court website:

The king and queen talked with the press in Klaipeda on Friday.
They visited the country also 23 years ago.
- It's filled with impressions when you have done things like on this three day visit. We have taken note of what the hosts have wanted to show. This has involved the parts of the University with high-tech, laser technology and here in Klaipeda we have looked at a setup where we have been and supplied cable from southern Sweden, which will supply this country with electricity and power for the future. So there's a breadth of this that I think is very exciting, said the king.
What does the queen take with her to Sweden from the visit?
- The comparison with how it was here in 1992 when we visited the University and students. Now they have built it out and there are many who want to study Swedish and want to be a bridge between Sweden and Lithuania. They are interpreters, translators, they are working on various Swedish firms, they see their future in this training. It was very nice and fun to see. I want to congratulate Lithuania for the development that has happened. I and the king have been here at various times. You can see the development they have gone through and they really should be congratulated, it is wonderful.
Visit to Klaipeda Friday with a trip to the famous sand dunes of Nagli on the Curonian Spit. Then there was tree planting near the Dolphinarium - where the mayor Vytautas Grubliauskas played the trumpet.
King and Queen visited the dolphinarium at the Sea Museum where there is a therapy section for children with disabilities.
When they came to Nordbalt's facility, they received a presentation of the technology behind electric cable which will open in November and become a link between Lithuania and Sweden's electricity. The king and queen followed the instructions and put helmet on during the tour, but the president refused, she has got her own haircut named after her, "Dalia-hairdo", it had to do with that. According to the president's employees, she doesn't wear a helmet or hat.
At 18 o'clock took the royal couple farewell to President Dalia Grybauskaite. The popular president has participated in a large part of the royal couple's program during the visit, and she noted at a press briefing on Friday that this had been "a very valuable visit".
Drottningen_ _Hon vill inte riktigt lyssna till föräldrarna_ _ Nyheter _ Expressen

Famille royale de Suède en photos - Silvia très élégante en terre lituanienne
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About the second day at the court website
Kungaparets statsbesök till Litauen – dag 2 - Sveriges Kungahus

Kungaparet bjöd presidenten på galamiddag _ Svensk Damtidning

Expressen's reporter Niklas Svensson tells at his Instagram, that the king was very happy and spontaneous at the dinner on Thursday
The king asked the swedish ambassador in Lithuania, Cecilia Ruthström-Ruin, to sing before the coffee. And the ambassador sang.

From the Facebook of Vilnius University

About Friday's program from the President's website:
The President and the Swedish royal couple visit the Nagliai Nature Reserve in the Curonian Spit, the Lithuanian Sea Museum, the transformer substation Nord Balt, and the Palanga Amber Museum

The king, queen and the president at the Curonian Spit
Švedijos karališkąją porą sužavėjo Mirusios kopos _ Aktualijos _ lrytas.lt
Prezidentė ir Švedijos karališkoji pora lankosi Naglių gamtos rezervate, Kuršių nerijoje

Short video at the Curonian Spit

At the Lithuanian Sea Museum. They visited the Dolphins Assisted Therapy Centre and Marine Research Ship Mintis.
Prezidentė drauge su Švedijos Karaliumi Karlu XVI Gustavu ir Karaliene Silvija lankosi Lietuvos jūrų muziejuje
Švedijos karališkoji pora lankėsi Jūrų muziejuje _ ve.lt

The king planting a tree

My Goodness!! The Ambassador has a voice!! She really has a beautiful and lovely pure tone and...Wow!! :)

It sounds like it was a wonderful and enjoyable visit for both Countries. Which can only be for the good for the Relationship between the two. :)

Sent from my iPad using The Royals Community mobile app
The court tells that the royal couple ended the state visit in "Bärnstensmuséet Palanga"
The court tells that the royal couple ended the state visit in "Bärnstensmuséet Palanga"

Yes, it is the Palanga Amber Museum and there are photos of the king and queen there at this thread.
I was in the Amber Museum in 2007.

The manor is former home for Counts Tyshkevich (Tiškevičiai).
My pics:


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