Well, as she is the fashion queen, I am interested in her shoes, I mean her "normal" shoes she wears every day, not the ones to the gala dresses. Are there pictures?
Wow, I´ve never seen such "Big Foot"-Flip-Flops, but it looks cute. And I´ven´t known that DKNY produces this kind of sport-shoes. Everyday a new lection for Lena
And what brand are those walking shoes which she and her twin (louise) wear on the london-pic? Reebok?
you know Princess Diana have more famous shoes than her! do you? i like her shoes i would disagree about it!
Princess Diana had more famous shoes since she got marriage in 1981 til she dies 1997 she had over 100 i think so! she is Queen of styles because she is so popular Princess of Britain than Sophie and Anne.
I like Princess Diana's regular shoes and dressing shoes makes me so famous! i read in dressing Diana and lots more!
What about Bankworld?! Then you would have enough money to buy all the nice cloths, shoes and accessories etc. But not too much money of course I wouldn't want to be greedy.