State Visit from the President of France: March 26-27, 2008

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Heir Apparent
Jul 6, 2007
I know it's next month but some news from today are, hum....interesting.:bang:

Speedy Sarkozy cuts short Queen visit after confessing: 'I love my Paris bed too much' | the Daily Mail

It doesn't sound good at all. I can't imagine our "dear" Presidential couple, epitome of the "Bling bling" vulgarity, in Windsor.
Well i'm french, i'm pround of my country and my history but i must say that i'am totally ashamed by my head of state's behaviour, and his wife, gosh, did you know that she wants to bring her guitare with her during the visit and sing for the Queen?
The british members of the board must know something: Mr Sarkozy will use your Queen, and all the visit, for PR purpose.... "vive l'entente cordiale":bang:
Firstly, where has Mr Sarzoky actually said he loves his Paris bed too much? Secondly, so she wants to bring a guitar. It's not an A bomb.
Sam, look at the headline of the article Nico linked to; it's one of the Mail's second-hand allegations, but then again, Nico didn't claim that Sarkozy actually said it.
I know it's next month but some news from today are, hum....interesting.:bang:

Speedy Sarkozy cuts short Queen visit after confessing: 'I love my Paris bed too much' | the Daily Mail

It doesn't sound good at all. I can't imagine our "dear" Presidential couple, epitome of the "Bling bling" vulgarity, in Windsor.
Well i'm french, i'm pround of my country and my history but i must say that i'am totally ashamed by my head of state's behaviour, and his wife, gosh, did you know that she wants to bring her guitare with her during the visit and sing for the Queen?
The british members of the board must know something: Mr Sarkozy will use your Queen, and all the visit, for PR purpose.... "vive l'entente cordiale":bang:

Perhaps after viewing the photos of his wife during the meeting on February 23, he's not so sure his bride should be subjected to more than one night on display with the British Royals, or rather that the royals should be subjected to more than one night with her. I had hopes that, as a former model, Ms Bruni would have a bit of class and style. But after seeing the photos taken during the meeting on February 23, I have to wonder. Surely she will dress and behave (body language, facial expressions, etc.) more in keeping with her new role as First Lady during a state visit.


BTW Can she sing? Perhaps one should send earlugs (anonymously of course) to the Queen, in the event Carla should pull out here guitar.:rolleyes:
I know it's next month but some news from today are, hum....interesting.:bang:

Speedy Sarkozy cuts short Queen visit after confessing: 'I love my Paris bed too much' | the Daily Mail

It doesn't sound good at all. I can't imagine our "dear" Presidential couple, epitome of the "Bling bling" vulgarity, in Windsor.
Well i'm french, i'm pround of my country and my history but i must say that i'am totally ashamed by my head of state's behaviour, and his wife, gosh, did you know that she wants to bring her guitare with her during the visit and sing for the Queen?
The british members of the board must know something: Mr Sarkozy will use your Queen, and all the visit, for PR purpose.... "vive l'entente cordiale":bang:

Hi French compatriot :D! I also fear this meeting : Sarkozy doesn't seem to have a bit of decency to be in such presence. I'm also proud of being French (half-french only but still) but I feel completely shameful of the image the world has of us now, being ruled by a gutter press President and a folk singer ...
Sam, look at the headline of the article Nico linked to; it's one of the Mail's second-hand allegations, but then again, Nico didn't claim that Sarkozy actually said it.

Thats what I meant. Where in the Mail does it say he said it. It doesn't. As you say, a second hand allegation that people really shouldn't get worked up about.
Firstly, where has Mr Sarzoky actually said he loves his Paris bed too much? Secondly, so she wants to bring a guitar. It's not an A bomb.
For me the relation btw France and Great Britain is very special. Since Victoria all state visits btw these two nations had a "je ne sais quoi" of mixed glitter and friendship. Even Mitterrand, a socialist president, welcomed Elizabeth II with an infinite pump and respect in 1992. I was in paris during the 2004 queen's visit, it was the event of the year!
And voila, Mr Sarkozy (Mr "Get lost dumb ass" by the way) will use all the royal tradition as a background to sell the sexy concept of his new wife and to improve his own desastrous image. One night instead of two in Windsor is far enough for him, he wants just some glittering photos, he doesnt care about the rest...
It is very special but I think this witch hunt on Mr Sarzoky because he married a young pretty model is a bit much and it doesn't even come into our relationship with the French. It's the government we deal with, not Mrs Sarkozy. And what's the big deal if they only want to stay one night? Maybe they have more important engagements back in France?
It is very special but I think this witch hunt on Mr Sarzoky because he married a young pretty model is a bit much

No no no! You know what? We don't care, Good for him!! The big fact is that were are really really fed up with all this presidential soap opera: Sarkozy in the morning news, Sarkozy at noon, Sarkozy in the evening news: He's everywhere: Sarkozy with Bush, Sarkozy with the Pope, we hope Sarkozy on the moon very soon...
The upcomming state visit will be, again, another Sarkozy show...
HM has survived George Bush and she will survive the second most embarrassing head of state among the G8 states, Monsieur Bling Bling. Looking at the last pics when Carla presented herself as first lady for the first time I wonder what is going on between those two. Maybe she'll cancel her stay shortly after arrival due to a throat infection, giving Sarko a dejavue, here we go again, another wife who doesn't fancy doing her duty. However, I do hope she does not turn up in black jeans and black sneakers again. Can't wait for some witty remarks from Philip leaking out to the media :lol:
No no no! You know what? We don't care, Good for him!! The big fact is that were are really really fed up with all this presidential soap opera: Sarkozy in the morning news, Sarkozy at noon, Sarkozy in the evening news: He's everywhere: Sarkozy with Bush, Sarkozy with the Pope, we hope Sarkozy on the moon very soon...
The upcomming state visit will be, again, another Sarkozy show...

He is President of expects to see him with Bush and the Pope. And with our Queen.
No no no! You know what? We don't care, Good for him!! The big fact is that were are really really fed up with all this presidential soap opera: Sarkozy in the morning news, Sarkozy at noon, Sarkozy in the evening news: He's everywhere: Sarkozy with Bush, Sarkozy with the Pope, we hope Sarkozy on the moon very soon...
The upcomming state visit will be, again, another Sarkozy show...

Ah yes, I can't stand it anymore. I hope he won't destroy our relationship with UK forever :ermm:.

Sam, you should come to France for, lets say 1 week, and you'll see what we are experiencing here : you won't believe it ;).
Oh we've had it in Britain too. But I think it's important to hold back on criticism when the President is actually doing his job and that's what he's doing here - he's representing France in Britain. I don't see why this visit has immediately been pegged as a disaster with a thumbs down.
Oh we've had it in Britain too. But I think it's important to hold back on criticism when the President is actually doing his job and that's what he's doing here - he's representing France in Britain. I don't see why this visit has immediately been pegged as a disaster with a thumbs down.

It's anticipation. We had such echos of mistakes he made during important events that now, each time he's facing a meeting it's like France is holding its breath.
Oh we've had it in Britain too. But I think it's important to hold back on criticism when the President is actually doing his job and that's what he's doing here - he's representing France in Britain. I don't see why this visit has immediately been pegged as a disaster with a thumbs down

In a way you're right...We will see, and maybe i'm wrong, who knows?
But the point is that i respect so much your country, your history and your institutions that i am deeply embarrassed to be represented by this man, not even popular in his own country 10 months only after his election.
I was beginning to wonder what the people of France were really thinking of their president...oh well, most Americans share in your embarrassment as we have the same problem, only different situations as to why the annoyance occurred...LOL
HM has survived George Bush and she will survive the second most embarrassing head of state among the G8 states, Monsieur Bling Bling. Looking at the last pics when Carla presented herself as first lady for the first time I wonder what is going on between those two. Maybe she'll cancel her stay shortly after arrival due to a throat infection, giving Sarko a dejavue, here we go again, another wife who doesn't fancy doing her duty. However, I do hope she does not turn up in black jeans and black sneakers again. Can't wait for some witty remarks from Philip leaking out to the media :lol:

Could you please refrain from name calling heads of government? I know it so chic and cool to verbally eviscerate my president, but, please not on here. Thank you.
Hi French compatriot :D! I also fear this meeting : Sarkozy doesn't seem to have a bit of decency to be in such presence. I'm also proud of being French (half-french only but still) but I feel completely shameful of the image the world has of us now, being ruled by a gutter press President and a folk singer ...

I adore France, am half french myself, though I think I'd prefer 'my' France to have a throne...;)

Gutter press president and folk singer...a shame, but it's true! His not fit to be president, imo.
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Well, but he was elected, and it wasn't all that close an election if I remember right, so I assume a lot of French people think he's fit to be president (unless they're having collective second thoughts).

Personally I think it's discourteous to refuse to undertake a full-length state visit unless there's some crisis back in your own country that absolutely demands your personal attention. I mean, it's two bloody days - it wouldn't kill him to grit his teeth and put up with it.
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...but he was elected

Momentary insanity by those who voted for him? We can only hope!

It is a disagraceful example that he intends to stay only one night as Her Majesty's guest. For a President to cut short his visit for no signifcant reason says to me that his atitude toward bilateral relations is not what it should be.

No doubt just enough time to exhibit his wife...lady companion...temporary fix, whatever.
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It is astounding how when the media in a country steers the direction of president's (or even Prime Minister) image as good or bad or indifferent, and then saturates it's country populace with good or bad or indifferent views of the elected president, the country's then populace start to believe and feel that either EVERYONE loves or hates this person. And then this becomes the norm to think.

What we must remember, and Elspeth put it so appropriately, is that the person was elected and polls of a 1,000 people do not statistically or mathematically represent the country as a whole, or even a tiny percentage. The media just wants you to believe that.

I am typing this all in general terms to apply to any country including my own.
What we must remember, and Elspeth put it so appropriately, is that the person was elected and polls of a 1,000 people do not statistically or mathematically represent the country as a whole, or even a tiny percentage. The media just wants you to believe that.

Though I agree that we shouldn't be bashing heads of state on here, yes, those polls are scientific in nature and do "statistically or mathematically" represent the country as a whole, especially when there have been so very many over such a long time. I don't really think polls are media conspiracies to shape the politics of a country, and I think saying that is just as bad.
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In this case I don't think it's bashing President Sarkozy to say that his attitude to this state visit is disgraceful, to be honest.
But where's this attitude? All we've got is hear say.
He's cutting a state visit in half when there isn't any reason to do so. That's arrogant and inconsiderate.
Oh come on, how do you know there's no reason for it? It seems to me that ever since he married a pretty model he's been Hitler. His state visit is a short one, maybe he doesn't have time for all the pomp and pageantry and return dinners etc.
It is astounding how when the media in a country steers the direction of president's (or even Prime Minister) image as good or bad or indifferent, and then saturates it's country populace with good or bad or indifferent views of the elected president, the country's then populace start to believe and feel that either EVERYONE loves or hates this person. And then this becomes the norm to think.

What we must remember, and Elspeth put it so appropriately, is that the person was elected and polls of a 1,000 people do not statistically or mathematically represent the country as a whole, or even a tiny percentage. The media just wants you to believe that.

I am typing this all in general terms to apply to any country including my own.

Working in PR I know what you mean. However, the media did not forcehim to meet, marry and make a fool of himself within a month. Nor did they force him to give the same ring to two women.

Generally speaking, in the past, (and I did live in Paris) I have admired the French press' attitude towards the personal life of their political leaders. As long as it did not affect the job, what they did in their own time was, if not okay, then at least private. However, this one has made such a mess of it all, and in such spectacular fashion, that it screams to be made a story. In all honesty he certainly does not have a stellar past when it comes to relationships, but this is astounding to me, not to mention ridiculous. He should remember that he represents the French people, and since he has chosen such a stupid way of making sure that he is written about, he now needs to take more care with what he does. As with royalty, political leaders are now answerable to the people, and as they represent the people, they should at least be discreet in their less than savoury affairs. I would not be surprised if this particular political leader finds himself out the door sooner than he would like. At least now Bush has a friend. Misery loves company they say.

And Sam, as far as I know there are no strikes, no bank scandals or anything else about the country of France, that would cause the French president to cut yet another state visit short a full month prior to the visit.

No one cares that he married a young model/ singer. It's the manner in which he has done it and the disregard he has shown for common decency and manners since that time.
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However, the media did not forcehim to meet, marry and make a fool of himself within a month. Nor did they force him to give the same ring to two women.

What on earth does this have to do with his work as President?
I am inclined to agree with BeatrixFan on this matter. The French state visit was reportedly cut short. I dare to assume Mr. Sarkozy has got serious reasons for doing so. The fuss around the state visit in question is a bit premature.
Oh come on, how do you know there's no reason for it? It seems to me that ever since he married a pretty model he's been Hitler. His state visit is a short one, maybe he doesn't have time for all the pomp and pageantry and return dinners etc.

France isn't in the middle of some crisis that demands his personal attention. He's stated well in advance that he won't be staying for the length of time for which he was invited - it's his free choice to reject HM's offered hospitality, and apparently he's doing it because he doesn't want to stay for the full length of time, not because he's under any compulsion to cut the visit short. Since international diplomacy is part of the duty of the Head of State and since state visits are a traditional part of international diplomacy, he's letting his own people down as well as snubbing our head of state.

As far as not having time for return dinners - that means that he's taking and not giving back in return. Which is discourteous.

If the Queen was invited to pay a state visit to somewhere and announced weeks ahead of time that, thanks, but I'll only be staying for half the time you've invited me for, and I'll eat your dinner but won't provide a return dinner, and I'm not interested in visiting the people you've invited me to visit, you'd be the first one to come along in high indignation wondering what we pay these royal freeloaders for. Works the same way for the president of a republic.
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