< ed Warren> to do such a thing to another human being, no matter what he might have done. You can not defame him! His personality is on video, that IS Sheikh Issa Bin Zayed Al Nayhan. It was over a measly $5000 grain delivery whether not delivered or just as likely delivered late. To say that this is an isolated incident is a crass, transparent lie. I know these people, & so do a few other people on here who post fluff (propaganda) on behalf of some UAE Ruling Family members. Many Sheikhs (I'll grant not all), WILL do this & worse... if they merely perceive, in their eyes, someone slighting or crossing them. It depends only on whether you are a Western nationality or not on whether you will escape this kind of treatmemt if they perceive what often amounts to the merest slight. The only exceptional thing here, is the leaking of the tape. It is completely routeen for the Police to torture people in custody in the UAE, just as it is all throughout the Middle East. It is standard procedure & the US & British governments are fully aware of this & turn a blind eye... Ask yourselves, why? The very important difference here is, the UAE wants so much to be portrayed as a Modern, Safe & Civilised place to live & do business...