Though the Doimi to which she belongs in recent years added Frankopan to their name to add lustre to their ancestry, they are not the genealogical heirs in any provable way of the extinct Frankopans.
Paola's family is not alone in this behavior - Others have acted on similarly unprovable pretensions: The Princes von Orsini-Rosenberg can neither substantiate a link to the ancient Orsini family nor to the particular extinct House of Rosenberg to which they claim a direct connection. Similarly the claim of the modern Counts of Ortenburg to be of the male line of the original Counts of Ortenburg was rejected by the government of the Holy Roman Empire due to lack of proof. With no one able to either confirm or disprove their claims, in the decades after the fall of Constantinople, displaced Byzantines began popping up in nearby Europe, bearing grand imperial surnames like Palaelogos, Cantacuzene, Comnène. There is a fabulously entertaining 1985 work on Maltese families with the most fantastic Byzantine lineages. "The Palaeologus Family" by Charles Gauci and Peter Mallat.