Reactions To Your Interest In Royalty

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Royal Highness
Jul 11, 2005
United Kingdom
What do your family think about your strong interest in Royal families? Please share, as mine think I am nutty, as do my couleages, they couldn't understand what was so exciting about Camilla wearing a Durbar Tiara? Go explain...Seriously, how do you cope with questions, even jeering and in general?
auntie said:
What do your family think about your strong interest in Royal families? Please share, as mine think I am nutty, as do my couleages, they couldn't understand what was so exciting about Camilla wearing a Durbar Tiara? Go explain...Seriously, how do you cope with questions, even jeering and in general?

My family totally understands. Well, they're not on the board, but they love the royals as much as I do, at least my mother and sister do love to chat about royals too (I think we've got that from my late grandmother who always has been a great royal lover).
Next to them, one of my best friends is a real watcher of the Dutch Royal Family (she and I are especially trained to talk about Beatrix, Máxima and Mabel, which are in our opinion the most fascinating Dutch royals of the moment). So I don't have to hide it or something. A couple of years ago I even got an egagement flag from Máxima and W-A from my friends on my birthday. They gave it as a joke, but they we're really surprised to find out I actually liked it... so all know me as a royalty fan by now, but they also know that I totally understand it if others don't like royalty at all... :)
same here... they think i'm going too obsessed.. but, i'm not. i just need some hobby, and well, royals are... haha...

cope with questions? from who? i never let anyone know (hahaa... my secret..), only my family know & they've accepted it.
They give me that tolerant "get a life" look maybe with a little bit of a smirk. I generally don't talk about my interest, since my family thinks it's strange.
Thanks everyone for the support, keep e'm coming in!:D
I'm lucky to have family who is also into royalty so I can chat with them.

they're not as fanatic as me and I'm not sure if they think I go a little too far. but they do appreciate having a "living encyclopdia" at hand whenever they have questions.

I have given up even trying to talk to my american friends and colleagues about royalty.

I remember tellng a friend who I thought had a feel for history and tradition that I was very excited about Willem Alexander and Maxima's wedding later that week. her reply, "why are you interested in 2 rich people getting married?"

another standard response when royalty comes up is "ah, you want to marry prince william!"

so, anyway, in general i dont talk about it ever except with a few select people who I know will "get it."
Reading all of your comments, I think it is easier when you live in country which really has a royal family, like the Netherlands. Then it's more common to talk about it and easier to meet people who like royals too. In the Netherlands there is always some 'feel' about the royal house. It's not that everybody loves them, but when they have a reason to celebrate something royal (like a wedding or Koniginnedag) the whole country is going mad. I think there is more understanding for us royal lovers in such a 'royal minded' country. Next to that everybody loves to joke about the royals too. Most of the time not in a unpleasant way, by the way. People keep bringing things up, like the typical Beatrix hair-do, the awful bows on Mabel's wedding dress, Máxima's great quotation 'Dat was een beetje dom' (That was not that smart) about some stupid comment W-A made one day about the Videla regime.
Whenever I talk to people who are not that into royals I always add a little joke like that to what I have to say. While doing this, I can venture my stories about the royal houses and they have a good laugh. And so are both parties happy... ;)
My family knows about my interest in Royalty. Sometimes they make fun of me, very kindly of course...:) Excepted my grandmother! She has always been interested in European Royals, so I often chat with her about it. For example (she is 84), she remembered some details about a visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France with their daughters Elizabeth and Margaret Rose, just years before WWII. The little Princesses were given big dolls as gifts during their visit, and she remembered being a bit jealous then!:D

My mother and father are interested in Royalty when there are some big events on TV: weddings, enthronements, etc. My Mum was taken aback at the Danish Royal wedding in 2004, because I could name her nearly every Royal on screen!!
This is a funny thread!!! My husband used to make fun of me at first, he gave me this "you have way too much free time" look... But now, as I have told him some interesting facts that I've learned about royalty and his mom shares this interest with me...his making fun has become lighter. He also knows that I read a lot about the Danish Royal Family because I'd love to visit Denmark, which we'll probably do next year.
Maxie said:
Reading all of your comments, I think it is easier when you live in country which really has a royal family, like the Netherlands. Then it's more common to talk about it and easier to meet people who like royals too. In the Netherlands there is always some 'feel' about the royal house. It's not that everybody loves them, but when they have a reason to celebrate something royal (like a wedding or Koniginnedag) the whole country is going mad. I think there is more understanding for us royal lovers in such a 'royal minded' country. Next to that everybody loves to joke about the royals too. Most of the time not in a unpleasant way, by the way. People keep bringing things up, like the typical Beatrix hair-do, the awful bows on Mabel's wedding dress, Máxima's great quotation 'Dat was een beetje dom' (That was not that smart) about some stupid comment W-A made one day about the Videla regime.
Whenever I talk to people who are not that into royals I always add a little joke like that to what I have to say. While doing this, I can venture my stories about the royal houses and they have a good laugh. And so are both parties happy... ;)

you are dutch are'nt you? I am too.
but I don't know any body who likes royals, like I do, not one of my friends, not my family, not even my Grandmother. and I always thougt it was a thing for desperate old ladies.. sorry, I changed my thougth about that; that is obvious:D
I feel very lonely, being a royalty lover. But I sometimes get my boyfriend so far; that he also watches the pictures, for example those of amalia in argentina. and then he is like: "well, that is really cute..." and then he is seeing a little bit ( :cool: ) why it is my passion.... but further than this, it isnt gonna get. although my little sister, she is 16, sometimes she likes to see a little royals, but definitely not in the way I do. :p
so I think it is more common to love royals in a 'royal land' like holland, but then it is a strange thing to love... but when I am here, I absolutely don't feel strange, you are all my family..!!! hahaha:D :)
Good topic auntie,

My family recognise that this has been a huge interest of mine since I was little, but, they cant understand or see What does one expect when one is the only Monarchist living in a house of Republicans?

Like many, I'm sometimes the centre of lame jokes but it doesn't bother me. I think I know who they shall be calling with their phone a friend when on who wants to be a millionaire if they're are faced with a royal question, and then lets see how eager they are for my

mirrjam said:
you are dutch are'nt you? I am too.
but I don't know any body who likes royals, like I do, not one of my friends, not my family, not even my Grandmother. and I always thougt it was a thing for desperate old ladies.. sorry, I changed my thougth about that; that is obvious:D
I feel very lonely, being a royalty lover. But I sometimes get my boyfriend so far; that he also watches the pictures, for example those of amalia in argentina. and then he is like: "well, that is really cute..." and then he is seeing a little bit ( :cool: ) why it is my passion.... but further than this, it isnt gonna get. although my little sister, she is 16, sometimes she likes to see a little royals, but definitely not in the way I do. :p
so I think it is more common to love royals in a 'royal land' like holland, but then it is a strange thing to love... but when I am here, I absolutely don't feel strange, you are all my family..!!! hahaha:D :)

Yes, I'm Dutch too! Hoi! :D
I guess I'm just lucky with my family and friends. Though not all of them understand it, they all respect it and with them I can have a good laugh about royalty too... that's important, I think. Otherwise I would get way too obsessed... :p So I think it's a good thing that so now and then I get to speak someone who says: 'Eh Maxie, I really really really don't care what Maxima was wearing on Prinsjesdag!' ;)
mirrjam said:
so I think it is more common to love royals in a 'royal land' like holland, but then it is a strange thing to love... but when I am here, I absolutely don't feel strange, you are all my family..!!! hahaha:D :)

I feel that way too! and just like a normal family, we have our ups and downs with each other;)

you know, everyone has things that they are into and increasingly we're all taking our passions to the internet. that's not weird.

as interests go, one could do so much worse than royalty. it's basically impossible to follow royalty consistently and not learn a great deal about the histories and current situations of countries that have royal families. you're getting an education while looking at glittering photos of princesses in tiaras. what could be better than that!
i agree completely, pollyemma !!!
in a way, i sort of learning new cultures, traditions, and lots of new cities & places i've never even heard before.
so, yeah, after a while, my family never bothered me again.
but, royalty is not something i can talk & talk with my friends, they just don't get it.
sometimes i tell stories & jokes to them, like when Mary pregnant for 7-8 months & she still look so thin, and my friend read that on a magazine, then i just tell.. 'well, you should see Letizia..." or when this year all the crown princess (well, almost all) got pregnant at same time.. that's kinda unique & interesting, so i tell them...
I just remembered when I was 7 years ols and I used my fathers huge towel to dress up as Lady Diana on her wedding day, and my sisters made fun of me!
In my family it's good because my mum is also interested in royalty..But to be honest, I don't really talk about it when I'm not on here. I come on here once a day maybe to check news and the lovely photos and thats it! But I'm not embarassed to admit I'm interested in royalty..No Way! :D
They think i´m crazy and that royalty is such a silly hobbie. They always joke about it :mad: I don´t know anybody who likes royalty - Except for you- so it isn´t easy. My mum is the only one who knows something about royalty, well she told me lots of thing about the grimaldis while we were watching the Spenish royal wedding, but she doesn´t mind about it now. Only silly things like "This is a nice dress".
Anyway i don´t care what they say:p in the end it´s my life:cool:
My mom started me on royalty when she bought me a book on Charles and Diana's wedding...that got me hook on royalty. She has since then felt that it was a big mistake on her part as I tend to spend lots of money on royalty magazines!!! My husband is more understanding of my interest in royalty and before my late mother in law passed away - we shared a common interest in all things royalty, so i'm quite lucky!!
my mom called me into the living room one day and showed me the Vanidades where they wrote a special article on Andrea's 18th birthday, and coincidentially there was one on the queen's Jubilee with William on it and I had to choose who was cuter so I told her "eww he (andrea) looks like a hair beast, William all the way!" and left. I was 12, and don't recall much of what happened, I just know the next day worldroots was my number one site and I fell completely head over heels for Andrea and could answer practically anything about him/the Grimaldis. then through that i became interested in the other royal families. my friends think it's a bit obsessive and we play this question game where they try to stump me but sadly i even know what kind of water he drinks :[
Oh it is a total secret for me. This is kind of super-embarassing for me. If anyone found out that I had more than a passing interest, I'd probably die.

My family probably wouldn't care that much, but most of my colleagues and peers would think it was so bourgeosis and backwards. We actually had a discussion the other day about social constructs and somebody mentioned royalty and they all had a good laugh at that.
My grandmother and great-grandmother got me into it. They would always talk about the royal family in Italy (when they still had one). My grandmother still sings the song all the children sang when the princess was born. So I bought a book about the royal family so I could talk it over with them.
My mom always loved following Princess Diana. She lived in London for almost 9 years before coming to the U.S. and was very fond of the Queen and the other royals. I still remember my mom keeping all of the t.v.'s in the house tuned to the telecast of Andrew and Fergie's wedding the day it happened and I recall wondering why she was doing it. I have a much better idea of why now ;). My mom has stopped following it and I actually keep her updated now on what's going on with whom.
Actually getting the interest in Royalty that i have found the interest by myself, most people in my family do know about Royalty because u know the fairy tale wedding of Princess Diana and Princes Charles was so famous and Diana was truly an angel.My Mum and My sister used to love Princess Diana really much, they watched the live Funeral of Princess Diana, and my sister used to stick lots of photos of Diana in her room after the Princess died. My Dad just not look happy when i always ask him for money to print pictures of Royalty and he always asks me "Again, old lady right?" that he means the Queen cause he knows i like The Queen really much, but its hes just kidding, its alright, so my luckily my family do support for my interest, sometimes i also talk to my sister about Royalty, whats news, what did each Royal wear now,...etc and my Mum when she phones for me, sometimes we also talk about Royals like when she just watched some documents about Royals and so on...
My mum and I are really into Princess Mary but my family doesn't know that I follow all the other European royals like the Norwegians, Swedish and Dutch. I'm not sure what they'd think. When I was younger we watched Princess Di's funeral and Sophie and Edwards wedding but I still wasn't that interested in royalty. And also I couldn't understand why people would buy magazines and memorabilia of them. (my parents have 2 commemorative plates of Charles and Di's wedding but thats as far as it goes.)

Now with me, I have all the special editions of newspapers and magazines with the Danish CP family, I spend lots of money on imported magazines for articles on Mette-Marit, Maxima, etc, and I'm on this site almost everyday!
My mum was the one who gave me this interest to follow royal families news from all over the world , her favorite was Princess Diana , she even went to Paris when the princess died and gave her respect , she has so many magazines about her brother began also to be interested by the Forum ;)
when i discovered the Royal Forum i remember i gave my mum the website adress now she's addicted to it :D , my dad doesn't really care , he's more on politics , sports than royalty :)
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My mom knows, and I've got her slightly interested now too. (Well slightly compared to me, lol. We watch the TV shows on different royals's great!) The rest of my family doesn't really know and truthfully I don't think they would understand. One of my friends knows I'm kind of interested in royalty, but nothing big. (She used to live in England, so we occassionally talk about which royals we think are cute...hehee.) I don't think any of my other friends would understand either, plus they would probably think I was really strange.
I started my interest in all things royal a long time ago because my uncle always read Point de Vue magazine and used to tell me stories about everyone and I found it very interesting.My interest and knowledge has come in handy a couple of times because some times I have actually met some members of royalty only because I was able to recognize them.I almost crashed into Queen Sophia of Spain a few years ago when I was in a museum in Istambul.I was looking at an exhibit and not really looking where I was going and just before I walked into the woman next to me I realized it was her .Another time in Singapore I was going into our hotel (The Raffles) and Prince Joachim of Denmark was getting out of his limo and and coming into the hotel as well.I also got to meet Charles and Diana on a walk about in Kingston Canada.Finally I met Charles Spencer this year in Toronto as he was promoting his new line of furniture.I'm a designer ,that's how I got to meet him.
My boyfriend does not care nor is interested, but is something asking me questions about this. My family.... Well :eek:
I'm a republican in a republic and not liking very much the monarchists of my country, so my family simply doesn't not understand and thinks it's rubbish.
But it's my dad's fault! :rolleyes: He shouldn't have shown my the genealogical tree of king Louis VIII'descendancy made by her own mother.
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