The mere word "socalyze" seems as a cliché. We must learn to live naturally without copying other's people labguages and behaviours. Our times are depressing, to my taste...
When I was little little children begings going to school at four. Some few ones started at three, but NO ONE at two or at one. That's almost a degeneration. The little boy or girl must know his/her own family before he was released to the world. If not he/she is massified since his/her birth and he is more the son or the daughter of the state than of his/her family and his/her country. I'm not a woman who is not "socialized" as people likes to say today, nor were my parents, or my grandparents or y great-grandparents. Now, people send their children to school since they are only month ofr being born...And why? They must WORK, WORK, WORK and WORK. Life today is nothing but work!

We are slaving more than the poor negroes from razil and the Caraïbes at the XIX Century...and if I say more is for the KNEW they were slaves and they fighted for not being slaves any ore , while we believe to be free people , and live in democracy...Poor idiots we are! Even a Prince is not free nowadays...He give his childrens to the cold Capitalist state to educate them.
Nowadays, little children are endoctrined since their birth...Poor little things! My brother who is not a noblemen, but a person who must work everyday, as his wife does too, only send my older nephew to kindergarten at four. And is he a loonely boy? He wouldn't knew how to "socialize"? Not at all...He is plenty of friends from his neighborhood...
There is people wanting to steal our children since they birth, but if we are intelligent enough we'll don't give them to these tryrants.