Princess Marie as Patron of the Danish AIDS Foundation 2011 - 2024

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A nice surprise to see the children there with Marie. Little Henrik looks really grown up!
:previous: Thanks, Eya. :flowers:

A good look into what our Marie is doing and a brilliant translation. ?
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #49, 2017.
Written by Henrik Salling.

This was the 24th time the AIDS Foundation marked World AIDS Say with a candle-event in Copenhagen. One for each who has died from AIDS.
Our Marie, being patron for the AIDS Foundation, usually attend.
And this year she brought her won two children. Perhaps a little too young and a little past their bedtime, but Marie believe they should learn about such things from early on. - And on this cold evening they did complain a little over the cold.

Today most Danes who have contracted HIV keep it in check with medicines and a can not even pass on the decease to other - as such the AIDS Foundation will soon launch a campaign informing the public that today people with HIV are not a risk and live normal lives.

Here's a video of both events today:

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Today, December 2, Princess Marie visited the AIDS Foundation in Copenhagen for a working meeting in connection with the World AIDS Day 2019:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #49. 2019.
Written by Karina Didriksen.

Wearing a rainbow-bracelet our Marie attended the annual Christmas concert of the AIDS Foundation at Trinitatis Kirke (church) in Copenhagen.
Here she was met by the president of the AIDS Foundation, Susse Wold.
(She is 81 years old, repeat 81! Some people have lucky genes! See the scans, she is seen next to Marie in three photos.)

A number of speeches were made, also by Marie, who said: "Aids is a long and dark chapter in our common history. And unfortunately hasn't been closed yet. We owe all people who live with HIV that the lights we light today, we light for two reasons.
We light lights in order to emphasize that all those we have lost - we will never forget. But we also light lights for a future that is even better. A future where people with HIV can live without discrimination.
After the concert all went outside where 2.000 candles had been lit to commemorate those who have died from AIDS in DK.
Princess Marie's message for the World AIDS Day 2020"

"There is light in the darkness. It is our duty to keep it aglow."

Our dedicated patron, H.R.H. Princess Marie, has sent us this special message on the occassion of World AIDS Day. With these words she expresses how the battle against HIV and AIDS is especially on her mind this year. "
I'm a little impressed. Our Marie's accent is the same - slight.
You'd think she would regress a little, living in France, immersed in the French language and no doubt also thinking in French.
But it hasn't affected her accent at all.
Princess Marie as Patron has recorded a video message for today's World AIDS Day and has presented the new book of the Danish AIDS Foundation "When death was canceled - 40 years of AIDS", she has written the foreword to:

** Pic ** instagram video **
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Here's another gallery and the following articles contain videos taken during the event:

** gallery **

** BB: Hjemvendt fra USA: Se prinsesse Marie på besøg i København **

** BB: Prinsesse Marie svarede på spørgsmål: Første ord om jul med dronningen og kronprinsparret **

Following the "Lightning on Kultorvet" event, Princess Marie attended the AIDS Foundation's Christmas concert at the Trinity Church in Copenhagen this evening:

** BB article with video: Lige nu: Prinsesse Marie budt varmt velkommen af stjerneskuespiller Susse Wold **

** instagram gallery **
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