Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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I know ML is close to Princess Alexandra of Berleburg and Princess Laurentien so I am pretty sure they will be at the wedding.
Indeed if i remember right Prince Constantijn and Princess Laurentien where schedulded to attend her wedding to Ari but had to cancel because of the birth of Coutess Eloise who was born only 2,5 weeks later.
ML was indeed close to Laurentien - she for example attended the christening of countess Leonore. I don't know how that relationship has evolved over the years but if she is still, she is indeed a likely attendant. ML also was at the Dutch state visit to Norway and one of Ari's few decorations is a Dutch one, so yes, she's been close to the Dutch royal family in general.

ML was indeed close to Laurentien - she for example attended the christening of countess Leonore. I don't know how that relationship has evolved over the years but if she is still, she is indeed a likely attendant. ML also was at the Dutch state visit to Norway and one of Ari's few decorations is a Dutch one, so yes, she's been close to the Dutch royal family in general.

And Leah is Laurentien's god daughter😊
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Simon Valvik, Durek's former manager in Norway, says about his job that it was very difficult when a case about Durek was to be published in Norway and a journalist wanted a response, it had to be translated so that Durek understood it, the context of the case also had to be explained to Durek, especially if it involved expert sources Durek was not aware of beforehand. And the nine-hour time difference between Norway and Los Angeles was challenging. When the media wanted to come out quickly with the case, Valvik didn't have a chance to answer. Valvik says it was also challenging to be a spokesperson as consideration had to be given to the people around Durek, including the royal family and Märtha Louise and her children. You have to take in the complexity surrounding every statement he has made on behalf of Durek. On one side you have the Palace and the royal family, Durek and his family on the other. Also Märtha and her daughters.
ML and by extension her Durek has committed another bou-hou on her podcast.

This time about the details about the wedding celebrations that were leaked to Se&Hør.
ML & Durek were quite annoyed!
"I've been in the game for quite a few years now, so I'm pretty good at spotting who does things like that. (Leak)
I really wonder how much they got for it - how much I'm worth? Because the one who did it, is not my friend, if Se&Hør is more important than our friendship."
And in response to comments of sympathy, she says:
"It's not always that easy. But I have experience that side of people all my life, so I choose to see as an interesting choice. But sometimes I get angry and sad."

ML and the Shaman has, to put it mildly, a less than loving relationship with Se&Hør.
That is something Durek's mother has spoken about as well:
"They (Se&Hør) exploit weak people and give them money to gain something they would like to have. They don't care about families falling apart. They just want the story, and that is unethical and pretty shocking."

The editor-in-chief at Se&Hør says that no one were paid for the info about the wedding. They only pay for photos.

ML's manager will not say whether one or more guests will now be un-invited to the wedding.


Just a moment, I need to grab a new box of Kleenex...
Still with tears streaming down my cheeks I will point out that they have seemingly invited everybody from the Pope and down and that from a publicity perspective this is going to be one of the most covered and juicy wedding in Norway for years! - So what did they expect? Of course details would and will be leaked to the press. And it wasn't something to be ashamed about, surely? Otherwise they wouldn't specify the dress-code and such details. Nor was any big secret leaked. They are going for a cruise up and down a fjord somewhere - no big deal there either.
In fact I bet ML has very little clue about who showed the wedding-details to Se&Hør.
Even for major royal events like public birthday celebrations or royal weddings lots of details are leaked. And that's because there is a big interest.
We even have a word for in Danish (probably Norwegian as well): globryllup = wedding-gawking.
That's when you go to church when a wedding is on, to look at people and the bride and the emotions and the floral arrangements etc. Or you attend a wedding-reception for the entertainment value and out of curiosity. - While not being related to the happy couple, or even belonging in their circle of friends.
Whether they like or not ML & Durek have invited all of Norway to globryllup.

And I'm amazed that Durek's mother wasn't struck down by lightning! Talking about someone being unethical and immoral, while she is living a good life from her son being a charlatan and a quack.
ML and by extension her Durek has committed another bou-hou on her podcast.

This time about the details about the wedding celebrations that were leaked to Se&Hør.
ML & Durek were quite annoyed!
"I've been in the game for quite a few years now, so I'm pretty good at spotting who does things like that. (Leak)
I really wonder how much they got for it - how much I'm worth? Because the one who did it, is not my friend, if Se&Hør is more important than our friendship."
And in response to comments of sympathy, she says:
"It's not always that easy. But I have experience that side of people all my life, so I choose to see as an interesting choice. But sometimes I get angry and sad."

ML and the Shaman has, to put it mildly, a less than loving relationship with Se&Hør.
That is something Durek's mother has spoken about as well:
"They (Se&Hør) exploit weak people and give them money to gain something they would like to have. They don't care about families falling apart. They just want the story, and that is unethical and pretty shocking."

The editor-in-chief at Se&Hør says that no one were paid for the info about the wedding. They only pay for photos.

ML's manager will not say whether one or more guests will now be un-invited to the wedding.


Just a moment, I need to grab a new box of Kleenex...
Still with tears streaming down my cheeks I will point out that they have seemingly invited everybody from the Pope and down and that from a publicity perspective this is going to be one of the most covered and juicy wedding in Norway for years! - So what did they expect? Of course details would and will be leaked to the press. And it wasn't something to be ashamed about, surely? Otherwise they wouldn't specify the dress-code and such details. Nor was any big secret leaked. They are going for a cruise up and down a fjord somewhere - no big deal there either.
In fact I bet ML has very little clue about who showed the wedding-details to Se&Hør.
Even for major royal events like public birthday celebrations or royal weddings lots of details are leaked. And that's because there is a big interest.
We even have a word for in Danish (probably Norwegian as well): globryllup = wedding-gawking.
That's when you go to church when a wedding is on, to look at people and the bride and the emotions and the floral arrangements etc. Or you attend a wedding-reception for the entertainment value and out of curiosity. - While not being related to the happy couple, or even belonging in their circle of friends.
Whether they like or not ML & Durek have invited all of Norway to globryllup.

And I'm amazed that Durek's mother wasn't struck down by lightning! Talking about someone being unethical and immoral, while she is living a good life from her son being a charlatan and a quack.
When is the wedding and what people are invited so far?
Märtha Louise is in Los Angeles.
On Sunday evening, Shaman Durek shared a new photo on his story, where Märtha Louise was depicted on the Instagram feed of healer Hope Obatala.
The photo was taken at the RA MA Institute, where shaman Durek held a meditation show on Friday evening.
From one stage, the shaman meditated and spoke soothingly to those present, while his niece Natalia Alava's music poured out of the speakers and created a meditative soundscape for the session.
Princess Märtha Louise:
Se og Hør continues spreading lies about my fiancé @shamandurek . Like I said on the podcast @heartsmart_convos Se og Hør just repeats the lies until everybody believes them. This time they are repeating the lie that Durek was not from a wealthy family as a child(because his mom says so who got money from spreading whatever lies she could), when the truth is that he grew up in a good neighborhood, his mom left him at an early age and it was in reality his mom not having money, not him. She wasn’t even around. Durek’s father’s bankruptcy came after Durek moved out, so he was not affected by his father’s bankruptcy.

SLIDE 2-5: This is the house Durek grew up in in Foster City, California. It is worth more than NOK 30mill today and is 321 square meters(3460 square feet).

SLIDE 6: This is a statement from Durek’s childhood friend Danielle Washington about how he was one of the richest kids in school.

It is not important to me wether he was from a family with money or not as a child, but the fact is that he was, and I am sick and tired of Se og Hør’s lies about us. And about Durek.

People who get paid to tell on other people, like Durek’s mom, will tell the lies the one who pays wants them to tell, in this case Se og Hør. The people getting interviewed are informants on a payroll and will never be trustworthy. This kind of journalism’s purpose is solely to hurt someone else and is highly unethical and is very different from the ones getting paid for an interview about themselves, like Unni Askeland has been talking about. This is a different category, as they get paid for the hours they are putting in for the interview about themselves - I mean for the PHOTOS they are taking(my bad) - and doesn’t hurt anybody else.

Please don’t believe what Se og Hør says about Durek or me leading up to the wedding. From experience I know it will get worse as we move closer to the wedding. It is so sad that it needs to be this way as a wedding should be a joyous occasion for everyone involved. Also for us…
Märtha Louise sent another message via instagram today:

Today we are drawing a line. We know that parts of the press will intensify with lies about us, as our wedding draws nearer. As we prepare for our Big Day, we are dedicated to taking care of each other, prioritizing our mental well-being and love for each other, and have therefore decided that from this day forward, we will not comment on anything the press throws at us.

Please note that any comments attributed to us in the press after this message was issued, were made prior to publication.

We are focusing on creating a wedding that reflects the depth of our love and are filled with excitement and joy for the celebrations ahead. Thank you for your understanding as we embark on this beautiful journey together, celebrating our love ending in our wedding in Geiranger.
Good grief. Another bou-hou.

We want attention and to share our kitschy love with everybody (and promote our little business) so long as it's positive, fawning and uncritical.
If you write something bad about us, it's so unfair! Even if we say something very controversial, contradict ourselves a little bit and perhaps say something that is a minuscule untrue.
Now we won't talk to you at all. Never ever again. That'll teach you. - We want privacy!

Well, there is a often used saying in Danish: If you invite the press to your wedding, you invite them for the divorce as well.
I'm going to paraphrase that here: If you invite the press to write happy stories about you, you also invite them to write less than flattering stories...
M-L shows a stunning lack of understanding about the press, and for someone who has been a public figure her whole life essentially, that's quite puzzling.

Your future husband is a con man, a grifter, and a conspiracy theorist who said, amongst other reprehensible garbage, that childhood cancer stems from kids not smiling enough. He keeps putting his foot in his mouth time and time again about one thing or another, all the time, and you're upset that the press is commenting on it? Well, what the heck do you expect, Your Deluded Highness? It has nothing to do with his skin color, what country he comes from, or that he's bisexual. It's because he's an idiot and so are you!

Jiminy Christmas. :rolleyes:
I totally agree with your statement. But, as I have said before, Märtha is living in her own world with her own special thoughts, ambitions and views. And, she is a self proclaimed fighter. "Me against the world and all of these stupid people who don't understand my world, my way of thinking and why I am so in love with my Shaman". Nothing, really nothing will convince her that she is on the wrong path, maybe she is blind with love, I have known women who were blind because they were so in love with a certain person. Plus, her privileged position, being member of the royal family, her connections with B and C prominent people in California, whom are invited to the wedding.Why such a big event? Couldn't they just have married in a small ceremony with family and some friends? No, it must be the really big event of the year, just to show the world " This is us, and we are famous and important".
I don't wish her a bad future, but the time might come when she might regret her decision.
That is true, but on the other hand we do not know how her parents have acted in private. They might have tried to understand her and convince her that she is on a "dangerous" path. Beginning of talking to angels, her marriage to Ari Behn, which was much criticized if I remember it rightly.
BUT, if you have a very stubborn child that is into esoteric, mysterious issues, there comes a point in time where you as a parent cannot do anything any more, especially when your child is grown up. We don't know if they were too indulgent, they might have tried their best as parents but couldnt get thru to her.
What is left for them , being loving parents is: resignation, pain and maybe a feeling of having failed. We should be very careful of judging parents and blaming them for a bad turnout.
What do you think would have happened, if they had forbidden Märtha her lifestyle, falling in love with Ari and falling in love with the Shaman? Do you really think that would have changed Märthas character or her decisions in life? I don't think so, because she probably has always known that as a royal she is safe.
Hard to say. And this can of course only be speculation.
I'd say it depends on whether her entitlement, for a lack of better term is something she is born with - a programming-error so to speak.
Or whether it has developed, cultivated and allowed to flourish due to her environment. I.e. she has always got her way in the end. and/or someone has always done something to fix a problem she has had. And that to an extent that she has never really had to learn how to cope otherwise and deal with true adversity. To me she looks like a "curling-child" = that the parents have always swept away all obstacles in front of their child.

It's always easy to fix other people's problems, so it's difficult to say what could have been done.
One way is to put them in a situation where they cannot manipulate people around them, where they have to rely on themselves and have to rely on others and also have others rely on them. A few months away on a school ship would do wonders for many young and to put it bluntly spoiled teens.
But it would hurt to send them away and let go, and you would feel so sorry for them.
You may get a teen back from the sea who will still be very angry at you - but also a much more confident teen.

The problem with ML is of course that her entitlement, if that is what it is, is not only a problem for a family, it's a problem for the NRF and as such a problem for Norway and in the end the Norwegians. So the whole notion of attacking the press and angling for sympathy just show a total lack of understanding for not only how the press works, but also for how they are seen by the Norwegian people. The image they see in the mirror is not what the Norwegians see. And ML, I'm sure, simply cannot comprehend that. Hence why I suspect she is entitled.
How is ML viewed by Norwegians, anyway? I know Verrett isn’t liked and her decision to marry him is either unpopular or a matter of indifference, but I always had the notion Märtha Louise, for all her dislike of being a princess, was always viewed with significant affection as part of the NRF. Very much Prince Harry, but for her family, not just herself.

If she is accustomed to everyone treating her gently, not just her family, then of course the current state of things feels oppressive to her.
Märtha Louise and Durek's choice to no longer talk to the press was discussed today on NRK's "Friday panel" by Raymond Johansen, Kristin Gjelsvik and Jan Fredrik Karlsen.
Johansen says that Märtha Louise is number four in the line of succession, even though she has given up all her official royal duties. And that Märtha and Durek live a life where they have become dependent on and used the media throughout. That's why he believes that what they do and say is in the public interest, and they can't exclude the press in the way they have now chosen to do until their wedding. Gjelsvik agrees with Johansen. Karlsen has different approach, he points out that what Durek does and says is difficult for Norwegians to understand and that's why Karlsen thinks the Norwegian people benefit from the couple no longer wanting to talk to the press.
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Reidun Kjelling Nybø, secretary general of the Norwegian Association of Editors, says that the association is considering sending an inquiry to the Palace:
- It is natural for us to send an inquiry to the royal house if the Norwegian press is completely barred from the wedding. The wedding is definitely a public event, and an event of great interest to the public, says Nybø to TV 2.
TV 2 has contacted the Palace, which only refers to Märtha Louise's manager.

Erik Stephansen, political editor at Nettavisen:
Get out of the victim role, Märtha
Hard to say. And this can of course only be speculation.
I'd say it depends on whether her entitlement, for a lack of better term is something she is born with - a programming-error so to speak.
Or whether it has developed, cultivated and allowed to flourish due to her environment. I.e. she has always got her way in the end. and/or someone has always done something to fix a problem she has had. And that to an extent that she has never really had to learn how to cope otherwise and deal with true adversity. To me she looks like a "curling-child" = that the parents have always swept away all obstacles in front of their child.

It's always easy to fix other people's problems, so it's difficult to say what could have been done.
One way is to put them in a situation where they cannot manipulate people around them, where they have to rely on themselves and have to rely on others and also have others rely on them. A few months away on a school ship would do wonders for many young and to put it bluntly spoiled teens.
But it would hurt to send them away and let go, and you would feel so sorry for them.
You may get a teen back from the sea who will still be very angry at you - but also a much more confident teen.

The problem with ML is of course that her entitlement, if that is what it is, is not only a problem for a family, it's a problem for the NRF and as such a problem for Norway and in the end the Norwegians. So the whole notion of attacking the press and angling for sympathy just show a total lack of understanding for not only how the press works, but also for how they are seen by the Norwegian people. The image they see in the mirror is not what the Norwegians see. And ML, I'm sure, simply cannot comprehend that. Hence why I suspect she is entitled.
Sounds just like Prince Harry. Curling child is a very interesting term in America. We call that helicopter parents.
Hmm...although she is number 4 in line Märtha Louise does not carry out any public duties on behalf of the monarchy so why can she not have a PRIVATE wedding and maybe release a few photos to the press?

I'm baffled by why the press is taking issue with the couple's silence. It seems each time they open their mouths they stick their foot in it. So it's actually a good thing that they're quiet. Much less of an opportunity to say something dumb and/or embarass the monarchy.
Hmm...although she is number 4 in line Märtha Louise does not carry out any public duties on behalf of the monarchy so why can she not have a PRIVATE wedding and maybe release a few photos to the press?

I'm baffled by why the press is taking issue with the couple's silence. It seems each time they open their mouths they stick their foot in it. So it's actually a good thing that they're quiet. Much less of an opportunity to say something dumb and/or embarass the monarchy.
She could have had a private wedding, just look at Bea and Edo's wedding which was very private and only a few photos were released. But, as I see this, they don't want to have a private wedding, details were announced by them months before and that is their own decision. Looks like a big event with dress codes, a program for the guests and so on. If you are planning such an event and talk about it, you don't have to be surprised of public reactions.
I cannot remember any wedding of European royals where the public was informed about all the details in advance.
The problem here reminds me of the old saying, "You can't be a little bit pregnant." You either are, or you are not.

It's perfectly fine if ML wants a private wedding and no press attention, but then she and Durek need to leave social media, stop promoting themselves in the press, and embrace anonymity. Either she is a private citizen, or she isn't.

(And the same goes for her British cousin Harry.)
Hmm...although she is number 4 in line Märtha Louise does not carry out any public duties on behalf of the monarchy so why can she not have a PRIVATE wedding and maybe release a few photos to the press?

I'm baffled by why the press is taking issue with the couple's silence. It seems each time they open their mouths they stick their foot in it. So it's actually a good thing that they're quiet. Much less of an opportunity to say something dumb and/or embarass the monarchy.
Because, and here is another DK saying: You can't blow and have flour in your mouth at the same time.
They are more than happy to capitalize on ML's royal status and also push the boundaries of that capitalization.
They have also been very keen on promoting their happiness in almost every possible way - including interviews and photo shoots. And let's not be naive, their happiness and love is a part of their image. In fact it's crucial for their other jobs. Attention = business. A happy story = more business.
The problem is of course that once you want to promote yourself, the press will try to learn who you are and so will the public. And that includes taking a good look at what you have done and said and what people in your past say about you. In fact that's the duty of journalists.
And the Norwegian press would be just as delighted, if not more, if it turned out that Durek was a kind, sensible, selfmade American businessman who has little if any controversy in the luggage. I mean, what's not to love about such a story? It's a seller for as long as they are married.
But having a feud with the Norwegian press, and I dare say the Norwegians in general, well that's seller too.

The problem of being a royal is that you are binary: You are either a very public figure or you are not. There is nothing in-between.
ML and her shaman decided to be very public figures. And if you do that, you can't complain if people have an opinion about you, your life and what you say and do. Nor can you complain if the press takes an interest in you, also a critical interest!
ML could have chosen to downplay their careers, so to speak, and avoid talking about that aspect more than they absolutely have to. Have given a few interviews about how they met, their relationship developed and their future plans and otherwise kept things quiet.
But they didn't.
It doesn't exactly help that each time Durek opens his mouth something... remarkable... comes out!

ML and her Durek is a juicy story, like it or not. Unfortunately for them, it's not the way they like the narrative to be. And it doesn't exactly help that you accuse everybody and their canary for being ore or less latent racists when the issue is that: Durek is a quack. A quack who happens to have a darker skin tone than most Norwegians, but he is first and foremost a quack.
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100% agree. You can't sell your engagement and pose for lovely photos for the press, to sell to promote themselves, and then complain when the press goes searching for info.
The article that Ladyfinn shared is right on.

"I don't think King Harald has the heart to do more than he has already done. It is therefore doubtful whether he will take her out of the line of succession. But no one is forcing her to be there, so she may well renounce the formal placement herself.
She therefore still has a choice:
Either Märtha should get out of the victim role. Or she has to get out of the royal house."

She renounced to the royal duties but not the title or her place in the line of succession. Number 4 is pretty high until Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus start their own families later in the future.

If you don't want the attention of the press, no need to announce her engagement, what a year in advance, or pose for photos. Just get married.
Durek organizes an event on Norwegian National Day May 17 in Los Angeles.
By paying 45 dollars, people can meet Shaman Durek in person. Durek, together with his musical niece Natalia Alavas, will perform on stage at RA MA Los Angeles, a spiritual institute where Durek has held several "shows" and performances. At the event, Durek will help those paying to get in touch with their past lives. Through meditation combined with music by his niece he will create a "portal", which according to the program will lead you to different times, places and dimensions.
The police are getting ready for the wedding
On Thursday there was a heavy police presence in Geiranger in connection with the planning of this summer's big princess wedding.
A police helicopter landed on a field near Union, and in the car park outside the hotel there were a number of police vehicles.
- The police are on inspection today as part of the planning, confirms Chief of Staff Kenneth Sætre in the Møre and Romsdal police district to TV 2.
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