Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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Well, I read the interview.

It was very odd, someone was playing violins all through my read. It was actually quite spooky as I was all alone! :eek:

They sure managed to mention the fact that ML is a Princess quite a few times! I lost count after 26 times. King Harald was also mentioned one or two times...
I think King Harald is a very fortunate man. That he got to meet Durek. In Person. Before the end of his days.
In fact I too consider myself fortunate. My great grandchildren shall envy me. Cause I lived when Durek walked the Earth.
And does it mean ML identifies as something other than heterosexual or -romantic?

I interpreted her comment as saying that she accepted Durek's bisexuality while others did not.

GURUS Magazine Editor-in-Chief Derek Warburton opens the interview by asking the couple to clear up misunderstandings about who they are as people, their beliefs, and how they came to this place of gender-free love and acceptance. “I’m all about love,” explains Princess Märtha. “It’s people we fall in love with. It doesn’t matter who they are and what sex they are. Love is love. For me, at least. Many people have reacted to that, wondering how I can accept him. But he loves me, and I love him, and it doesn’t matter.”

As for

A defining moment of change for the Norwegian monarchy was when King Harald publicly addressed his country and renounced racism, a momentous moment that the Shaman describes as historical.
“It was such a big deal that King Harald spoke out against what was being done to me,” says the Shaman. “The racism and bringing awareness that they are not okay with it. For any person in the monarchy to be able to speak at that level is history in the making, and for the press to bury it, not talk about it and not put it out there was very disheartening to me,” he says.

I think the Shaman meant to say that King Harald denounced racism rather than renounced racism, as the latter could be read as saying the King had been racist up to that point. I wonder if he is aware that King Harald already spoke against racism (and heterosexism for that matter) long before Durek entered his life.
I think the Shaman meant to say that King Harald denounced racism rather than renounced racism, as the latter could be read as saying the King had been racist up to that point. I wonder if he is aware that King Harald already spoke against racism (and heterosexism for that matter) long before Durek entered his life.

I don't think there is any enlightenment before Durek. Not in his own narrative.

Durek is a walking example of the saying that: We are all the main character in our lives. - Durek is so much the main character in his life! So much so that everybody else are reduced to extras. Also King Harald.

Ergo there cannot have been enlightenment in Norway, in King Harald's mind and among the Norwegians, until Durek appeared.
And in Durek's defense I do suspect he genuinely believes that he is bringing spirituality to Norway, that he is eradicating racism there as well.
That he has brought King Harald out of the darkness. - That is IMO certainly hinted in the interview!

It's a weird mindset but in its peculiar way it also makes sense.
I wonder when there is going to be an amendment to the agreement to the effect that he is not allowed to mention Harald, Sonja, Haakon, MM, or IA at all.

Sad but easier than getting the Storting involved.
Never heard of the Magazine, but Wow.....does Martha Louise sound *kinda*' passive aggressive.

"Love is love, for me at least. Many People have reacted to that, WONDERING HOW I CAN ACCEPT HIM".

They aren't 'wondering' because of his skin colour.

They are skeptical about a "Shaman" Durek monetizing his connection to The Royal House of Norway to profit off of quack " medicine " treatments.

I don't think the Wedding will happen anytime soon......
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Never heard of the Magazine, but Wow.....does Martha Louise sound *kinda*' passive aggressive.

"Love is love, for me at least. Many People have reacted to that, WONDERING HOW I CAN ACCEPT HIM".

They aren't 'wondering' because of his skin colour.

They are skeptical about a "Shaman" Durek monetizing his connection to The Royal House of Norway to profit off of quack " medicine " treatments.

I don't think the Wedding will happen anytime soon......
I think you are right, it is not as if they have to wait till they have enough money to pay for the reception of the wedding:lol:

This Vantru article is from March 2016 yet very little has changed, Durek is stronger than ever and now he has a Princess as his frontman and a magazine just made for the two of them. Derek Warburton, known as Derek Fabulous is Editor-In-Chief not only of Gurus Magazine but three others including British Thoughts, Mr. Warburton and La Inquisitor.

In November 2021, Mr Warburton media added Gurus magazine to its roster of properties. With a philosophy made up of 3 words, truth, passion & authenticity the words are each written and hidden on every cover. Warburton is quoted in saying, “ i wanted to create a magazine that was built on wellness and experts that make the world a better place.”

I would say there's no stopping The Princess and The Shaman now.
Durek's mother Veruschka Urquhart:
My son has brainwashed Märtha
Veruschka is upset by Durek's many lies, which he has made the princess believe. Now she warns her future daughter-in-law: - He is dangerous.
- Sønnen min har hjernevasket Märtha
Video of the interview
Ektemannen til Märtha Louise Sjaman Dureks sin mor om sjamanisme

Svensk Damtidning quotes the interview
- I regret having to say it, but the princess has been brainwashed by my son. I actually think he has run away with her brain, says Veruschka.
She goes on to say that she hopes Märtha Louise will see through Durek.
- My son is very charismatic. I don't know where he gets all his stories or why he spreads all these lies. He is dangerous. I want to warn all Norwegians about my own son, she says in the interview with Se ogHör Norge.
She also expresses that it is sad to have to go against her own son, but that there is currently no alternative.
- I get a lump in my throat when I think about how it has turned out, she says.
Dureks egen mamma anklagar sonen_ ”Prinsessan har blivit hjärntvättad” _*Svensk Dam
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Durek's mother Veruschka Urquhart:
My son has brainwashed Märtha
Veruschka is upset by Durek's many lies, which he has made the princess believe. Now she warns her future daughter-in-law: - He is dangerous.
- Sønnen min har hjernevasket Märtha
Video of the interview
Ektemannen til Märtha Louise Sjaman Dureks sin mor om sjamanisme

These statements by Durek's mother are powerful. When it's a mother saying that about a son, it's because there's truth in those statements.
Durek's mother Veruschka Urquhart:
My son has brainwashed Märtha
Veruschka is upset by Durek's many lies, which he has made the princess believe. Now she warns her future daughter-in-law: - He is dangerous.
- Sønnen min har hjernevasket Märtha
Video of the interview
Ektemannen til Märtha Louise Sjaman Dureks sin mor om sjamanisme

Svensk Damtidning quotes the interview
- I regret having to say it, but the princess has been brainwashed by my son. I actually think he has run away with her brain, says Veruschka.
She goes on to say that she hopes Märtha Louise will see through Durek.
- My son is very charismatic. I don't know where he gets all his stories or why he spreads all these lies. He is dangerous. I want to warn all Norwegians about my own son, she says in the interview with Se ogHör Norge.
She also expresses that it is sad to have to go against her own son, but that there is currently no alternative.
- I get a lump in my throat when I think about how it has turned out, she says.
Dureks egen mamma anklagar sonen_ ”Prinsessan har blivit hjärntvättad” _*Svensk Dam
My God ! His own mother wrote this ! If I were ML it would make me think a lot ! :eek:
:previous: If you were thinking with a clear head it might give you pause. Unfortunately I don’t think ML is clear headed or logical. And of course, to be strictly fair we don’t know the all the undercurrents that may have made things complicated in Durek’s family circle in years past.
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How terribly sad. It is seldom that anything good comes out of such public statements of parents/children against one another. The comments themselves are worrisome though not surprising.
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Family members attacking each other in the media rarely works out well for either party.

We don't really know their family dynamic, although we can probably surmise that it's not the fun "Hogwarts" that ML claimed a couple of years ago. Nor do we know what her children might have to say about her. But for someone's own mother to essentially say what many of his ex partners and ex clients have been saying as well as many others is quite something. Not that I think it will give ML pause.

I am very curious about the wedding. For a couple that wasn't shy about saying that Ari's death pushed back Durek's plans to propose that February to not even set a date now they finally are engaged is a little strange. Not that I'm complaining. I would say they'd elope but Durek so clearly loves that ML is a princess and probably wouldn't want to miss out on a "royal wedding" even if it was in LA.
My God ! His own mother wrote this ! If I were ML it would make me think a lot ! :eek:

Or on the contrary, instead it would make her cling to him even harder in the name of "us against the world" since in the world of ML-DV, they are the main characters, the heroes, and in typical fairytale they'll triumph all of that obstacles standing in their way and come up at the top (sprinkled by fairy dust and blessed by the cosmic power) :whistling:

Although, I think I recall either ML or DV recounting story of her meeting with his family and gushing how they love her, sensing their magical connection or something like that, but maybe it's just a case my memory failing me.
Or on the contrary, instead it would make her cling to him even harder in the name of "us against the world" since in the world of ML-DV, they are the main characters, the heroes, and in typical fairytale they'll triumph all of that obstacles standing in their way and come up at the top (sprinkled by fairy dust and blessed by the cosmic power) :whistling:

Although, I think I recall either ML or DV recounting story of her meeting with his family and gushing how they love her, sensing their magical connection or something like that, but maybe it's just a case my memory failing me.

I'm sure it will make them cling harder, although it's difficult to blame it on racism when it comes from his mother.

Yes, ML mentioned meeting his family and how everyone was happy, laughing and relaxed and "throwing spells at each other like Hogwarts". Which was crazy because that's not at all how magic is worked in real life (whether you believe or not) it's more like ritual or prayer.

So either she was lying or glossing over a LOT of family tension or this is something more recent. Or she was er, away with the fairies.
The application to trademark "The Princess and the Shaman" is no longer valid. According to Surek it was not their intention to use it themselves for commercial purposes but to prevent others from using it again. They will apply again.

"The application was submitted at the end of February last year, and until 1 May this year was being processed by the US Patent Office, USPTO.

Because even though it was signaled that the application would be withdrawn, Verrett and Princess Märtha Louise continued the process of getting the application approved last autumn.

On December 22, the couple signed the papers that were missing for the US Patent Office to approve the application.

- They secure the trademark to ensure that no one else abuses it. Not to use it herself, Märtha Louise's manager wrote to Good Evening Norway at the time.
Good evening Norway has this time been in contact with Verrett's manager, Simon Eriksen Valvik, who says that it has not been Verrett's intention that the application process should be stopped.

- There is still a desire for the same, namely to prevent anyone else from using this trademark. So now we will investigate what may have happened, and try to resume application processing."
Sorry, Polyesco for taking twenty minutes to answer your post, but I couldn't see the monitor for tears.
I'm so moved by the two of them.

How kind and nice of them to buy up a domain to protect to NRF from being exploited commercially by someone. And without any thought for themselves. There are so many conmen and leeches out there, you know.
I think this is beautiful. Admirable. So altruistic.
I shall sleep soundly tonight knowing there are still people with impeccable integrity walking the Earth.
I'm so moved by the two of them.

Me too! So, they wanna get the trademark... to not get it! Cunning!

Somehow this reminds me of an old sketch from "Top Gear": James May and the small dude (Richard Hammond) play "Battleship Puzzle" with cars and a crane.

The small dude:"James May thinks, I am a bit thick and put all the ships in one corner. But nobody can be this thick and James May must think this too! So - I put all ships in one corner - Cunning!"

James May:"He is a bit thick - He will put all ships in one corner!!!"....
IIRC, the same reason(? excuse?) of trademarking their "brand" so it wouldn't be used by someone else (not that they'd commercially use it themselves) was/has been used by another couple who-shall-not-be-mentioned-outside-their-thread. So maybe ML and DV are genuine.

Or maybe they're just in the same wavelength considering the other couple spoke about singing seals celebrating their love, just like dancing fairies celebrate ML-DV's love.

BTW, isn't it a bit eery that his initial is "DV" which in context of relationships means something bad.
Probably we'll get to know after the fact.
Biri, respectively disagree that we would find out about these lovebirds wedding "after the fact". These two love publicity and enriching their Brand and elevating (such as it is) their profile.

The Shaman and ML are probably very dismayed that The King has told no public festivities for this wedding. Zero. Nothing.
Private, low key family, close friends only. The reason I say this, is that either Martha Louise or Durek said last year, " it takes time to p!an a Royal Wedding".

That's what they would love, along with a splashy write up and pictures in People Magazine.
Surely the (never confirmed) "royal" wedding can give them endless media attention:innocent:
This has been a long engagement. Does anyone know how long?

Was it not reported that Durek was waiting for a transplant? It has been so long I do not remember for sure, but I thought I read he had lost a lot of weight, not felt well, and needed a Transplant. I also thought there was a discussion as to what country he could have the surgery. I would think he would need to reside in the country the transplant would take place in. If so, Maybe they are waiting until after surgery and recuperation before getting married.
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