Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn News and Pictures: November 2002 - September 2003

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Princess Martha Louise and her aunt princess Astrid. Mandela's state visit to Norway

Memorial dinner at the Royal Palace. Leah Rabin, the late prime minister's widow, was guest of honour. Here is princess Märtha Louise escorted by Matti Ahtisari





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Ok, will Fred marry Mary, or won't he? They have been dating for two years; she's moved over there and yet no sign of a wedding. What's really going on? Any speculations?? Is Mary just "entertainment"?
Not gala, but a beautiful gown worn during a photo shoot.

Photo from: Allover press


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I don't feel that one couple is more affectionate than the other. I have always felt that Haakon and Mette-Marit are an absolutely refreshing couple and I have always been impressed by their affection and attention towards each other and the way in which they are so openly affectionate. They honestly have a crush on one another and they don't hide it. I think that their love for one another is extremely sincere.
One of my favourite pics of ML taken during her visit to Peru April 24, 2001.

Picture by Anne Elisabeth Haess in VG Nett.


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May 24, 2003 - Märtha & Ari's First Wedding Anniversary
Wishing them many more years of happiness! :)
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Would Somebody please translate this article from

Lader opp til dåp på Bloksberg


HANKØ/MÅGERØ (VG) Sent i går kveld ankom prinsesse Märtha Louise, Ari Behn og Maud Angelica landstedet Bloksberg på Hankø.

På det idylliske landstedet som eies av prinsessen, skal den lille familien lade opp til onsdagens barnedåp i Slottskapellet.

Foreløpig er ikke gjestelisten kjent, men etter det VG har grunn til å tro, vil det ikke komme «store» navn fra andre europeiske kongehus. Mest trolig vil alle gudforeldre og faddere være norske.

Märtha, Ari og Maud Angelica kom til Hankø ved 22-tiden i går kveld i prinsessens egen Audi stasjonsvogn. Ari Behn satt bak rattet, mens den nybakte mor satt i baksetet sammen med Maud Angelica - som var trygt plassert i en svart babybag.

Både foran og bak kjørte livvakter fra Den kongelige politieskorte.

Mye utstyr

Med seg hadde den lille familien mye utstyr - deriblant en stor, hvit badebalje. Mens Ari tok mesteparten av bagasjen, sørget Märtha for å få med seg den mest verdifulle lasten - Maud Angelica - da de gikk om bord i passasjerfergen «Hankø» som tok dem det siste stykket ut til Bloksberg. På den sene kveldsturen var følget de eneste passasjerene.

Prinsessen, Ari Behn og Maud Angelica kom fra Mågerø på Tjøme hvor de har vært sammen med dronning Sonja på kongeparets landsted.

- Jeg har Maud Angelica boende hos meg nå, og det er veldig hyggelig, sa dronning Sonja til VG da hun i går besøkte Hudøy feriekoloni - som ligger i nærheten av Mågerø.

Prinsessen og Ari Behn har så å si ikke vist seg offentlig i det hele tatt etter at Maud Angelica tirsdag 29. april kom til verden på Rikshospitalet.

(VG 26.06.03 kl. 07:32)

Foto: Vidar Tangerud
MED BABYBAG: Prinsesse Märtha Louise bar selv bagen med Maud Angelica ut av bilen og om bord på fergen over til landstedet Bloksberg.


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Here you go, Mandy!

"Loading up for the Christening at Bloksberg"

Princess Märtha Louise, Ari Behn and Maud Angelica arrived late last night at the country home Bloksberg in Hankø.

At the idyllic estate, that is owned by the Princess, shall the little family rest and prepare for Wednesdays christening in the castle chapel.

For the time being the guest list is not know, but VG has reason to believe, there will not be any big names from other european royal houses. Most likely all of the godparents and sponsors will be Norwegian.

Märtha, Ari and Maud Angelica came to Hankø around ten last night in the Princesses own Audi stationwagon. Ari Behn sat back resting, while the new mother sat in the backseat together with Maud Angelica, who was sercurely placed in a black baby seat.

Both ahead and behind drove body guards from the royal police escort.

The little family had with them a lot of equipement, among those a large, white bath basin. While Ari took the majority of the luggage, Märtha attended to the most valuable cargo, Maud Angelica, when they went on board the passenger ferry "Hankø" that took them the final distance out to Bloksberg. They were the only passengers on the late night journey.

The Princess, Ari Behn, and Maud Angelica came from Mågerø at Tjøme where they had been together with Queen Sonja at the royal couples estate.

"I have Maud Angelica staying at my house now, and it is very pleasant," said Queen Sonja to VG when she visited Hudøy summercamp near Mågerø yesterday.

The Princess and Ari Behn have thus to make an official appearance at all since Maud Angelica was born at Rikshospital on Tuesday, April 29th.
Thank you so very much for the translation, holly*anja. :flower:
July 2, 2003 - Maud Angelica Behn Christening - Papa Ari Behn managed to quiet down baby Maud Angelica when she suddenly got noisy during the bishop's remarks. Mama Märtha Louise gazes on gratefully. Photo: Jon Eeg/Scanpix

July 2, 2003 - Maud Angelica Christening
Knut Falch / Scanpix Picture

July 2, 2003 - Maud Angelica Christening
Scanpix picture

July 2, 2003 - Maud Angelica Christening
Nettavisen picture


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July 2, 2003 - Märtha Louise & Ari Behn at the Akershus Castle for King Olav 100 year Celebration

July 2, 2003 - Märtha Louise & Ari Behn with Maud Angelica

July 2, 2003 - Märtha Louise & Ari Behn with Maud Angelica

July 2, 2003 - Märtha Louise & Ari Behn with Maud Angelica

Polfoto 02-07-2003 Oslo 02.07.03: The Royal family leaves the reception regarding the 100 years anniversary of King Olav's birth at Akershus palace building, and go by boat to the island of Hankö to watch King Harald lay a wreath at King Olav's monument at Hankö. Here, King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Johan Martin Ferner, Princess Astrid, Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn. Photo: Kristin Svorte/Dagbladet/All Over Press Norway

July 2, 2003 - 100 years anniversary of King Olav's birth.


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JULY 10, 2003 - Princess Märtha Louise and Mr. Ari Behn of Norway attend the funeral of Prince Carl Bernadotte, the uncle of King Harald of Norway, at the Danderyd Church outside Stockholm.

July 10, 2003 - Danderyd, Sweden - The funeral of Prince Carl Bernadotte,92. He was cousin to Carl XVI Gustafs grandfather and he lived in the village Benalmadena in Spain. He is mourned by members of his family. He was also a popular relative to the royal familys in both Norway and Sweden. The funeral took place in the church of Danderyd (a suburb to Stockholm in Sweden) attended by his family and relatives. The Royal family of Norway attended also as well as the Swedish queen and king. Picture - Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn.
Photo: Fredrik Perssson/

July 10, 2003 - Danderyd, Sweden - Märtha Louise and Ari Behn attending the funeral of Prince Carl Bernadotte.
Photo: Fredrik Perssson/


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Last edited by a moderator: - Pictures from Crown Prince Haakon's 30th birthday celebration.


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It's always a pleasure to look at pictures of Princess Martha Louise. I wonder why that is since usually with most people if you've seen pictures of them once, that is enough and more is redundant. What is it about Princess Martha Louise that makes her so infinitely interesting?

Another one off the top of my head is Queen Paola of Belgium. I wonder if it has something to do with ones ability to totally disengage from posing for some camera so that their true self shows?
Originally posted by thissal@Aug 1st, 2003 - 2:26 pm
It's always a pleasure to look at pictures of Princess Martha Louise.  I wonder why that is since usually with most people if you've seen pictures of them once, that is enough and more is redundant.  What is it about Princess Martha Louise that makes her so infinitely interesting?

Another one off the top of my head is Queen Paola of Belgium.  I wonder if it has something to do with ones ability to totally disengage from posing for some camera so that their true self shows?
Hello thissal,

Here is an article from dated August 5, 2001 that I believe may explain some of your questions about Märtha Louise.

Princess impresses literary VIPs

Princess Märtha Louise brought a smile to the faces of visitors at the opening of the normally sombre Bjørnsonfestivalen literary festival in Molde on Sunday with an amusing account of why the royals are rarely seen wearing crowns.

The Princess arrived in rainy Molde aboard a Braathens plane and was greeted with the pomp and ceremony expected for a member of the royal family. Märtha Louise was to lead the opening ceremony of a literary festival built upon themes of freedom of speech and human rights.
Festival president Knut Ødegård welcomed the assembly with a biting criticism of international oil concerns and other organisations bent on destabilising the situation in Macedonia.
But before gravity could fully take over, Princess Märtha Louise enchanted the gathering and lightened the atmosphere with a tale of why members of the Norwegian royal family do not wear their crowns, but keep them safe and sound instead in Trondheim Nidarosdomen cathedral.
Gratifying to witness, said commentators afterwards, that the one person expected to be surrounded with most pomposity was in fact the least pretentious.

Aftenposten Interactive English Desk.
Originally posted by Mandy@Aug 5th, 2003 - 10:44 am
Gratifying to witness, said commentators afterwards, that the one person expected to be surrounded with most pomposity was in fact the least pretentious.
I think that does explain it -- something about the ability to let ones true self shine through despite all the expectations that come with being in the royal spotlight. I suspect this might come from not allowing their royal status and image to become their top priority -- so that it's not overwhelming.

Of course this is very hard to do and I guess it would take quite a bit of royal experience and maturity to put the world and life into such a perspective.
every couple is different
but has there not been some Paparazzi pictures of the Crown Prince couple being very affectionate to one and other... i think from Brazil
1. August 19, 2003 - Märtha Louise & Ari Behn carrying Maud Angelica on their way to celebrate Mette-Marit's 30th birthday aboard the royal yacht Norge.
Jon Terje H. Hansen picture

2. to 4. August 19, 2003 - Märtha Louise & Ari Behn carrying Maud Angelica on their way to celebrate Mette-Marit's 30th birthday aboard the royal yacht Norge.


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From Marianne at the Scandinavian Royals message board:

Märtha Louise was the centre of attention during the opening of the European Year of Sports for Handicapped people at Rådhusplassen (Town Hall area) where she mingled easily with many other athlets.
Table-tennis ('been some years since I practised that'..) and mini-golf (Princess rather surprised too at her 'hole-in-one ) were amongst the sports to be enjoyed...on this special spot in the centre of Oslo city!
She received some presents too, although it seems that the distant-radio-controlled car will not be used by wee Maud first !!

The Princess emphasized the fact that sport is very important....and for handicapped people too!

Being a trained fsysio-therapeute herself she knows far too well how important it is to participate in sports..and thus being involved socially too!


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Raadhusplassen, Oslo 06.09.2003 - Princess Märtha Louise opened the events to mark The European year for the functionally disabled at Raadhusplassen in Oslo. The Princess got to try many of the activities available, amongst others climbing, boccia, golf, carpet curling and sound shooting. (Fotomarktplatz)

Prinsesse Märtha Louise åpnet markeringen av Det europeiske året for funksjonshemmede på Rådhusplassen i Oslo lørdag 6. september. Etter åpningen deltok Prinsessen i forskjellige aktiviteter. Foto: Scanpix

Prinsesse Märtha Louise delte ut NHOs "Nyskapningsprisen" til gründeren av PhotoCure ASA, Vidar Hansson. Utdelingen fant sted på Kongsberg 28. august. Foto: Scanpix


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Thank you for posting these pictures Mandy. I saw many of them at Rex Features last week but could not access them. Glad you found them elsewhere and could share them.
Hello Alexandria and Fireweaver,

You are both very welcome. :flower: It seems that Märtha Louise has not stopped glowing since her pregnancy and motherhood.

As for the thumbnails on Rex Features - it is too bad that we cannot enlarge them anymore. :(
Posted: Sep 18th, 2003 - 8:55 am

hi and Welcome to the new thread

Nice collage (fan art by another name) :rolleyes:

What's this I hear about a Swedish publisher not taking on Ari's new book? Does that Princess ML will be the bread earner?

Princess backs breast cancer battle

Princess Martha Louise was among the more than 2,000 women who turned out for a rally Thursday aimed at drumming up funds to help fight breast cancer. The women ended up in front of Oslo's Royal Palace.

"Breat cancer affects us all," said the princess as she addressed the women who assembled first in downtown Oslo and then marched up to the palace.

Once there, carrying pink balloons, they assembled themselves in the formation of a living pink sash, which is the symbol for those supporting the fight against the dreaded disease. In doing so, they even set a world record.

The demonstration, accompanied by a local brass band, kicked off a fund-raising campaign for breast cancer research.

Seven new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every day in Norway, with around 2,500 reported last year. The majority survive, but around 800 Norwegian women die from the disease, or its complications, every year.
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