Peter and Zara don't have/won't get a coat of arms because they are not Royal Highnesses. Seems a bit unfair but that's the rule.Great to hear! why didnt she get her Coat of Arms on her Birthday March 23 also do Peter and Zara have one?
Peter and Zara don't have/won't get a coat of arms because they are not Royal Highnesses. Seems a bit unfair but that's the rule.
Yes, they would be entitled to a coat of arms from their father's family. I thought we were discussing the Royal Family coat of arms of which they are not entitled.Eugenie was given the royal coat of arms because she is descended from the monarch on her father's side. Anyone can be granted a personal coat of arms, HRH or not. Peter and Zara would have to take their coats of arms from a grant of arms through Mark Phillips' family. What will be really interesting to see is if Louise and James will be granted a royal coat of arms. While they would certainly be entitled to it, their parents may not apply for it.
You mean, Bella, like the bubble wrap and electrical tape Dale Bozzio of Missing Persons used to wear??Def. an eye-catching gettup. But she's young and having fun and can get away w this sort of thing for now. Almost reminds me of those bright colors and wacky outfits of the 80s!