Princess Eugenie, Jack Brooksbank and Family, Current Events 2: Sep 2022-

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Aug 13, 2004

Arms of Princess Eugenie of York

Welcome to Princess Eugenie, Jack Brooksbank and Family Current Events, Part 2

Commencing September 1st, 2022

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Eugenie attended the private view of Zoe Buckman's solo show 'Bloodwork at Pippy Houldsworth Gallery in London yesterday, September 1:

** Pic ** rex gallery **
Earlier this week, Princess Eugenie with co-founder of Anti-Slavery Collective Julia de Boinvilleour visited Salvation Army UK where they were greeted by Jenny, a Service Manager for The Salvation Army’s Anti Trafficking and Modern Slavery unit.
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This is the sort of activity that has lead some of the media (DM looking at you) to claim the York girls go on lots of holidays as the media is largely too dumb to look at the reason for the visit - i.e. the work she does is in the 'art' field so going to art fairs for her is work. Even if during the fair she goes out to dinner - perfectly normal, unless she is to have room service delivered all the time, it will be painted negatively.
:previous: Good call. I thought they'd get sick of ragging on the York sisters when they got married and had kids, but no, they are too easy a mark, If not for them the journalists might actually have to work for a living . . . . they might have to actually go out and research or resource their articles, but they would have to get off the net and off the couch to do that.
This is the sort of activity that has lead some of the media (DM looking at you) to claim the York girls go on lots of holidays as the media is largely too dumb to look at the reason for the visit - i.e. the work she does is in the 'art' field so going to art fairs for her is work. Even if during the fair she goes out to dinner - perfectly normal, unless she is to have room service delivered all the time, it will be painted negatively.

It is good to see how Eugenie has built an independent career for herself, and now often travels for work. About a decade ago, that wasn't quite the case, and, the York girls were seen going from holiday to holiday, so some of that reporting was actually true.
From a quick google it doesn't seem as though many tabloids have picked up on this trip yet, although some are reporting on August's birthday today.

I think the reporting on them has changed for the more positive over the years but apparently pretty much identical pictures of Beatrice visiting various Mayfair clubs or walking around London get enough clicks to be worth posting every single time. But there's *generally* less barbed commentary about it IMO.
It is good to see how Eugenie has built an independent career for herself, and now often travels for work. About a decade ago, that wasn't quite the case, and, the York girls were seen going from holiday to holiday, so some of that reporting was actually true.

That is exactly my point - they weren't going from holiday to holiday but were working but the media were too dumb to realise that.

I remember one report criticising Eugenie for 'holidaying' in LA - she was seen out at dinner two nights and at a pool on a Friday.

She was at an art sale that took place from the Wednesday to the Sunday but according to the DM and elsewhere she was on a 'holiday'.

The same with Bea - a lot of her job involves seeing people in expensive places to help them connect with others but the DM, other media outlets and the general public much prefer to believe that she is constantly on holiday when she was actually working.

The lack of understanding of their jobs by the media and the public have allowed this inaccurate narrative to continue.
The lack of understanding of their jobs by the media and the public have allowed this inaccurate narrative to continue.

The lack of understanding and the willingness to shape a false narrative to make money from.
Noone much is interested in them . In a few years, the press wotn bother to take photos of them out on the town
That is exactly my point - they weren't going from holiday to holiday but were working but the media were too dumb to realise that.

I remember one report criticising Eugenie for 'holidaying' in LA - she was seen out at dinner two nights and at a pool on a Friday.

She was at an art sale that took place from the Wednesday to the Sunday but according to the DM and elsewhere she was on a 'holiday'.

The same with Bea - a lot of her job involves seeing people in expensive places to help them connect with others but the DM, other media outlets and the general public much prefer to believe that she is constantly on holiday when she was actually working.

The lack of understanding of their jobs by the media and the public have allowed this inaccurate narrative to continue.

As well as work, in Beatrice's case mainly, a lot of her travel was charity work.

Beatrice has been heavilly involved in the Big Change foundation which she helped found along side Holly and Sam Branson and a few other friends. Many of her 'vacations' were fundraisers. When she was off in Italy 'on vacaction' one year she was running a triathlon for the charity. Or 'vacation' in France, she was doing a climbing challenge for them. She was 'on vacation and out for dinner with celebrities' in NY when she was in fact in NY presenting an award at the UN to a doctor she had been doing charity work with. The same doctor she had been on a charity mission to India with for eye health when she was 'on vacation' as the media reported.

Even a decade ago majority of their trips were charity or work related. Beyond that they took no more trips then their cousins who are working royals did.
Noone much is interested in them . In a few years, the press wotn bother to take photos of them out on the town

No doubt there will come a time when they don't bother but for now I'm always somewhat surprised that up to several times a week there are photos of one or other of them out and about during the day or at night. Pretty much the same thing every time, except with trips like this or Beatrice's recent patronage, so there must be a market for them at least for online clicks (don't know how often they appear in the print editions).
It seems to me that both the York princesses are more popular now than in a long time. A whole lot of people are very interested in them. The media I don't know about, if that is what you were referring to.
People get too caught up in 'how close to the throne' or 'working vs non'.

Reality is the press and people concentrate on who is interesting. They want something to write about other then which pearls the POW wore.

Until the Cambridge kids get older, William's cousins will continue to have sway in the media. They are the ones who are private so they can do more things. They can speak out and make waves.

Was the same with previous generations. Charles' siblings remained popular fixtures until his sons were exciting enough to write about. The Queen's cousins and their parents had their hay day as well.

Eugenie and Beatrice are traveling. Taking on more controvercial charities. Slightly edgier fashion even now. Makes them some what more exciting to write on then some of the 'working royals'.
Princess Eugenie attended the Frieze LA VIP preview held at Santa Monica Airport, California, on February 16:

** Pic **
The lack of understanding and the willingness to shape a false narrative to make money from.
Some of the reports and comments were under the idea that the BRF were footing the bill for these so called holidays or that “taxpayers” were paying which is nonsense.
Eugenie and Jack, Peter Phillips and girlfriend Lindsay (pic 2) attended the F1 Grand Prix of Bahrain at Bahrain International Circuit today, March 5:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **
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