Princely House of Hohenzollern

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Serene Highness
Mar 29, 2006
Isn't one of our swedish princesses married to a prince of Hohenzollern?
Furienna said:
Isn't one of our swedish princesses married to a prince of Hohenzollern?
Yes, Princess Birgitta is married to HSH Prince Johann Georg of Hohenzollern (a brother of the current Head of the Princely branch of the Hohenzollerns).
He is/was the Keeper of the Bavarian State Picture Gallery in Munich.
I just thought so. Birgitta is one of our king's four elder sisters and the only one of the five siblings to marry another royality.
I heard they broke up awhile ago. It's heresay, but my source is pretty correct with information. So, maybe he back on the market? You looking for a boyfriend ?? Hehehe
Does the Hohenzollern Family own any other significant properties other than Burg Hohenzollern and Schloss Sigmaringen?
Does the Hohenzollern Family own any other significant properties other than Burg Hohenzollern and Schloss Sigmaringen?

How about this one: Prinz von Hohenzollern GmbH. They produce wine, champagne and brandy.

Additionally there is the Zollern GmbH & Co. KG with some 2800 employees world wide, a casting house, steel producer, etc.

Furtheron some real estate and other small entities.

More information available on Beteiligungen - Unternehmensgruppe Fürst von Hohenzollern
300 years Zollern - anniversary

SZON - Zollern hat allen Grund zum Feiern

Hi, today's Schwäbische Zeitung had a huge article with many pics (including family members) on the anniversary of Zollern. The company was founded early in the 18 th century by Prince Meinrad II of Hohenzollern. Currently it is lead by Karl Friedrich Erbprinz von Hohenzollern. Unfortunatly the online-article has none of the pics :ermm:.
Thanks, Marengo, for the pictures of the Zollern-anniversary. Greatly appreciated :wave:
In the thread about the Schaumburg-Lippe's Jo of Palentine mentioned the following:

Compared to the enfant terribles of the Hohenzollern, Ferfried and this stupid Karl Alexander and their TV-escapades (...)

Now I am well aware of the escapaded of prince Ferfied but what did Karl Alexander do? I suppose you mean the son of prince Emmanuel and princess Katharina of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach?
Prince Carl Alexander (born 1970) is the son of Prince Emmanuel of Hohenzollern and Princess Katharina, neé Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. He is/was a self-proclaimed "rebel" who married in 1991 a woman born in 1942. He married again in 2002 and this marriage was annulled after six weeks. Point de Vue reported that he has been "missing" since sometime in 2003 and I've heard nothing about him since.
Prince Carl Alexander (born 1970) is the son of Prince Emmanuel of Hohenzollern and Princess Katharina, neé Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. He is/was a self-proclaimed "rebel" who married in 1991 a woman born in 1942. He married again in 2002 and this marriage was annulled after six weeks. Point de Vue reported that he has been "missing" since sometime in 2003 and I've heard nothing about him since.

Last year there where reports that he works as butler for Frederic von Anhalt the husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor. There was even a report on TV in hallo Deutschland.

Frédéric von Anhalt Aktuell: Hohenzollern-Prinz jetzt Butler bei Zsa Zsa Gabor in Hollywood
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Did the princess actually live at Bückeburg Castle of the Schaumburg-Lippe's?

Yes. I actually saw her when i was there for the Wedding of F+üürst Alexander and Nadja Anna Zsoeks. On the morning of the civil Wedding Day a friend of me walked to Castle and she asked us if we where ther for the Wedding and talked a little bit with us.
My Almanach de Gotha has her living at Schloss, Westfügel in Bückeburg.
If that is a separate building she may have moved to the main schloss in later years.

Also Fürstin Benita is living the West Wing. Only Fürst Alexander lives in a part of the Main-Building. The olther part of the Main building is open to the public.
Does anybody know anything regarding a Prince Karl E.G. von Hohenzollern that seems to be living nowadays in Rome?
Hereditary Prince Karl Friedrich of Hohenzollern divorced from his wife, née Countess Alexandra Schenk von Stauffenberg, on 21 January 2010. (horrible day for royal marriages, the same of the divorce of Infanta Elena of Spain and Jaime de Marichalar...)
Karl Friedrich and Alexandra married in 1985, and are parents of four children, a boy and three girls.
Which is the real reason of this divorce of HSH Prince Karl?
The children live now with Princess Alexandra or with Prince Karl?
Do you guys have more information on Maria Luiza Hohenzollern? I have this image, but I haven't been able to confirm if this is actually her.

Do you guys have more information on Maria Luiza Hohenzollern? I have this image, but I haven't been able to confirm if this is actually her.

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This is a picture of Marie Louise of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen who married Prince Phillippe, Count of Flanders in 1867.
The pictures are similar.

The children live now with Princess Alexandra or with Prince Karl?

I imagine the two older ones live on there own, and the young ones split time between each parent, or have chosen to live with their father or mother.
What a surprise! I bet this explains why he divorced from his first wife less than six months ago.
Btw, congratulations to them!
I suppose the bride is protestant and the reliogious blessing was given by a protestant priest, am I right?
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