I translated this very good interview with Prince Rafael. He talks about the political situation of Brazil and his plans for the future, including marriage and the Restoration of the Brazilian Monarchy.
The interviews was given to "Herdeiros do Porvir" (Heirs to the Future), a Monarchist magazine.
I hope you enjoy it.
The Interview:
Íntegra da entrevista com D. Rafael de Orleans e Bragança
The interview Princess Maria Gabriela, sixth in the Line of Succession to the Brazilian Throne, gave last year to "Herdeiros do Porvir generated a great interest. For Monarchists and non-Monarchist get to know a bit more about the younger members of the Imperial Family, today we interview her brother, Prince Rafael, fourth in the Line of Succession, son of Prince Antônio and Princess Cristina. Born in Rio de Janeiro, he's 26 years old and works as an engeneer at AmBev [a big industry here in Brazil], betewen his work and compromisses, gently replied the following questions.
What is your full name, Your Royal Highness, and the meaning of each name?
Rafael Antônio Maria José Francisco Miguel Gabriel Gonzaga de Orleans e Bragança. "Rafael Antônio" is my christian name, "Antônio" was a promise my father made to St. Anthony, if he had a son, he would name him after the Saint. Everyone in the Family has the names "Maria" and "José", after the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, like Miguel, Gabriel and Rafael, after the archangels. "Francisco" is my godparent (Prince Francisco of Orleans-Braganza, my father's brother). Gonzaga is a tribute to St. Louis, the Family's patron saint.
What's your majoring, Your Royal Highness?
I'm graduated in Production Engineering, by PUC-Rio [Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, one of the most renowned Universities of Brazil] since June 2010.
Do you have any hobby? A favorite sport? What do you do in your spare time?
I'm a sportsman. I play soccer every week and squash whenever I can. Apart from golf and tennis, which has turned a Family tradition.
Prince Antônio, your father, is an accomplished painter. Princess Maria Gabriela, your sister, showed an inclination to music. Has Your Royal Highness any artistical talent?
I always liked to draw. I studied in a drawing course when I was younger, but there's a long time I'm without practice. I really appreciate pencil drawings, mainly portraits. I'm a fan of da Vinci's sketches.
Your Royal Highness fears something? If yes, what and why?
I believe everyone fears something. But I never let my fears transpire, and always try to enfrentar to face situations in which those fears and anxiety appear.
How Your Royal Highness defines yourself (temperament, character, etc.)? Can you tell us something about that?
I'm discreet and reserved, and I always considered myself to be shy. But, when the situation allows me, I exercise my sense of humor.
Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom said that, for her, being Queen isn't laborious, and that she's very happy doing her duties. Do you think being a Prince, heir to the Brazilian Throne, is a difficult task?
I don't think it's difficult task. Since childhood, we learn how to deal with our situation. And we always knew how important our Family is for the country's History.
The continuation of the Imperial line is an incessant worry for the Monarchists. Your Royal Highness, do you intends to marry? If yes, which qualities the choosen Princess will have to display, to play such an important role?
Yes, I intend to marry. I think the most important is to find someone who has the same principles and values, and that received the same education. This essential for the couples happiness. They will share the same ideals, and pass those ideal for their children.
We are watching, not only in Brazil, but the entire world, a ferocious action from the media and from the legislators to destroy the institution of family. What we have in order to preserve the family?
We live in an economic system based on consumerism, where material goods pass over moral and christian values. People are becoming objects, and the family essence is lost when "disposable" relationships are established. We have to face materialism strengthening our faith and our spirituality, especially in education.
Your Royal Highness, in your opinion, which is the primary quality of the Brazilian people? And the biggest flaw?
We have lots of qualities. Brazilians are workers, cheerful and kind. But I like to highlight our generosity. A Brazilian, seeing the difficult of his equal, is willful and generous. A Brazilian rocognizes him/herself in someone's pain, that's why we help each other. It's difficult to find a flaw in such in people with so many qualities. But I can see, after so many decades of this disastrous Republic, that Brazilian developed a tendency to respect less and less the values, the lawas, and the individual himself. This is a threat to our natural qualities.
What Your Royal Highness thinks about the political situation in Brazil?
The Republic has a serious problem of governability, which forces Brazil to be managed by corruption. That creates a disillusionment regarding the Republic. In that way, people no longer believe in the institutions, and life becomes unworthy. In other words, um completo disregard to the laws and civility.
What are our problems? And what Your Royal Highness would make to solve them?
Today, for the country be "governable", the corruption has to be allowed to grow more and more, turning the Estate even more inefficient. The public services are worst possible. In Belgium, in the United Kingdom, in Spain and in other Monarchies, in return, we see the population being treated with dignity, especially the poor.
If you had to assume the power today, what would be the first act of Your Royal Highness?
It's difficult to come out with a concrete act. I think that, at first, I would work to get people closer to the Sovereign. The Republic doesn't listen, nor unify, the citizens.
In the travels Yor Royal Highness has done representing the Imperial Family, how people receives the idea of Monarchy? Especially young people?
I saw a growing movement of the youth, which fills me with hope, because more and more the people wants the political situation. And they're seeing that Monarchy is the best option for this change.
Your Royal Highness, do you believe that Brazil is near to Restore the Monarchy?
There's a clear rupture between the people and the Government. And that can't be sustained in the long run. I can't see a possible recovery for the Republican system. The Restoration of the Monarchy is now a question of time.
From what depends the Restoration?
Basically, depends of a great work of cooperation and communication, in which the Republic inefficiency becomes evidenced, and that the Monarchy is the future's regime. People have to understand that Monarchy isn't a thing of the past.
Your Royal Highness feels prepared to dedicate yourself 100% for the Monarchist Cause, if the Restoration becomes a reality today?
Of course. We were educated to serve the country. And I take this as an duty and as honor, not as a right.
What the Monarchists can do, foreseeing the Restoration?
They have to focus in communication. Establish a direct contact with society, to conquer more and more Brazilian to our Cause. Always acting with humilty and generosity, as good Brazilians.