Prince Aimone, Princess Olga and the Savoy-Aosta family (2021-)

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Sep 14, 2008

Welcome to the thread about Prince Aimone, Princess Olga and the Savoy-Aosta family.

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Viola and Vera Arrivabene attended the movie "The Hand Of God" during the 78th Venice International Film Festival on September 2:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **

And were seen sighting also on September 2:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **
Apologies for asking, but what is their relationship to the Savoy-Aosta family?
Their mother is a born Princess of Savoy-Aosta. A daughter of the late duke Amedeo.
:previous: Amedeo of Aosta's daughter is Princess Bianca of Savoy-Aosta. In 1988 she married Count Giberto Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga.
Apologies for asking, but what is their relationship to the Savoy-Aosta family?

Answer with another angle:

Donna Vera Martinoni Caleppio née dei conti Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga
and her sister Donna Viola dei conti Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga are

- granddaughters to the late Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta, V Duca d'Aosta
- nieces to Aimone di Savoia-Aosta, VI Duca d'Aosta
- cousines to Umberto di Savoia-Aosta, Principe di Piemonte, (future) VII Duca d'Aosta

The relationship of Donna Vera and Donna Viola to their uncle Aimone is the same as the relationship of Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie to their uncle Prince Charles.

A cut out of the Italian magazine Oggi with various pictures of Aimone & Emanuele Filiberto:

Da quanto tempo non incontrava di persona suo cugino Emanuele Filiberto?
Principe Aimone: "Da parecchio tempo, ma esattamente non ricordo quanto."

How long had you not met your cousin Emanuele Filiberto in person?
Prince Aimone: "It has been a long time, but I do not remember exactly how long."

Nonostante le questioni dinastiche riemerse in modo anche aspro negli ultimi mesi, in particolare dopo la more di suo padre Duca Amedeo, le foto arroivate da San Pietroburgo mostrano una grande cordialità tra voi.
Principe Aimone: "Esistono piani differenti, che non vanno assoluatemente confusi. Per quanto riguarda le questioni familiari mio cugino e io abbiamo ovviamente una grande diversità di vedute. Questo non impedisce di mantenere sul piano personale dei buoni rapporti, di portare rispetto a un cugino . E agli ospiti che ci hanno invitato."

Despite the dynastic issues that have re-emerged in a bitter way in recent months, especially after the death of your father, the late Duke Amedeo, the photos which arrived from St. Petersburg show a great cordiality between you.
Prince Aimone: "There are different plans, which should not be confused. As regards family matters, my cousin and I obviously have a great diversity of views. This does not prevent us from maintaining good relationships on a personal level, to show respect for a cousin. And to the hosts who have invited us."

Quindi è quantomeno prematuro parlare di "pace' fatta tra i due rami di Casa Savoia?
Principe Aimone: "Ripeto: abbiamo idee diverse, questo non ci impedisce di avere rapporti normali in cui ci incontriamo."

So is it at least premature to speak of "peace" made between the two branches of the House of Savoy? Prince Aimone: "I repeat: we have different ideas, this does not prevent us from having normal relationships when we meet each other."

Vittorio Emanuele, padre di Emanuele Filiberto, ha abolito la legge salica aprendo di fatto la successione alle nipotine. Cosa ne pensa?
Principe Aimone: "Mio padre all'epoca chiarì la nostra posizione e da allora nulla è cambiato. Ma più ne parliamo più alimentiamo una polemica che non fa bene a Casa Savoia".

Vittorio Emanuele, father of Emanuele Filiberto, abolished the Salic law by opening the succession to his granddaughters. What do you think?
Prince Aimone: "At the time my father clarified our position and since then nothing has changed. But the more we talk about it the more we feed a controversy that is not good for the House of Savoy".

Doppo la sontuosa cerimonia nella basilica di San Isacco a San Pietroburgo, Aimone ed Emanuele Filiberto si sono cercati in mezzo alla folla degli invitati provenienti da tutto il mondo, si sono trovati, si sono scambiati sorrisi, strette di mano e abbracci, come due amici che non si vedono da anni. Si è trattato di sincero affetto tra due cugini, oppure è stata una manifesta posizione e da allara nulla è cambiato.

After the sumptuous ceremony in the basilica of St. Isaac in St. Petersburg, Aimone and Emanuele Filiberto looked for each other in the crowd of guests from all over the world, they found each other, they exchanged smiles, handshakes and hugs, like two friends which have not been seen for years.

Al pranzo di matrimoniale lei ha occupato un posto d'onore, questo perché vi sono legami familiari rispetto ai Romanov. Ci può dire qualcosa al riguardo?
Principe Aimone: "Non ho fatto io il placement."

At the wedding dinner you occupied a place of honor, this is because there are family ties with respect to the Romanovs. Can you tell us something about it? Prince Aimone: "No, I did not do the placement."

All'uscita dalla cattedrale di Sant' Isacco gli sposi sono passati sotto una volta di spade creata da un plotone della forze armate russe. La presenza dei militari viene interpreta come un'attenzione del Cremlino alla dinastia che ha rappresentato il Paese per secoli. Pensa che in Italia si riuscirà a vivere questo spirito di riconciliazione storica?
Principe Aimone: "Io spero sinceramente. Il mio scopo e quello di dare la giusta prospettiva storica alla storia della mia Casa all'introno della storia d'Italia tra le due guerre e nel secondo dopoguerra. Secondo me una riconciliazione è possible, nella continuità della storia patria."

Upon exiting St. Isaac's Cathedral, the couple passed under a vault of swords created by a platoon of the Russian armed forces. The presence of the military is interpreted as the Kremlin's attention to the dynasty that has represented the country for centuries. Do you think that, in Italy, it will be possible to live this spirit of historical reconciliation?
Prince Aimone: "I sincerely hope so. My aim is to give the right historical perspective to the history of my House within the history of Italy between the two wars and after World War II. In my opinion a reconciliation is possible, in the continuity of the history of our homeland."
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Their mother is a born Princess of Savoy-Aosta. A daughter of the late duke Amedeo.

Thank you! I now see that they're mentioned here:,_Duke_of_Aosta_(1943-2021)#Marriages_and_family

Looks like they have two younger sisters and one younger brother.

:previous: Amedeo of Aosta's daughter is Princess Bianca of Savoy-Aosta. In 1988 she married Count Giberto Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga.

Thank you. That makes perfect sense.
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Shouldn't Georgi be on honeymoon instead of traveling with Aimone?
Shouldn't Georgi be on honeymoon instead of traveling with Aimone?

George and Victoria are now in Uzbekistan together. Before that, they were in Yerevan at the invitation of the President of Armenia. It seems like a blended honeymoon/work trip. As for Aimone, he lives in Moscow like they do, and with his business, he is probably traveling all over as well.
Princess Bianca sister of Prince Aimone gave an interview to Corriere:

"Not much is known about her, few spotlights despite the family she comes from. She is the daughter of Amedeo of Savoy and Claudia d'Orléans, princess of France.
"Don't pay attention to the names, we are a family like many others, the dynamics are always the same"

"Does a question about Vittorio Emanuele and the sometimes stormy relationships that existed with his father allow us?
«I have always thought of a united family. Recently Emanuele Filiberto met my brother Aimone in Moscow, they even hugged. There are photos to testify it », she smiles."
Here’s the family‘s Christmas card with Amedeo, Umberto, Isabella and their housemates ;)

** Card **
Why is Aimone still living in Moscow?Showing true colours?:ermm:
I mean,..after 10 days..Come on..
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Why is Aimone still living in Moscow?Showing true colours?:ermm:
I mean,..after 10 days..Come on..

He has a difficult responsibility for the thousands of staff working for Pirelli Russia & Nordic Countries. It is handy for Governments to impose sanctions. That does not mean the management can close everything off. What about salaries, has the staff to be fired? Or will the contracts be frozen? What about the company's assets in various banks, what about the contracts with suppliers, the stocks, the buildings, the utilities, the insurance. How to re-organize that Pirelli continues to work for the Nordic Countries, not hit by sanctions at all? As president of the Pirelli operations in Russia & Nordic Countries he and the board will be in crisis mode for weeks. The Pirelli plant in Kirov has 2,200 employees and the plant in Voronezh 1,023. Sanctions also imply no trade with Russia but what about Russian industry inside Russia. Aimone and his colleagues have to walk tightly on a rope to prevent nationalization of Pirelli Russia. Pirelli is for 45% owned by China anyway.
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He has a difficult responsibility for the thousands of staff working for Pirelli Russia & Nordic Countries. It is handy for Governments to impose sanctions. That does not mean the management can close everything off. What about salaries, has the staff to be fired? Or will the contracts be frozen? What about the company's assets in various banks, what about the contracts with suppliers, the stocks, the buildings, the utilities, the insurance. How to re-organize that Pirelli continues to work for the Nordic Countries, not hit by sanctions at all? As president of the Pirelli operations in Russia & Nordic Countries he and the board will be in crisis mode for weeks. The Pirelli plant in Kirov has 2,200 employees and the plant in Voronezh 1,023. Sanctions also imply no trade with Russia but what about Russian industry inside Russia. Aimone and his colleagues have to walk tightly on a rope to prevent nationalization of Pirelli Russia. Pirelli is for 45% owned by China anyway.

Yeah well what about it?Others can,so can Pirelli.and Aimone
I'm pretty sure that the decision is not Aimone's to make. He takes his instructions from the HQ in Milan. And Pirelli could decide to not do business in/with Russia like many companies, just have to wait and see.
I'm pretty sure that the decision is not Aimone's to make. He takes his instructions from the HQ in Milan. And Pirelli could decide to not do business in/with Russia like many companies, just have to wait and see.

Pirelli is almost half in hands of the Chinese, Russia's best friends.

And China is an extremely important market for Fiat, Iveco, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Pagani, Abarth and the millions of Pirelli tyres these Italian cars are sold with... Real life is not so simple as some slogans wants to make us believe.
Pirelli is almost half in hands of the Chinese, Russia's best friends.

And China is an extremely important market for Fiat, Iveco, Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Pagani, Abarth and the millions of Pirelli tyres these Italian cars are sold with... Real life is not so simple as some slogans wants to make us believe.

..Nor halve as interesting either...The pirelli Prince should return to Italy instead of siding with that sort in the Kremlin...He and his family always have so much negative comment on EF...Well,I rather buy a pizza from EF then a tire from dutch we have a saying.....soort zoekt soort...Aimone did...Ok,Next!
..Nor halve as interesting either...The pirelli Prince should return to Italy instead of siding with that sort in the Kremlin...He and his family always have so much negative comment on EF...Well,I rather buy a pizza from EF then a tire from dutch we have a saying.....soort zoekt soort...Aimone did...Ok,Next!
I don’t think that Aimone has personally said anything about EF and in any case, VE makes his own bad press.
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