Press Reports about Carl Philip and Sofia Hellqvist, Part 1: Jan. 2010 - April 2012

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KitKat2006 said:
I'm making perfect sense. But maybe it doesn't reach you all what I mean. Don't forget that english isn't my native language and sometimes it's difficult to put things into foreign words that make perfect sense in german.

No no no, you're English is very good. I wasn't talking about that. I think you're doing a good job considering it's your second language.

I read my post again and I didn't mean to sound harsh. I was just referring to your posts when you tried to compare CPs workload with V&Ds. There's no comparison IMO. You also mentioned something about Victoria and the king doing more work cause they're being paid...the entire royal family is being supported by the taxpayers. I think they're too many excuses being made for CPs lack of involvement. I just think he could do more and I hope he'll be cognizant of his actions and decisions.
How can we be certain that Carl Philip (and Madeleine) is living off taxpayer money? I'm pretty sure he has private wealth and the King set up trust funds for his children so they probably don't have to work. On the other hand, responsibility comes with privilege and many Princes/Princesses either have careers or work for their 'family business'. It's not setting a very good example to be perceived as not doing anything. Maybe Carl Philip should become more visible? I know he supports a few causes. Why not give them a higher profile? It would increase awareness of the issues and have the additional advantage of helping the SRF's reputation.

By the way, I notice we're a bit off-topic here. Maybe we should start a thread on the roles of Madeleine and CP or is there already one?
That makes 9 working days out of 20 if you talk about 4 weeks a month with a 5 working days each week if you count Mo - Fr. If it's Mo - So it's only 9 days out of 28. That isn't that much either. Only a halftime job. And if you want to counter this little math example and telling me they work more than what's on their official diary how would you know that it isn't the same woth CP? He has patronages too. Maybe he doesn't need as much preparation as Victoria and Daniel who have more patronages, but he also needs tp prepare for that too.
You can easily check the calendar here:
Kalender - Sveriges Kungahus [NS4 version]
Today-July 18th
King - 31 days
Queen - 29 days
Victoria - 21 days
Daniel - 15 days
Carl Philip - 5 days
Madeleine - 7 days

Regarding their off calendar events, I've already replied yesterday. Since there is no way for us to check when they are in the office and when not, logicaly the only informative data is their official calender and based on that CP is the least working member of SRF.

And just take a look at my "tax payers reply" above. CP is doing all this for free if you see at it closely whereas Victoria is getting paid. So can you really honestly blame him for not doing more? I can't. And this has nothing to do with not wanting to see your point or having a favourite in the royal circus. It's common sense. He and Madeleine are not paid the same as Voctoria is for what they do. They don't have to do anything. Just Victoria and Carl Gustav who get payed and therefore are employed by the tax payers do. But that's just those two and no-one else in the royal family.
Based on your common sence then the only members who should work properly are King & Victoria. So you know, I'm wondering why are Queen and Daniel bothered to do anything? They can just enjoy their privileged life, shouldn't they? You may twist and turn it as you want, but Carl Philip is a working member of SRF, one of 6 of them, thus an employee of the taxpayers. It does not matter who recieves and distributes the money, it's still the same money from Swedish taxpayers comming from the state budget and he recieves a portion from it. For this money he has officialy worked 11 days in this year, not a lot if you ask me.

By the way, I notice we're a bit off-topic here. Maybe we should start a thread on the roles of Madeleine and CP or is there already one?
I think that's a good idea, there are/were several discussions in several threads, it would be nice to have them all in one place.
Do women judge their own sex harder?

The Royal Court has its economy and for the money takes care of the royal house of their official engagement. If Princess Madeleine and Prince Carl Philip doing private things, so it is not the royal household to pay for this. Although King Carl XVI Gustav is not the monarch who is the richest, he has enough money to let the royal youngsters have enough time to have free time too. One can not judge what Carl Philip and Madeleine executable from the Swedish Royal Court official website. Princes engagemanf for the fight against cancer is not mentioned, nor the prince's award prizes and patron of many societies, etc.

Allmost everyone convicted CP Mette Marit in advance because of her past life. Today it seems that Mette Marit is much loved and an important service to Norway. Danish Crown Prince Frederick swam with delight nude and appeared in many photo shoots. Joachim was seen in the sex clubs and bars. The two brothere seems to do a fine work nowdays. Prince William has been seen urinating in public (which is a crime in Sweden) and younger brother Harry had the bad taste to go to a masquerade party in Nazi uniform. The Danish and English princes has had significant escapades with various women (before marriage) but it does not seem to affect. I have not seen such harsh writings about male royals that I've seen around Sofia, which after all is only a companion to the prince. Could it be that women judge their own sex harder?
I think she will have a though time if she marries carl philip but if she does things right either be not in the spotlight, no royal work or taking advance of marry a royal if she work really hard take on the right royal duties then opinion can change but one wrong step and the she will get bad press
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Karisma: When it comes to sexual morality, women whether they be royal or non-royal have always been judged more harshly than males. Merrit Marit was judged more harshly than her husband would have been if he had done the same things that she did. A male royal could have girlfriends who are of questionable character, father a child out of wedlock, do things that others in his age group do, and unless it involved terorism, murder, arson, or some serious felony, he would basically be given a free pass. The woman he had the child with would face judgement, but not him as much unless he didn't pay child support.

If he was the heir to the throne, the fact that he dated women of questionable character, fathered a child out of wedlock or did things which weren't good, would never been brought up against him nor would others use it against him to say he would unfit to a be the next King. Perhaps because the governments are ran by males who have might have done the same or similiar type things, you can't exactly throw stones at glass houses. It could be thrown in their face if they made an issue of it.

It would be very interesting in the future if a female heir to the throne had dated or became involved with men of questionable character, had a child out of wedlock, or admitted to doing some other youthful things, I wonder what the response or reaction would be of that country or the government of that country. She wouldn't be getting a free pass. If she posed nude, she would probably be dethroned or people would say she would be unfit to be a monarch. A monarch or heir to the throne who dated a woman who posed nude would not get such punishment. If he married such a woman, that might became an issue (again the woman would be judged for doing this, he wouldn't be judged because he dated her or wanted to marry her). He's just having a good time would be the reaction to this.

That is just my take on the question if women are judged more harshly and the answer is yes, most of the time.
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Build no bridges before they are needed

Nascar Lucy:
I can only speak for myself and my male friends' idea (those who I know well).

For me it is obvious that one should not judge men and women differently. I may not personally believe that all things royal and other celebrities are doing is so nice (if now all that is written is true), but I do not think I make a difference between male or female, and I do not like when the media makes the distinction.

1st Personally I would not have problems with a female heir to the throne hits different people before marriage.

2nd In a documentary produced by BBC and broadcast on SVT Sweden held a historian and connoisseur of the British royal family that it was good for the monarchy to William and Kate had muddled around a bit, because it gave the English royal house "more modern Tuch".

3rd Of course I see it as a major problem that one does not know where the line between truth and rumor-mongering is, in this case concerning Sophia and Carl Philip, but also regarding other royalty and with regard to Sofia, and Carl Philip, I think that too many speculators and "building bridges "before we know for sure someone to" pass them "...
I agree with what you said Karisma. Since you from Sweden, I'm assuming that you were born and raised there. I grew up in the Central Florida area which was at the time (late 1960's) very Bible Belt and quite conservative once you got outside of Orlando proper. My family came from the Chicago area which was much more progessive and moderate thinking place. Some people from a neighboring town thought my family were liberal Northerners because we celebrated Memorial Day (it was not celebrated in the county where I live at the time). Yankee holiday this was called. My family were hardly liberal but I will not go into the politics of it. The area changed thankfully but it was slow in coming.

I was exposed to a mixture of bible belt conservatism and progressive moderate thinking from my early youth. I chose the moderate thinking as my belief system.

Swedish society is much more open minded and tolerant of others. The society that I grew up in wasn't very tolerant of those who didn't conform or who were different. The double standard was alive and well during that time and to a much lesser degree still.

What I'm basically saying is what I observed growing up here and what's happened since. Most people including myself think like you do. You still have those who want to live in the past.

Royals change. They are now more intune with the times.
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What opinionating badly informed pieces of.. is the above?It is way beyond the subject,and really,Swedes,as most northern Europeans,do not have the hang-ups of others.Thank goodness for that!It is hard to come by so much nonsense in one single thread.Really is!
This is not a biblical forum,nor do we need nor care for that here in this thread!
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:previous: It's sounds like you're the one with the hang up. There's no need to be angry. That's how it was back then and times have changed but a few things still remain the same.
Today is Prince William's wedding day-A Prince who will one day be a King and yet he has an actual job. So, does his younger brother. Jochaim is a farmer. The Dutch Princes have actual jobs. And they probably all have a royal engagement calendar that is as busy as Carl Philip's is.

It is A-OK for Carl Philip to be a spoilt little rich boy and live off the money that Daddy provides him-however he needs to stop pretending that he is some hard working Royal.
:previous: It's sounds like you're the one with the hang up. There's no need to be angry. That's how it was back then and times have changed but a few things still remain the same.

I am not angry,just astonished by so much ignorance dear.Really!Have a nice day.I highly doubt you are in the know on C-P.
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Nor do I think that it is necessary to let all of didactic, as I sometimes think that some members are.

I agree - it´s not ne It is certainly not a Bible Forum, but in the countries living in a Christian democracy, the Christian cultural values ​​deeply held. It´s also important to get perspective on how different we may see the same things and also give some thougts among what the background to this is.

If I, for example, believe that I want to defend the Swedish and the royal court and its approach instead of discussing tiaras, I think the law is part of freedom of expression. TRF's not just for the unconfirmed gossip! Or? ...
Nor do I think that it is necessary to let all of didactic, as I sometimes think that some members are.

I agree - It is certainly not a Bible Forum.!!

If I, for example, believe that I want to defend the Swedish and the royal court and its approach instead of discussing tiaras, I think the law is part of freedom of expression. TRF's not just for the unconfirmed gossip! Or? ...

On the latter,indeed,I would certainly hope not Karisma.
I detest gossip,unconfirmed or not.:)
i guess carl philip will also be a farmer much like joachim he will take over stenhammar estate
My earlier comments were not meant to be a biblical forum or a promotion of religion. If someone thought I was doing this, I'm sorry as I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was just staying how things were and are relating to the topic. End of comment.
well.. the thread is about Prince Philip and this Sofia Hellqvist. From my understanding.. she is a former stripper ??? is that right? :eek:

I have no issues with Royals marrying commoners but that is way too "common" for my tastes. If I were King... I would say "Over My dead body" as far as allowing those two to ever get married. I might even go so far as to forbid them from even dating... :yuk:
Today is Prince William's wedding day-A Prince who will one day be a King and yet he has an actual job. So, does his younger brother. Jochaim is a farmer. The Dutch Princes have actual jobs. And they probably all have a royal engagement calendar that is as busy as Carl Philip's is.

It is A-OK for Carl Philip to be a spoilt little rich boy and live off the money that Daddy provides him-however he needs to stop pretending that he is some hard working Royal.

I hadn't really thought about other royal houses compared to Sweden, but you make a really good point here. Maybe Madeleine & CP should take some pointers from their counterparts. And I agree that Madeleine & CP come off a bit overpriviledged. Whereas Victoria & Daniel have become the work horses.
Those pictures of Sofia remind me of a comment made about Chelsy Davy, that she always looks like she needs a good scrubbing. Sofia really needs a good scrubbing. But then again, even though CP is very handsome, his hair looks quite greasy, like he needs a hair washing, so maybe they were meant to be.
Don´t condemn Sofia

As usual, no one counts, studies, sports and cultural activities. In spring 2007 the Prince studied design at the renowned design school Rhode Island School of Design in the USA. The school announced a competition to create the best graphic design of the Martha's Vineyard Museum in Rhode Island. Prince won the competition in spring 2008 with a proposal that he submitted in 2009 pseudonym.Från studying HRH Prince Carl Philip of Sweden's University of Agricultural Sciences Alnarp. The studies in Alnarp continues in spring 2011.

All that condemns Sofia did not learn nothing from history. HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway was completely mobbed by his marriage to Crown Prince of Norway by many sharp pencils here at TRF. Equally bad was it with His Royal Highness Prince Daniel. He was considered by many not as good as Jonas Bergström. And I could take many more examples from other royal families, but I would only get us to think of something before we judge too hard. In official contexts, it is still the case that HRH Carl Philip has no relation. Wait until any official notification.
Sofia is in a lose-lose situation. She will never get rid of the always present photographic reminders of her naked/borderline erotic past (unlike MM) und CP is too unimportant in the Swedish monarchy for his wife to make any impact re duties (unlike MM). CP hardly works, what can we expect from his wife? Sofia would only benefit in terms of money or title without any opportunity to prove herself, even if she wanted to. She'll be running the gauntlet in Swedish upper circles and media for the rest of her life if getting married to CP.
Discussion of hypotheses

Sofia is in a lose-lose situation. She will never get rid of the always present photographic reminders of her naked/borderline erotic past (unlike MM) und CP is too unimportant in the Swedish monarchy for his wife to make any impact re duties (unlike MM). CP hardly works, what can we expect from his wife? Sofia would only benefit in terms of money or title without any opportunity to prove herself, even if she wanted to. She'll be running the gauntlet in Swedish upper circles and media for the rest of her life if getting married to CP.

Princess Madeleine's boyfriend, Jonas Bergström, was raised to the skies here at TRF before it became known that he had a love affair at the side of life with the princess, and was unfaithful. Mr Daniel Westling was very severely criticized by a large number of members on the TRF, until their wedding taken place and Prince Daniel was making his first public appearance. And suddenly everyone was sharp tongues suddenly soft and positive in the comments.

Now it just so happens that we are discussing hypotheses when we talk about Prince Carl Philip and Sophia. There is no officially announced to discuss and some seem to have the same views as the gossip columns: We create our own headlines by speculating! It is an unfortunate attitude, in my opinion.
well.. the thread is about Prince Philip and this Sofia Hellqvist. From my understanding.. she is a former stripper ??? is that right? :eek:
No, but it is close to the truth.
She isn't wan't a stripper, but she have done at least one set of professional nude/semi-nude pictures. For a magazine slightly more taestfull than Playboy (iirc they show alot od skin and bare breast but not the ...).
How was Daniel criticized before his marriage?I only known him when I heard of his wedding
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IloveCP said:
How was Daniel criticized before his marriage?I only known him when I heard of his wedding

People criticized him for not being educated enough and some looked down on his career. Pure snobbishness, really. Can't really imagine the reaction if he had posed naked though.
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