Pierre Casiraghi Current Events Part 13 : Jan.2008 - June 2008

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Apr 11, 2005
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29/01/2008 Pierre Casiraghi with his new girlfriend in Milan

For some unknown reason, I really respect his new gf. I mean she seems quite confident and less spoiled. But it's the first time I see her. And probably... the last time :lol:
WOW! Pierre's new girlfriend seems so normal and not like the party girls that he is usually seen with........maybe she will stick around for a while :)
i like the ballerina girl better. she's prettier imo. anyway, pierre doesn't seems to stick to one girl for a long time, does he? maybe he never thinks any one them as his "girl", you know what i mean? maybe this one is another girl he encounters and then soon forgets..
^^ I thought of saying the same thing.. The ballerina gal looks more 'Casiraghis' to me:flowers:
^I thought the same about the "his girlfriend" thing. He doesn't seem to become attached, much less think of anyone as his girl. If she is his girl, or if she is not his girl, she seems very nice.
Last time, I would believe all those stories that he was kind of a 'playar' but after Alice Dellal mentioned that she was not going out with Pierre eventhough all the tabloid suggested differently.. then I begin to think, maybe that is they way he treats all the woman. He hold hand..he kiss..he hug all his female friends, but 'no string attached':D.. just a normal half Italian-half French way of treating people in the opposite sex.:lol:
Last time, I would believe all those stories that he was kind of a 'playar' but after Alice Dellal mentioned that she was not going out with Pierre eventhough all the tabloid suggested differently.. then I begin to think, maybe that is they way he treats all the woman. He hold hand..he kiss..he hug all his female friends, but 'no string attached':D.. just a normal half Italian-half French way of treating people in the opposite sex.:lol:
well i guess if nobody gets hurt, then it should be okay...just like a bee that springs from one flower to the next....:ermm:
^ Pierre is a lover, not a hurter! :D

Like the case with all young "players," the ladies must generally know what they're in for. If they do not expect that he is just having fun, if they expect commitment from the start, they are deluding themselves and they must leave him immediately and find someone else. You can't expect get an egg from a cow. If you want eggs, get a chicken. If you want commitment, don't date Pierre. :lol:
New pics of Pierre with a blonde and a brunette:

Ok, I give up. Is the brunette a new girlfriend? It's getting insane :eek:
^^ I pick 'C : Non of the above' :D

I think he just has to many female friends, that's all.. all the girls only appeared for once than 'gone with the wind'... :angel:
^^ I pick 'C : Non of the above' :D

I think he just has to many female friends, that's all.. all the girls only appeared for once than 'gone with the wind'... :angel:

i agree, just because he's been photographed with a female doesn't mean he's dating them, i have plenty of male friends that are just "friends" and nothing more.
Well, I don't think any of us can say that Pierre isn't a friendly guy...?
^ True, Oxygen ! He might be playing with girls, but he's definitely the nicest and best to talk with, from The Casiraghi trio.
Sometimes I think Pierre is like the male Stephanie:D. I don't think he will settle anytime soon, I think he is having fun now, meeting girls, completing his studies, traveling with his friends. But I wish he could find an amazing girlfriend, not a snobby one! someone we would approve of:ROFLMAO: lol.
He is still driving his VW, looks like the same one he had in that "fender bender" thing in 2006. His brother also used to drive a VW almost just like, same color too. What model do you think? I think it's a Golf model, with the 3-door hatchback style. The new ones in recent years have been quite cute.
Yeah.. I think its a Golf model too, same as the one that owned by Prince William except with 3-door instead of 5...
^ A few years ago, one of the family's everyday Fontainebleau-Paris cars was a Golf, I think a green color, but don't remember what # doors, maybe the 5 door. They probably like these cars for practical use. They're more discreet than driving that vintage Mercedes Caroline likes to have in Monaco in the summer, :p and they (the Golfs) get better gas mileage, I would imagine.
^ Ok.. this should be in other thread but just to find out.. Does Charlotte driving Rav 4 and Andrea driving Porsche? I think during Christmas shopping spree, they were using Audi.. I thought that might be Pierre's car..:rolleyes:
^No, the Audi seemed to be a car of Caroline's, imo of course. I don't know what kind of car Andrea drives nowadays, if he even has a car now, as in New York it's much easier not to even have a car. There is just no existing parking in NYC and what exists, it's not worth it. :rolleyes::lol:

ABout Charlotte and cars, yeah, there is the Rav4 from 2004, and there are also pictures I am thinking of, where she & Caroline arrived at the 2003 Fences horse auction (september 2003) in what appeared to be a green Durango.
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That's really good to know. I think they're such a cute couple.
Yeah, 'physically', she blends well with the Casiraghis...

but did she just give an interview..??? WOW :eek:
Well it seems Pierre is still with the dancer and her name is Emilie Fouillous.

Hola Article:


Translated version

Wow, this is incredible news indeed. She spoke about him, though harmlessly, to Vanity Fair, confirming the relationship, saying that she "adores" him and believes him to brilliant in everything he does, if I translate correctly. But she can say no more but that. It is something to have a confirmation, though, more than just gossips. It is like having official word that they are a couple. Not from the palace, no, but from possibly the next best source as far as official can go.
I would take what she said with a grain of salt though, because I know for a fact that Pierre was incredibly hurt when that other girl (Francesca?) went to blab to the press about a non existing relationship. I imagine he doesn't appreciate that another girl he is supposedly seeing has decided to open up to the press. After all, the one thing that Charlotte and Andrea's partners have in common is that they never talked to the press, not about the Casiraghis at least...respect of privacy really seesm a golden rule in order to date a Casiraghi.
I was also very surprised about the interview. It's weird, someone " you adore " goes and tells how brilliant you are, or whatever. :rolleyes: At the moment, for some reason, I feel sorry for Pierre.
...respect of privacy really seesm a golden rule in order to date a Casiraghi.

Definitely agree on this.. not only 'dates' but also their best, good and normal friends. Rarely we here any of 'royal source' or close friend talking...or maybe nobody ever ask:D
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