Pascua Militar (2004-2014)

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Thanks for the pics! Letizia's outfit was gorgeous! I love the top!
Thank you once again, Anna! :)
I wonder very much how many photos of Letizia were taken at this event...
From Fotomarktplatz!!!


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Thanks for these beautiful pics.The Queen and Letizia look so beautiful and elegant.
she wore a new ring in the same finger with the marriage ring. It seems a ruby ring.
From Casa Real:
Celebración del Día de la Pascua Militar
Palacio Real de Madrid, 6 de enero de 2006

Será presidida por Sus Majestades los Reyes, que estarán acompañados por Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Asturias

So Letizia won't attened it...
LaChicaMadrilena said:
From Casa Real:
Celebración del Día de la Pascua Militar
Palacio Real de Madrid, 6 de enero de 2006

Será presidida por Sus Majestades los Reyes, que estarán acompañados por Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Asturias

So Letizia won't attened it...
Can we see it by television??
...JuAnItA... said:
Can we see it by television??
This event is always live on tv ;) I´ve seen it a couple of times. TVE will do it, i belive.
It is so bad that letizia isn´t going to be there on january 6..... :( but at least we have the new website that is so much better
xicamaluca said:
This event is always live on tv ;) I´ve seen it a couple of times. TVE will do it, i belive.
In TVE Internacional can we see it??
Because in the last year i can't see it! :(
What time will be it?
King presides over Military Passover celebration tomorrow in the Royal Palace

The King, accompanied by Queen and Prince of Asturias, will tomorrow preside over in the Real Palace the celebration of the Military Passover, which they will attend the maximum representatives of the institutions of the State and the three Armies.
The acts will begin to the 12,00 hours in the Seat of the Armory, where the King will review to the formation of the Real Guard, after the surrender of honors.
The Kings and the Prince will receive next the people in charge of the General Staff of the Defense, of the three Armies, the Real ones and Military You order of San Fernando and San Hermenegildo, the Civil Guard and the Brotherhood of Veterans. Don Juan Carlos will impose decorations to members of the military commissions.
The hall the Throne will be scene, as it is tradition, of the words of the King and the speech of the minister of Defense, Jose Bond.

How much time lasts the Pascua Militar??
...JuAnItA... said:
How much time lasts the Pascua Militar??
I can't tell you with precision, but at least a couple of hours. During the Military Passover, the King, as the Head of the State and captain-general of the Army and the Navy, will distinguish several members of the military staff. After the distinctions, it's time for the speeches in the Hall of the Throne, with the speech of the Minister of Defence and Don Juan Carlos. Finally, the Royal Family offers a reception to the authorities, in Royal Palace.
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Elsa M. said:
I can't tell you with precision, but at least a couple of hours. During the Military Passover, the King, as the Head of the State and captain-general of the Army and the Navy, will distinguish several members of the military staff. After the distinctions, it's time for the speeches in the Hall of the Throne, with the speech of the Minister of Defence and Don Juan Carlos. Finally, the Royal Family offers a reception to the authorities, in Royal Palace.
So... it lasts one or two hours... or more!
Thanks, Elsa! ;)
This receipt is not broadcast live, only they put images later in the television newscasts. The receipt coincides with the drawing of the Lottery of the Child that it is what transmits the public television. In the Palalcio Real they are not in the habit of the receipts broadcasting only the parades how that of the National Holiday or the Day of the Armed Forces.
The King returned to request reconciliation, concord and consensus, virtues shaped in the Constitution and that "has allowed us to make of Spain a democratic nation, united, more and more modern, right and shared in common". In his speech, the King remembered that the last year celebrated the 50 years of its enroll in the different military schools and 30th anniversary from its proclamation like monarch.
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The King returns to request reconciliation and consensus in the celebration of Military Passover

The King returned to request today, in the occasion of Military Passover, reconciliation, concord and consensus, virtues shaped in the Constitution and that "has allowed us to make of Spain a democratic nation, united, more and more modern, right and shared in common".

The Kings, accompanied by Prince de Asturias, today presided over in the Real Palace the traditional celebration of the Military Passover, that congregated to an important representation of members of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard.

In his speech, the King remembered that the last year celebrated the fifty years of its enroll in the different military schools and the thirtieth anniversary from its proclamation like King. Military Passover, in addition to the military cupola, they attended the president of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and the ministers of Defense and the Interior, Jose Bono and Jose Antonio Alonso, respectively. In little more of month and means, the King has spoken in three occasions of the necessity that the reconciliation, the concord and the consensus preside over the Spanish political life. First he went in the middle of November when celebrating his thirty years in the Throne, the second in his message of Christmas and third today in Military Passover.

In his speech, the King had a memory moved for all those "companions" who the last year passed away in the fulfillment of his to have, and who constitute "a faithful example of the deep and generous delivery to the service of Spain, consustancial to the military vocation". In this day of celebration, the King also remembered to the military and Civil Guards who "with proven success" are in missions outside Spain forming part of contingents under mandate of different international organisms, altogether more than 2,000 men and women.

Don Juan Carlos, when initiating the new year, wanted to show its "deeper and respectful" tribute to all the victims of "abominable and unacceptable sinrazón terrorist", and reiterated its "total endorsement, solidarity and affection" to the families of these victims. The military of Iraq, decorated the minister of Defense, Jose Bond, took part shortly before the King to inform into who, to proposal of the Armies, will grant the red symbol, "as they had the heroes of the CNI", to those who fought in the war of Iraq. During its speech in the act of celebration of Military Passover, Bond remembered to the 17 military passed away in August in helicopter accident and to the soldiers who fought in the war of Iraq, that, said, "they obeyed and they supported hostile fire in a lamentably so little pacific zone". After wishing to Don Juan Carlos one "long life like King of all", the holder of Defense showed its conviction of which "who in the eagerness to create tensions they tried to compare present Spain with the one of anyone" of the "times of fratricida history", "they would not only be mistaken in his judgment, but which they would be put decidedly outside the reality and of history".
from casareal :

Their Majestys the Kings and Their Height Real Prince de Asturias have presided over the celebration of the Day of the Military Passover, that has taken place in the Real Palace of Madrid. To their arrival to the Real Palace, the Kings and the Prince were received in the Seat of the Armory by the president of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the minister of Defense, Jose Bond Martinez, the minister of the Interior, Jose Antonio Alonso Suárez, and the head of the General Staff of the Defense, the general of the Army Felix Sanz Roldán.

After the decree honors, the interpretation of the National anthem and one save of 21 cannon shots, the King reviewed to the formation of the Real Guard. Once finalized, the Kings and the Prince acceded to the Saleta de Gasparini, where they received the greeting of the different military commissions: Central agency of the Defense and General Staff of the Defense, Real and Military Orders of San Fernando and San Hermenegildo, Ground forces, Navy, Air Force, Civil Guard and Brotherhood of Veterans. After the greetings, the Kings and the Prince moved to the Hall the Throne, where Don Juan Carlos imposed its decorations to 19 members of the military commissions, and, after the words of the minister of Defense, it pronounced a speech, in which it had a moved memory for the military passed away during this year in the fulfillment of his to have, and emphasized the great human quality and professional capacity of the Armed Forces and Civil Guard, as much to the service and in support of the different Institutions and Administrations, like outside our borders, where "they contribute to the recovery of his stability, help the maintenance of La Paz and they provide humanitarian aid in places marked by armed conflicts or natural catastrophes ".

In addition, the King rendered a sense tribute to the victims of the terrorism, reiterating "our total endorsement, solidarity and affection to his families. In order to end the terrorism, we apply all the instruments of the State of Right, Justice, the Forces and Bodies of Security and of the international cooperation ".

Don Juan Carlos remembered the thirtieth anniversary of its proclamation like King and the tribute who deserves the Spanish town by his responsibility, generosity, sacrifices and by his continued effort in the construction of the Spain of today, emphasizing that "those virtues, the height of sights and the shaped spirit of reconciliation, concord, consensus and overcoming in our Constitution, the respect to its rules, values and principles, have allowed us to make of Spain a democratic Nation, united, more and more modern, right and shared in common, totally incorporated to the place that corresponds to him in the international concert".

It concluded the King expressing "my affection, recognition and congratulation to all and each one of you, to the set of the great military Family, to your relatives and close friends, manifestaros my sincere gratitude by your continuous samples of loyalty, and pediros that you continue working with the deep pride, the permanent delivery and the immense illusion that lock up the love to the Mother country and the will on watch to Spain".

Once finalized the act, the Kings and the Prince they conversed with the assistants in the Hall Columns.
Image from anp


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from casareal

Words of His Majesty the King in the occasion of Military Passover Real Palace of Madrid, 6 of January of 2006

Dear companions,

With special satisfaction I come to preside over, in company of the Queen and Prince of Asturias, this solemn ceremony of Military Passover. Every year I hope with particular joy this occasion to meet with all you who you represent the set of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard.

I want, in the first place, to pay a moved tribute, with my more affectionate memory, to all those companions who, throughout the last year, have passed away in the fulfillment of his to have. All of them constitute a faithful example of the deep and generous delivery to the service of Spain, consustancial to the military vocation. In this day we want to reiterate of all heart to its relatives our breath, proximity and affection.

Thank you very much, Sir Minister, by its amiable words of congratulation and his detailed to exhibition on the policy of Defense and the situation of our Armed Forces.

Like Supreme Head of the Armed Forces, he consists to me with satisfaction that the adaptation of our Armies to the demands of the Spanish society and to our international commitments has been fast and exemplary, reinforcing at the same time the virtues and values that always have characterized the military Family. Virtues and values that are reflected in the fundamental principles of our Constitution.

Throughout the year that finishes concluding, as much Prince de Asturias as i myself, we have had the pleasing opportunity to attend diverse tactical exercises and to visit numerous military Units. It has allowed us to verify the high discipline and discharge preparation of its components, as well as the progressive modernization of its facilities, material and equipment.

We have been able to state the great human quality and professional preparation of our Armed Forces that have allowed us to advance in the transformation process in which they are immersed, increasing their expeditionary capacity like excellent element of the operation outside of the area of our Nation.

In effect, our Armed Forces and Civil Guard participate, with proven success, in diverse missions outside our borders, forming part of contingents, under mandate of different international organisms, in as different scenes as Haiti, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Afghanistan or Pakistan. Altogether, more than two thousand men and women they today carry the flag of Spain in his uniforms and represent the virtues of our society outside our borders. Also they contribute his professionalism and knowledge to make other needed towns, they contribute to the recovery of his stability, they help the maintenance of La Paz and provide humanitarian aid in places marked by armed conflicts or natural catastrophes.

At the moment, in which they are far from the Mother country and of its families, I want to direct to them to a special greeting with my gratitude and recognition by its effective and generous effort. Desire, also, to emphasize the total availability and demonstrated to effectiveness of our Armed Forces and Civil Guard to support to the different Institutions and Administrations, whenever the circumstances therefore require it, taking part to preserve the security of all our citizens, always giving example of its sense of the responsibility, discharge preparation and discipline.

On the aptitude, knowledge, experience and motivation of the men and women who comprise of the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard, as well as of the suitable material dowry of the different Units, depend the most effective fulfillment of the allotted missions. Missions that, often, demand important personal sacrifices and also familiar that we must emphasize and value. Of there, the importance permanently of guarding by the best preparation and endorsement to the components of the different Units.

I have followed, for that reason, with special attention and interest the set of the improvements in march, as much in the conditions of life like in the projection of Race of the military Family, that register within the framework of a effort in which we must continue perseverando. When initiating this new year I want to declare, once again, our deeper and respectful tribute to all the victims of abominable and unacceptable sinrazón terrorist, and to reiterate our total endorsement, solidarity and affection to its families.

In order to end the terrorism, we apply all the instruments of the State of Right, Justice, the Forces and Bodies of Security and of the international cooperation. Permitidme, finally, that remembers two recent anniversaries that, for me, has had a special importance. By chronological order, I talk about in the first place to the 50 years of my enroll in the different Academies. With such reason, I could next to my companions remember the values and principles that inspire the Military specialty, and that we assumed like Cadets.

With their deep love to Spain, with their spirit of sacrifice, loyalty to our constitutional frame and respect to our symbols and traditions, the Armed Forces and the Civil Guard are an example for all. Secondly, when being fulfilled the Thirtieth Anniversary of my proclamation as King I emphasized the tribute that deserves the Spanish town by its responsibility, generosity, sacrifices and by his continued effort in the construction of the Spain of today.

Those virtues, the height of sights and the shaped spirit of reconciliation, concord, consensus and overcoming in our Constitution, the respect to their rules, values and principles, have allowed us to make of Spain a democratic Nation, united, more and more modern, right and shared in common, totally incorporated to the place that corresponds to him in the international concert. To work day to day by a better country is the goal and illusion that the great majority of Spaniards we shared. Like that immense majority, I take to Spain in the heart, to whole Spain, in its rich diversity and plurality, with his varied earth, traditions and virtues. They fill of pride its successes and their advances to me.

I have faith in the future of Spain, in much that united we can continue advancing. As I said recently, no effort exceeds when it is about Spain and the Spaniards. This he is the spirit who animates Corona. For that reason, in the occasion of Military Passover, it wants to reiterate my firmer commitment and deep vocation on watch, my eagerness to promote whichever unites to us, to combine efforts in that direction, from the love to Spain, loyalty and the respect to our Constitution.

In order to conclude, I want to express my affection, recognition and congratulation to all and each one of you, to the set of the great military Family, to your relatives and close friends, manifestaros my sincere gratitude by your continuous samples of loyalty, and pediros that you continue working with the deep pride, the permanent delivery and the immense illusion that lock up the love to the Mother country and the will on watch to Spain.

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