P. Maria Laura, P. Joachim, P. Luisa Maria and P. Laetitia Maria FAQ

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Princess Maria Laura, Prince Joachim, Princess Luisa Maria and Princess Laetitia Maria.


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Princess Maria Laura

Full Name: Maria Laura Zita Beatrix Gerhard

Date and Location of Birth: August 26, 1988 at Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Woluwe-St-Lambert, Belgium

Hair Color: blond

Eye Color: blue

Parents: Prince Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este and Princess Astrid of Belgium

Siblings: Prince Amedeo, Prince Joachim, Princess Luisa Maria, Princess Laetitia Maria

Titles: Princess of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Modena

Position in line to Belgian Succession: Eighth in line to the Belgian throne, behind her brother, Prince Amedeo, her mother Princess Astrid and Crown Prince Philippe and his children.

Education: She did her elementary and most of her secondary school at Sint-Jan Berchmanscollege (Brussels, Belgium). The last two years of secondary school she did at Saint John's International School (Waterloo, Belgium). She started her higher education at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London (2006-2008), in which time she also spent 8 months in China. She is currently studying at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), Paris (2008 to date)

Religion: Catholic

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Any Known likes or dislikes: very interested in Fashion and Eastern languages

Royal Duties, Patronages, etc: none
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Prince Joachim

Full Name: Joachim Carl Maria Nikolaus Isabelle Marcus d'Aviano

Date and Location of Birth: December 9, 1991 at the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Woluwe-St-Lambert, Belgium

Hair Color: blond

Eye Color: blue

Parents: Prince Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este and Princess Astrid of Belgium

Siblings: Prince Amedeo, Princess Maria Laura, Princess Luisa Maria, Princess Laetitia Maria

Titles: Prince of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este, Prince Imperial of Austria, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Prince of Modena

Position in line to Belgian Succession: Ninth, behind his mother, his sister Maria Laura and brother Amedeo, and Crown Prince Philippe and his children

Education: Kindergarten, Elementary School and part of his Secondary Education at Sint Jan Berchmans College, Brussels.
He is finishing his secondary education in the UK, like his brother.

Religion: Catholic

Astrological Sign: Saggitarius

Any Known likes or dislikes: fond of motorised vehicles like motor cycles, quads, etc.

Royal Duties, Patronages, etc: none
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Princess Luisa Maria

Full Name: Luisa Maria Anna Martine Pilar

Date and Location of Birth: October 11, 1995, at Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Woluwe-St-Lambert, Belgium

Hair Color: blond

Eye Color: blue

Parents: Prince Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este, and Princess Astrid of Belgium

Siblings: Prince Amedeo, Princess Maria Laura, Prince Joachim, Princess Laetitia Maria

Titles: Princess of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess Imperial of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Modena

Position in line to Belgian Succession: Tenth, after her siblings, her mother, her uncle Philippe and his children.

Education: Kindergarten, Elementary School and Secondary education at Sint Jan Berchmanscollege, Brussels, from 1998 to date.

Religion: Catholic

Astrological Sign: Libra

Any Known likes or dislikes: none

Royal Duties, Patronages, etc: none
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Princess Laetitia Maria

Full Name: Laetitia Maria Nora Anna Joachim Zita

Date and Location of Birth: April 23, 2003, at Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Woluwe-St-Lambert, Belgium

Hair Color: brown

Eye Color: brown

Parents: Prince Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este, and Princess Astrid of Belgium

Siblings: Prince Amedeo, Princess Maria Laura, Prince Joachim, Princess Luisa Maria

Titles: Princess of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Princess of Imperial Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Princess of Modena

Position in line to Belgian Succession: Eleventh, behind her siblings, her mother, her uncle Crown Prince Philippe and his children.

Education: Kindergarten at Sint Jan Berchmans College (Brussels, Belgium) (2005 to date)

Religion: Catholic

Astrological Sign: Taurus

Any Known likes or dislikes: none

Royal Duties, Patronages, etc: none
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Since the youngest two are not yet fullgrown, we decided not to put this info in the FAQ posts. Have you checked this thread? I believe Joachim & Maria Laura are about as tall as Amedeo (give or take a few inches).
This is a silly question, but how tall is Amedeo? Maria Laura has always appeared to be quite tall in photos.
Well, he has his own FAQ where it says he is about 6'1"-6'3".
6 ft. 5 inches seems kind of tall for him. I think he is more between 6 ft 1 inches and 6 ft 3 inches.
why Joachim and Amadeo have the same "Marcus D'Aviano" name, what this means?
This is a name often used in Habsburg Family.
Marcus d'Aviano is a saint and a monk who had an important role at the court of emperor Leopold I and is quite famous in Austria. I think that the blessed emperor Charles I had a strong devotion towards him and gave that name to his sons, an habit followed by many of his descendant
Is Joachim going to go to the military royal school of Brussels, this year?
I am wondering why the princes have partly also feminine names and the princesses also male christian names. Why this? What is the origin of this tradition?
I guess that's because they have also the names of their godfathers, of both sexes
Oh, if it is so, then I must say: what a lovely idea, quite extraordinary, to get also the christian names of the godfathers and godmothers. Thank you for this information.
I am wondering why the princes have partly also feminine names and the princesses also male christian names. Why this? What is the origin of this tradition?
A lot of female descendants of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita have a male name, Markus/Marcus d'Aviano; moreover, and this happens in a lot of Families, both men and women have the name Maria/Marie, a female name used for both men and women; I remind Neipperg Family (the family of Archduchess Andrea of Austria), where all the members have MAria as first name (the husband of Archduchess Andrea is Maria Karl Eugen, and their children are Maria Philipp, Maria Benedikt, Maria Domonik, Maria Hemma and Maria Katharina).
So in Habsburg Family it is not unusual to use male names for women and female names for men.
Yes, MAfan, this is very interesting, and it seems to me that in this family it is custom, to transmit to all children the first christian name of their father. All this reminds me also of the great poet Rainer MARIA Rilke...."Die Blätter fallen, fallen wie von weit, als welkten in den Himmeln ferne Gärten......"
hmm...can you translate, please?
Is it true that Prince Joachim studies in Malvern Collage?, I am asking because I read it on wikipedia.
MAfan, do you mean the poem of Rainer Maria Rilke? Let me try: "The leaves are falling, falling as from far, as if above in heaven were fading distant gardens......"...........
Yes, Tilla, I was meaning the poem...my German is not so good...
Btw, thanks!
You are welcome, you should read the whole poem, even if you do not understand all the german, because the poem is beautiful.
It seems as if Prince Joachim hasn't been in the news or photographed for a while.
Does anyone know if he has a girlfriend or what he has been up to lately?
From what I can find, he's at Malvern College in England. It's a beautiful place. I don't know if he has a girlfriend, I can think that he does.
It seems as if Prince Joachim hasn't been in the news or photographed for a while.

HIRH attended the Military parade yesterday, National Day. Just behind his father : Picture details (It is the only picture I found).

And last june he was pictured going to vote with his parents and sister. It was mentioned here.

It seems Prince Amedeo hasn't been in the news or photographed for a while !
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