Other Historic Palaces, Castles and Residences

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Heir Apparent
Jan 14, 2003
This thread can be used as a general discussion thread for the Spanish residences which do not have a specific thread.

Imagine Scandinavia - The 'Principado de Asturias' has presented the Palace of Selgas to Prince Felipe of Spain and his fiancee Letizia Ortiz as a present to the couple. Felipe's title is from the area and Letizia is also originally from that area. The palace will be a residence of the future King and his wife, which is located in the village of Cudillero.


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Palace of Selgas

are there any history about this last house...
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Palace of Selgas

I love that house! It reminds me a tiny bit of Highgrove, Charles's home.
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It was reading and I am going to correct something. The Palace of the Selgas is not a gift of Asturias to the Princes. Before the wedding already often spoken of which the Prince had a house in Asturias, but never has happened, nor after the wedding. This palace works as a museum with restricted visits because they have important works of art.
And another thing for that does not know it, in Spain the palaces do not belong to the Royal Family, they belong to the State through a organism called National Patrimony, and the Royal Family can enjoy them but they are not its owners. It happens like with the houses of the presidents of government in other countries.
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From Corbis
Castillo de Peñafiel
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Loarre Castle, (Aragón)

From Corbis.
Castillo de Loarre.
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From Corbis
Coca Castle- Segovia
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Thanks rchainho:D
Here, more from Baiona Castle
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Does anyone has the pics from Villa Giralda in Estoril?
rchainho said:
Does anyone has the pics from Villa Giralda in Estoril?
Villa Giralda


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Summerings in the north of the Royal Family

In addition to in the Palace of the Magdalena in Santander, there were other attempts failed of which the Spanish Royal Family spent the summer in the north of Spain, like Galicia.

17 of August of 2005. The fact that Princes de Asturias look for a summery residence in Asturias, brings to the memory the data of the real residences been or projects aborted in the North coast of Spain. The Palace of the Magdalena of Santander was place of summering of the family of Alfonso XIII, Reina calls to account of whom kept good memory as much Eugenia Victory as its children, in special Don Juan de Borbón, Count of Barcelona. It was not óbice so that with time the Borbones undid of her, alienating it, in spite of the familiar memories that conserve and that today exhibit the University the International Menéndez Pelayo, that occupies the palace like seat.

Galicia, in their day, through promen of company and popular subscription, donated to Alfonso XIII the island of Cortegada (Pontevedra), with the commitment of which they went to spend seasons in her to relaunch the zone economically. It was not thus. The palace of the island of Cortegada never got to be constructed, but the Royal Family felt like proprietor of the island without restriction some and Don Juan, Count of Barcelona, sold it to the real estate Cortegada, gesture that extremely was criticized by the public opinion and some historians in its books like Ricardo of the Cierva. The countess of Bárcena House - according to account the grandson in his memories left writing between his papers: "the unfortunate case of the island of Cortegada", because a great fortune to its husband, the entrepreneur Augusto de Bárcena and Franco had cost, and it had to finish off the payment already being widow. Cortegada is the greater forest of laurisilva in Europe.

At sight of history it does not surprise the news that "the Principality of Asturias has resisted" to donate "a building of the public patrimony from fear of the critics of the citizenship". The experience of the past is not indeed encouraging, aside from that the King of Spain is today one of the great fortunes judging by the ranking that has been published in the foreign press.

Let us remember that pazo (palace in Gallego) of Meirás also him "gift '" to Franc, by popular subscription, with the pay of a day of the Spanish workers. The palace of Ayete, in San Sebastián, also has been host of rest of the headquarters of the Spanish State, although later the politicosocial confliction of the zone did not make it recommendable for it.

The Kings of Spain went to Majorca to enjoy the Mediterranean, a familiar sea to Reina Sofía of Greece. Now it is Letizia Ortiz, of Asturias, the one that inclines to the Prince towards its Cantabrian relative. Nothing that to object, but that everyone confronts its decisions.

The hotel of the kings without crown fulfills 75 years

In the Palace of Estoril, located to 20 minutes far from the center of Lisbon and few passages from the beach, there were lodged personages like: Indira Gandhi, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Juan de Borbón and Duchess Carlota of Luxembourg, among others.

Joaquim, at that time barman of the Palace, remembered the visit of Don Juan de Borbón, father of present king Juan Carlos I of Spain, that did not need to request that it served dry to him Martini, "of regal size".

In her halls the older sister of the king of Spain, the countess of Badajoz appeared in society, Doña Pilar, and in them the wedding of Maria Pía de Saboya was celebrated, greater daughter of Humberto II. The Palace also was residence of queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain, when it visited the counts of Barcelona.
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so any pictures of the houses of the infantas Elena, Cristina, Pilar and Margarita, or that of infante Carlos?
This is how Infanta Cristina's new house looked like, when they bought it, about a year ago. It's a property of 2,155 square meters, located in Pedralbes (the best zone of Barcelona), which costed 8.000.000 €. The house itself measures 1,063 square meters, and it has been remodeled since then, so I believe it looks very different by now. Anyway, here are the photos from when the house belonged to the previous owner, as published by Hola:

Here's the façade of Cristina & Iñaki's new home:
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thanks, it looks great, though very close to the road, so not to much privacy I assume. Any pics of the places of the other infantas? Where do they live anway? All in Madrid (I belie infante Carlos and Anne of France do)?
Marengo said:
it looks great, though very close to the road, so not to much privacy I assume.
According to Elmundo, it is a vast property of 2,155 square meters, with swimming pool and a sport zone (tennis court, etc.). Perhaps the façade is close to the road, but it must have a large private area backwards...
Marengo said:
Any pics of the places of the other infantas? Where do they live anway? All in Madrid (I belie infante Carlos and Anne of France do)?
Infanta Elena lives in an appartement located in the centre of Madrid. Regarding Carlos de Borbón Dos Sicilias and his wife Ana de Francia, perhaps you could take a look at the thread of the family Bourbón Dos-Sicilias:

As it has been said to other similar threads, please use a photo host account to share your images in this thread. From now on, pictures directly attached to the forum will be deleted by the moderators, without warning to the poster.
An update here...

Both the Infantas moved to their new homes, during the Easter vacations; Elena is now living in a bigger appartment located in the certer of Madrid, while her younger sister has moved to a large house in Pedralbes (one of the most exclusive districts of Barcelona). Here are some more photos from the front door of Cristina's house.
Does anyone have a pic of the castle where she lives with her parents??

Thanks in advance!
photofan said:
Does anyone have a pic of the castle where she lives with her parents??

Thanks in advance!

If you mean the Asturias family, they live in a mansion recently build within the area of Zarzuela Palace. I think I can find a PDF file I know I have of the structure plans.
I''ll be back in a minute...
5 minutes later, I lost the location but found this from 2002 about their home called The Prince's Pavillion (in spanish)
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From Gettyimages
Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos (L, white shirt, dark trousers), listens to explanations by Havana's historian Eusebio Leal (in gray outfit) about the throne of a Spanish King, during a visit to a museum in Old Havana, on April 3rd, 2007.

Alcazar of Sevilla

When I was in Seville several years ago and toured the Alcazar, I seem to recall being told that it still served as a working royal palace when a member of the royal family was in town. Is this correct? Do the Spanish royals still use it? Thanks.
The Royal Family used it when Infant Elena married in the city, also in the Universal Exhibition of 1992 and sometimes they can use it in some official act in the city, but they do not use it of habitual form.

Does anyone have any photos of the private areas in the princes house. Like leonors room.
Dear Members of the royal forums! I was werry happy when i found this forum on internet, and when i was registered here.I am looking forward to hear from other members, and i have found out that this page is an exelent place to exsplore and hear others meaning about several isues.Thank You and the werry best regards from Bjørn Terje Wagle.(wagle 3)
Royal Palace of La Almudaina, (Mallorca)

This is the Palace where take place the traditional farewell dinner with the main authorities of the government of the Balearic Islands.

Futher Information:
Palacios Reales: Palacio Real de la Almudaina


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List of the Spanish Royal Residences and Historic Buildings

Here is a list of the current and former Spanish Royal Residences and Historic Buildings

Royal Palaces and Castles

Royal Palace of Madrid
Royal Seat of San Lorenzo del Escorial, (Madrid)
Royal Palace of El Pardo, (Madrid)
Royal Palace of Aranjuez, (Madrid)
Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso, (Segovia)
Royal Palace of Rio Frio, (Segvia)
El Alcazar de Segovia, (Segovia)
El Alzazor de Toledo, (Toledo)
Royal Palace of La Almudaina (Mallorca)
Royal Palcace of Miramar, (San Sebastian)
Loarre Castle, (Aragón)
Peñafiel Castle, (Valladolid)
La Aljaferia Palace, (Zaragoza)
Ponferrada Castle, (El Bierzo)

Official Residences and Others

La Zarzuela Palace, (Madrid)
The Prince Pavillion, (Zarzuela Palace, Madrid)
Marivent Palace, (Mallorca)
La Mareta, (Lanzarote)

Historic Buildings

The Alcazar of Seville (Seville)

Royal Monasteries, Convents and Cathedrals.

Convento Madres Angustias, (Former Palace of Juan II)
Royal Monasterie of Santa Maria de Guadalupe, (Caceres)
Convent of Las Reales Descalzas, (Madrid)
Royal Convent of La Encarnacion, (Madrid)
Royal Convent of Santa Clara de Tordesillas, (Valladoliz)
Abbey of Santa Maria la Real de Huelgas, (Burgos)
The Burgos Cathedral, (Burgos)
The Leon Cathedral, (Leon)
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