Order of Malta

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Heir Apparent
Jun 19, 2005
Grand Master of the Order of Malta died in Rome to 79 years

Rome .- The Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie, died on Thursday in Rome to 79 years old, reported today the Order of Malta in a statement.

The chapel is burning installed in the church of Santa Maria del Priorato in Rome at 15.00 local time (14.00 GMT), reported local media.


The Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and Malta (SMOM), better known as the Order of Malta, dating from the early years of the twelfth century and was born for the purpose of providing hospital care, "as a community of brothers servants and poor. "

The Order of Malta belong more than 10,000 knights, including King Juan Carlos I of Spain.

The Order of Malta is a state without territory, a unique case in history, and maintains diplomatic relations with over 80 countries.

www.2001.com.ve: Muere el Gran Maestre de la Orden del Malta en Roma a los 79 años
Fra' Andrew Bertie: the last, emotional salute

‘We can without doubt say that Fra' Andrew Bertie was ‘one of the just’ in the biblical sense of the word. Because the just are those who are open to the Will of God, and our Grand Master, as one of these, wished to delineate a new order in history, to which he was passionately committed. This was our Grand Master.’ Thus the Cardinalis Patronus of the Order of Malta Pio Laghi recalled Fra' Andrew Bertie, Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta, during the solemn funeral celebrated today in Rome at the fifth century Basilica of Santa Sabina, on the Aventine Hill.

In his homily, Cardinal Laghi emphasised how the Grand Master had particularly promoted spirituality among the members of the Order, by his own example, and by always reminding them of the importance of the Order’s charism: Tuitio fidei, obsequium pauperum’. He was steadfast in his visits to the sick in hospital and in assisting the disabled during pilgrimages to Lourdes and to Loreto. To inspire all who work in the care of the sick and the needy and to modernise the structures and the organisation of the Order, he promoted meetings and conferences at the national and international level, the most recent being held in Malta, Lebanon, Cameroon, Bolivia, Mexico and the United States.

Mourners from around the world - the family members, friends, members of the Order, Cardinals, Ambassadors, volunteers and staff, all of whom held this servant of God in deep affection – attended the Funeral Mass for the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra' Andrew Bertie, who died on 7 February at the age of 78.

At 11 o’clock the cortege departed from the Priory church and along the famous avenue of laurels of the Magistral Villa under a brilliant sun. Made up of members of Fra' Andrew’s family and senior members of the Order, two mounted Carabinieri of the Italian Republic stood to attention as the procession passed through the arched gateway. The monks of the nearby Benedictine abbey church of Sant’Anselmo walked alongside, intoning Gregorian chant. A military guard of honour made up of Carabinieri and the Order’s Military Corps of the Italian Association awaited the arrival of the coffin at the Basilica. The Last Post sounded.

The solemn High Mass was celebrated by the Cardinalis Patronus of the Order, Cardinal Pio Laghi, and concelebrated with Cardinals Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo, Poupard, Tauran, Martino, Rodé, Foley, the Prelate of the Order, Monsignor Angelo Acerbi, and numerous chaplains, all robed in purple. Also present were Cardinals Sodano, Daoud, Lajolo and Sozka.

The acting head of the Order, the Lieutenant ad interim, Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, concluded the moving service by reading the Prayer of the Order in Latin. Then in solemn procession, the family and senior members of the Order accompanied Fra’ Andrew Bertie to his last resting place in the Order’s church of Santa Maria del Priorato, where he joins two other Grand Masters - Fra' Galeazzo de Thun Hoenstein (75th Grand Master, 1905-1931) and Fra' Angelo de Mojana de Cologna (77th Grand Master, 1962-1988). The interment which followed in the splendid eighteenth century Piranesi church was a simple ceremony - Latin prayers intoned over the coffin draped with the Order flag, a white eight-pointed cross on a red ground.

Around the world, at the same hour, Masses were celebrated in Order churches and chapels and hospitals to mark the passing of this much loved leader.

The Solemn Memorial Mass, when heads of state and dignatories from around the world will be present, together with members and volunteers the Order, takes place on Friday 7 March.

Image: http://www.orderofmalta.org/img/notizie/g_foto402.jpg

Sovereign Order of Malta - Official site
Magistral Palace, 26 February 2008
The Grand Magistry announces that the Solemn memorial Mass of HMEH the Grand Master Fra’ Andrew Bertie will be celebrated at the Basilica Santi Bonifacio e Alessio, Aventine Hill, Rome on Friday 7 March at 5pm.

Heads of State, Cardinals, Ambassadors and dignitaries from many countries will join the
Lieutenant ad interim, the Sovereign Council, the family of Fra' Andrew Bertie and representatives of the Order's Priories and Associations for this solemn event. After the Mass the Sovereign Council will receive all who attended at the Magistral Villa.

Attendance is strictly by invitation.

Sovereign Order of Malta - Official site
I just wanted to share this video of the Verdala Palace in Malta

YouTube - ‪Verdala Palace‬‏

Official Visit by the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, His Most Eminent Highness Fra
The Grand Master of the Order of Malta, His Most Eminent Highness Fra' Matthew Festing, will undertake an official visit to Monaco on Sunday 31 July 2011.
He will be accompanied by Mr Jean-Pierre Mazery, Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta.
H.M.E.H. Fra' Matthew Festing will be welcomed at 11.15 am at the Prince's Palace by H.S.H. Prince Albert II, H.E. Mr Michel Roger, Minister of State and Colonel Luc Fringant, Chamberlain.
He will receive military honours and at 11.30 am, a mass will be celebrated by H.E. Mr Bernard Barsi, Archbishop of Monaco and Canon César Penzo in the Palace chapel.
In case anyone is interested: Fra Matthew festing attended the requiem for Archduke Otto in Vienna.
The head of the embattled Knights of Malta is seeking to discredit a Vatican investigation into the removal of a top official over a condom scandal, insisting that he followed the rules in the dismissal.

In the latest development in the remarkable showdown between the ancient Catholic lay order and the Holy See, Matthew Festing explained and defended his actions in a January 14 letter to the Knights' membership.
Read more: Head of embattled Knights of*Malta defends his actions and says 'extremely tiring' conflict with Vatican disturbed his Christmas*
Pope seizes power from the Knights of Malta, brutally ending 900 years of their sovereignty | Coffee House
The Knights of Malta – an ancient Catholic order that dates back to the crusades – have enjoyed the privileges of a sovereign state for 900 years. Last night the Order of Malta was effectively stripped of its sovereignty in what appears to be a brutal power-grab by the Vatican.

Pope Francis has demanded and received the resignation of the Grand Master, Fra’ Matthew Festing, a devoutly orthodox Englishman of (even his critics agree) unimpeachable orthodoxy and personal morality. The Vatican has now taken charge of the order while the knights search for a grand master acceptable to Francis. Canon lawyer Dr Edward Condon this morning tweeted out the reaction of many Catholics:

In terms of international law, the Holy See just annexed another sovereign entity. A source close to the order puts it more bluntly: ‘It’s like an invasion. Nine hundred years of sovereignty wiped out overnight.’

Festing’s ‘resignation’ follows a complicated row over the dismissal of the order’s Grand Chancellor, Albrecht von Boeselager, who was accused of permitting the distribution of condoms by the order’s international charitable arm.
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I think there is something more going on behind the scene of this turmoil than has been publicly released.
What is the Order of Malta doing actually for the Christian People in the World ?
Festing’s ‘resignation’ follows a complicated row over the dismissal of the order’s Grand Chancellor, Albrecht von Boeselager, who was accused of permitting the distribution of condoms by the order’s international charitable arm.

What an outrage! I mean, to attempt to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among the world's poor in this day and age. How dare he?

(this was sarcasm btw)
The British former head of the Knights of Malta has been ordered not to travel to Rome this month when the ancient order elects a new Grand Master.

Matthew Festing, a former Guards officer, resigned from his post in January after a bruising clash with the Holy See over his dismissal of a senior deputy.

The highly public row revolved around the distribution of condoms as part of an aid project run by the order in South-east Asia and shone an unwelcome spotlight on divisions within the charitable organisation, which was founded during the Crusades.

The deputy, Albrecht von Boeselager, was later reinstated, in what was seen as a humiliating defeat for the British Grand Master.
Read more: Vatican orders British former head of Knights of Malta to stay away from election of successor in Rome
Order of Malta elects interim Grand Master amid ongoing reform :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
Vatican City, Apr 29, 2017 / 09:37 am (CNA/EWTN News).-

The Order of Malta elected Fra Giacomo Dalla Torre as their interim Grand Master as the latest move in the ongoing reform their leadership, which the bulk of his one-year mandate will focus on.

Announced in an April 29 communique from the order, the election of Dalla Torre was the result of the Order of Malta’s daylong “Council Complete of State,” which fell shortly after the resignation of the Order’s former Grand Master, Matthew Festing, earlier this year.

Dalla Torre will swear an official oath before Archbishop Giovanni Becciu, the Pope’s special delegate to the Order, and members of the “Council Complete of State” that elected him Sunday, April 30, at the church of Santa Maria in Aventino.
2 May 2018
Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre was elected the 80th grand master of the Knights of Malta May 2 and promised to continue the reform of the order begun last year when he was elected its interim head.

In a solemn procession after morning Mass, 73-year-old Dalla Torre and 53 other leaders of the Knights of Malta — including, for the first time, two women — walked into the order's villa on Rome's Aventine Hill to begin voting for a new leader.

The Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto had a private audience with the Pope at the Vatican today, June 22:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** profimedia gallery **
New Years Reception hosted by the Grand Master


The Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto was received by Pope Francis at the Vatican today, June 28:

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** belga gallery **
What is the current status of the relationship between the Catholic SMOM and the Protestant spinoffs of the Order of St John of the Hospital of Jerusalem under the protection of the Federal Republic of Germany ( formerly the Crown of Prussia) and of the British, Dutch and Swedish Crowns ?

Second question: are the higher grades of the SMOM still subject to religious vows like poverty, obedience and chastity and are those higher grades still open in practice to members of the nobility only ?
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What is the current status of the relationship between the Catholic SMOM and the Protestant spinoffs of the Order of St John of the Hospital of Jerusalem under the protection of the Federal Republic of Germany ( formerly the Crown of Prussia) and of the British, Dutch and Swedish Crowns ?

The website of the Order of Malta says that it recognizes four Orders of St. John, among which is a Protestant order with which it has collaborated.


Second question: are the higher grades of the SMOM still subject to religious vows like poverty, obedience and chastity and are those higher grades still open in practice to members of the nobility only ?

According to the website, yes and yes, albeit members of the nobility no longer comprise the majority of its Knights.

I posted this under British orders as well. Looks like an interesting event.

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