I guess most of your post is a reply to my previous posts.But let me clarify one thing to you. I was not speaking about gay royalty in general. I specifically mentioned and even titled my post that this is about how the first gay monarch should bring in the things.Please keep that in mind.I will be putting in my views at relevant points.
Please dont see this as a FOR GAY MONARCH vs AGAINST GAY MONARCH..
Strategically, cogent arguments can certainly be offered in support of the "gradual introduction of the concept of gay monarchy." But that step-by-step approach seems troublingly similar to the arguments offered to end Apartheid gradually.
I am sorry I dont know much about Apartheid struggle. But I am a firm believer that any change in society has to come in a qqiet, gradual, progressive manner. Right from small customs to major Revolutions they took decades to build-up. You may see things like Bloody Sunday, assasination of Archduke, Pearl harborbombing etc. as one-day-history-twisters, but just dig deep there is a lot under. So this is also same. It cant happen in just one go. The first one has to slowly bring in things..
The comments regarding "unstable relationships," "public displays of affection," "surrogate children," avid support of "gay activism," and "LGBT carnivals at balcony appearances" are suggestive of the types of prejudices that have long been directed to minority groups. Those arguments sound like the same arguments which would be offered if a European royal decided to marry a Black person. It is a "There goes the neighborhood..." mentality.
This is what I meant above, gradual transition. First you have to warm up to the public that a King having a gay partner is cool, not a playboy King who spends each day in nightclub with a different boyfriend. People should recognise that ya he is a good king, let him do whatever he wants with his life.Marriage is the next step. And then come all others..
Gay marriages, from what we have seen thus far, is no more unstable than traditional marriage--not even amongst the most revered royal families: Princess Margaret--divorced; Princess Anne--divorced; Prince Charles--divorced. Unstable relationships? Let's be fair here......
Unstable relationships ARE costly among royals. Not lesser ones, but the monarchs and would-be-ones. Prince Charles had to pay a very heavy price . Even today he is striving to get the public to forget the past. And all his other counterparts have taken utmost care in that issue henceforth. Queen Juliana struggled a lot to keep all her dirty marriage linen under wraps. Queen Sofia lived with her husband's infidelities for decades. If you see carefully, (IIRC) post WW II, no reigning monarch has divorced. And there are hardly any chances anyone of even the next generation would do so..
The throne would pass to the next-in-line, based on the laws of succession--a la Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Her indirect route to the British throne didn't seem to harm anyone.
I agree perfectly with you on this one. In fact, wasnt I the one who suggested this should be the way the crown passed..
But perhaps the most troublesome argument is the one which suggests that a gay monarch should marry someone of the opposite sex, but live a clandestine life with someone of the same sex. That option was addressed and dismissed centuries ago by the great bard: "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." People--fake spouses, hidden lovers, children--all have emotions which are scarred, oftentimes beyond repair, by such deceitful existences. How could such a life produce anything good?
Unfortunately you misunderstood me. I said King should just keep quiet and not speak about his sexuality and all gay stuff publicly, but people should be let to know, by various ways, that he has a gay partner. I didnt mean he should have an arm-candy wife and another closet life-partner
The world is changing; it is becoming more tolerant and less bigoted. And it is about time. It also is about time that monarchs lead, even if just symbolically. (Otherwise, what are they being publicly supported to do?) So who better to expedite the social change, which is inevitable, than a monarch? After all, people are happy to see them set fashion trends. Why can't they also set social trends?
Social trends are not fashion trends. And if you observe royalty, there never actually set social trends. They do not change the society. They infact change after the society, behind the society. And they do so, only not to look archaic or out-of-touch. Never expect royals to be social trend-setters.
So let the activists, all dressed in pink, converge on the square. Pink is just a color like any other color, no more valid, no less valid. (Would it seem less intrusive if the activists all showed up wearing beige?)
Well, I would rather ask some British straight royal-watcher if he would love a sea of LGBT activists in whatever colour fll in the Mall (not square) at the first Trooping balcony appearnce of the first gay monarch..Please note the firsts..
Gay marriage is becoming a reality each day, whether some people like it or not. The people against it have family members who are gay. Some of the most vocal objectors are themselves gay.
See, you yourself told the extent of hypocrisy and doublespeak in our society. And sadly their voice still has power. So to convince the common man, slowly and gradually to get their acceptance.
Monarchs are regular humans like everyone else. They bleed; they have morning breath; they use the toilet. Besides, monarchs do a great job of reminding their subjects that they are just as human as everyone else.
Sorry for coming out of freedom rights books and living in real world.
Are royals regular human beings? No they are freeloaders/reptiles/leeches/shop-mannequins.
Do they have brains? No they arent supposed to..
Do they have hearts? No they arent supposed to..
Can they speak their minds? Never. How dare they?
Should they have privacy? No way. They are living off my money..Their every moment is mine.
Then what are they supposed to do? Just smile, and adorn the latest fashions and tiaras and necklaces and entertain us. And once we are too bored, make a scandal and give us our money' worth.Nothing more than that.
Who are we to tell anyone--monarch or otherwise--that he/she does not have a basic, fundamental, human right to have someone pick him/her up if he/she slips and falls in the bathtub, or to be brought a cup of hot tea on a sick bed? Everyone deserves to live his/her life. And everyone has a right to share his/her life.
No one can/will take away that fundamental right. They can always have their partner to do all those things.
PS: I would be happiest to see a gay King and his husband on the balcony. But thats not going to happen as simply as we want. We need to be patient and let things go as gradually as they should..We are already in a great transition phase. Just give it some more time. Too much screaming wont do any good..