King Juan I of Aragon and Wives (Queen Martha and Queen Violante/Yolande)

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Aug 13, 2004
Juan I ‘The Hunter’, King of Aragon (Perpignan. 27 December 1350 – Foixa, 19 May 1396); married 1stly in Barcelona on ? 1373 Countess Martha of Armagnac (?, 1347-Zaragossa, ?, 1378); married 2ndly in Montpellier on ?, 1380 Duchess Yolande (Violante) of Bar (1365 –Barcelona. 3 July 1431)

Reign: 1387 - 1396

Dynasty: Barcelona

Predecessor: King Pedro IV of Aragon

Succeeded by: King Martin I of Aragon & Sicily

Daughter Juan & Martha: Countess Juana of Foix

Children Juan & Yolande: Yolande of Anjou, Queen of Napels; Prince Jaime and Princess Antonia of Aragon

Parents Juan: King Pedro IV of Aragon and Princess Leonora of Sicily

Parents Martha: Count Jean I of Armagnac

Parents: Robert I, Duke of Bar and Princess Marie of France (Valois)

Siblings Juan: Queen Leonor of Castile, King Martin I of Aragon and Prince Alfonso of Aragon

Half Siblings Juan: Queen Constanca of Sicily; Princess Juana of Aragón-Ampurias, Princess Maria and Prince Pedro of Aragon; Prince Alfonso and Prince Pedro of Aragon and Countess Isabel of Urgell

Siblings Martha: Count Jean II of Armagnac and Princess Jeanne of France, Duchess of Berry

Siblings Yolande: Henri of Bar, Lord of Marle; Phillipe of Bar; Charles of Bar, Lord of Nogent-le-Rotrou; Markgravinne Maria of Namur; Duke Eduard III of Bar, Duke Louis I of Bar; Duchess Yolande of Gulik-Berg; Jean of Bar, Lord of Puisaye; Duchess Bonna of Luxembourg-Ligny and Marchioness Jeanne of Montferrat
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John I (December 27, 1350 – May 19, 1396), called the Hunter (Juan el Cazador in Castilian, Chuan lo Cazataire in Aragonese and Joan el Descurat in Catalan) or the Lover of Elegance (el Amador de la gentileza in Castilian and l'Amador de la Gentilesa in Catalan), was the King of Aragon from 1387 to his death. He was the eldest son of Peter IV and his third wife, Eleanor, who was the daughter of Peter II of Sicily. He was born in Perpignan, in the province of Roussillon, which at that time belonged to Aragon, and died during a hunt in forests near Foixà by a fall from his horse, like his namesake, cousin, and contemporary, John I of Castile. He was a man of character, with a taste for verse.
Once on the throne, John abandoned his father's relatively Anglophile policy and made an alliance with France. He continued Aragon's support for the Pope of the Avignon line, Clement VII, in the Western Schism. John also made an alliance with Castile, and confirmed in 1388 a treaty with Navarre fixing borders between these kingdoms.
In 1389-90, the Aragonese battled the troops of the Count of Armagnac, who was attempting to conquer the lands of the vassal kingdom of Majorca. The attack went from Empordà to Gerona. The invaders were defeated in 1390 by Aragonese troops commanded by the Infante Martin, the king's brother (and successor).
During 1388-90, John gradually lost all lands of the Duchies of Athens and Neopatras in Greece.
In 1391, John promulgated legislation on Jews in different cities of Aragon. Also in 1391, his administration faced a revolt in the vassal kingdom of Sicily, where the population had proclaimed Louis of Durazzo as king.

Read the entire wikipedia article here.
King Juan I embarked to Mallorca.
The king set out for the Reconquest of the Balearic Islands in September 1229.
In December 1229 he recaptured Majorca.
He recaptured both Menorca in 1232 and Ibiza in 1235.
King Juan I was first buried in Barcelona and then in the Poblet monastery.
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