King Jaime II of Aragon and Wives (Queens Isabel, Blanca, Maria and Elisenda)

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Aug 13, 2004
Jaime II 'The Kind', King of Aragon, Valencia, Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily, Duke of Athens and Neopatria, Count of Barcelona (Valencia, 10 August 1267 – Barcelona, 2 November or 5 November 1327); married 1stly in Soria on 1 December 1291 Princess Isabel of Castile, annuled in 1295 (Toro, 1283 - 1328); married 2ndly in Villabertran on 29 October or 1 November 1295 Blanche of Anjou, Princess of Napels (1280 – Barcelona, 14 October 1310); married 3rdly by proxy in Santa Sophia, Nicosia on 15 June 1315 and in person in Girona on 27 November 1315 Princess Marie of Cyprus (1273 – Tortosa, ? September 1322); married 4thly in Tarragona on 25 December 1322 Dona Elisenda of Montcada (- Pedralbes, 19 June 1364)

Reign Aragon: 1291 - 1327

Reign Sicily: 1285 - 1327

Dynasty: Barcelona

Predecessor Aragon: King Alfonso III of Aragon

Predecessor Sicily: King Pedro II of Sicily (& Aragon)

Succeeded by: King Alfonso IV of Aragon

Children Jaime & Blanche: Prince Jaime of Aragon; King Alfonso IV of Aragon; Queen Maria of Castile; Princess Constança of Castile, Duchess of Penafiel; Prince Juan of Aragon, Archbisshop of Toledo and Tarragona, Patriarch of Alexandria; Duchess Isabel (Elizabeth) of Austria, Queen of Germany; Prince Pedro of Aragon,
Count of Ribagorça and Prades; Princess Blanca of Aragon, Prioress of Sixena; Prince Ramon of Aragon, Count of Empúries and Baron of Ejerica; Princess Violante of Tarente, Despotess of Roumania, later Lady of Segorbe

Parents Jaime: King Pedro III of Aragon and Princess Constantia of Sicily

Parents Isabel: King Sancho IV of Castile and Princess Maria of Leon

Parents Blanche: King Charles II of Naples and Princess Maria Arpad of Hungary

Parents Maria: King Hugo III of Cyprus, King of Jerusalem and Princess Isabel of Ibelin

Parents Elisenda: Pedro I de Montcada, Lord of Altona and Soses and wife Gisela d'Abarca

Siblings Jaime: King Alfonso III of Aragon; Queen Isabel of Portugal; King Federico II of Sicily; Queen Violante of Napels and Prince Pedro of Aragon

Siblings Leonor: King Fernando IV, Prince Alfonso, Prince Enrique, Prince Pedro and Prince Felipe of Castile and Queen Beatriz of Portugal

Siblings Blanche: King Charles/Carlo I Martel of Hungary; Saint Louis of Toulouse, Bisshop of Toulouse; King Roberto I of Napels; Filipe I of Taranto, Prince of Achaea and Taranto, Despot of Romania, Lord of Durazzo, titular Emperor of Constantinople; Raimundo Berengar, Count of Andria and Provence and Prince of Piedmont; Prince Giovanni and Prince Tristan of Napels; Prince Pietro of Napels, Count of Gravina; Prince Giovanni of Napels, Count of Gravina, Duke of Durazzo and Ruler of Albania; Princess Marguerite of France, Countess of Valois and Anjou; Queen Eleonora of Sicily; Queen Maria of Mallorca and Marchioness Beatrice of Ferrara

Siblings Maria: King John I, Prince Bohemund and King Henri II of Cyprus and Amalric I, Prince of Tyre, Prince Guido of Cyprus, Lord of Beirut; Prince Amalic II, Constable of Cyprus; Queen Marguerite of Armenia; Princess Alice of Ibelin, Princess of Galilee and Bethlehem; Queen Helvis of Armenia, Queen Maria of Sicily and Queen Isabel of Armenia

Siblings Elisenda: ?
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James II, King of Aragon (10 August 1267 in Valencia – 2 November or 5 November 1327 in Barcelona), in Spanish Jaime II, in Aragonese Chaime II, in Catalan Jaume II, also James II of Barcelona, called The Just (Aragonese: Lo Chusto, Catalan: El Just) was the second son of Peter III of Aragon and Constance of Sicily.
He succeeded his father as King of Sicily in 1285, and was then known as "James I of Sicily." Upon the death of his brother Alfonso III in 1291, he succeeded also to the throne of the Crown of Aragon. By a peace treaty with Charles II of Anjou in 1296, he agreed to give up Sicily, but the Sicilians instead installed on the throne his brother Frederick. He reigned until his death in 1327.

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nfanta Isabella of Castile (1283 in Toro - 1328), Viscountess of Limoges, was the first Queen consort of James II of Aragon and the second wife of John III, Duke of Brittany.

On 1 December 1291, Isabella married James II of Aragon in the city of Soria. The bride was only eight years old and the groom twenty-four. The marriage was never consummated.
Sancho IV died on 25 April 1295. James chose to change his alliances and take advantage of the turmoil inside Castile. He had their wedding annulled and proceeded to marry Blanche of Anjou, second daughter of Charles II of Naples and Maria Arpad of Hungary.
Isabella remained unwed for about a decade. In 1310, at Burgos, she married her second husband John III, Duke of Brittany. There were no children from this marriage. She was buried at Priere.

Read the entire wikipedia article here.
Blanche of Anjou (1280 – October 14, 1310 in Barcelona) was the second Queen consort of James II of Aragon.

She was the second daughter of Charles II of Naples and Maria Arpad of Hungary.
Her paternal grandparents were Charles I of Sicily and Beatrice of Provence. Her maternal grandparents were Stephen V of Hungary (d. 1272) and his wife, queen Elisabeth, who was daughter of Zayhan of Kuni, a chief of the Cuman tribe and had been a pagan before her marriage.
She was buried at Santa Croce.

Read the entire wikipedia article here.
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