If You Could Be A Fly On The Wall...

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Royal Highness
Oct 11, 2003
United States
The other night I was thinking that I would love to be a fly on the wall in either Queen Margarethe's offices or Queen Elizabeth's. I would love to be one in Queen Margarethe's because I want to know in light of the Mary criticism, what she really thinks. Also, just to be around all of the buzz (bad pun, I know) concerning the upcoming wedding.

I'd love to be around Queen Elizabeth for the simple fact that there is always some sort of controversy surrounding the British Royal family and to be on the inside track would be pretty cool.

So, if you could be a fly on the wall, where would you be?
Near princess Stephanie, of course. Specially when :heart:Pauline:heart: is around. For the good or for the bad, I doubt that anybody is ever bored around Stephanie. And :heart:Pauline:heart: got most of her mom's personality and she's an incredibly gorgeous child.
i would love to see leti and mary alone... just to see if they really love :heart: felipe and fred or if they just want to be cp... :p
I would love to be an fly on the wall in the dutch palaces and the British palaces. Gabriella was right. There is so much to do about the Windsors, that you are really curious to know what Elizabeth II thinks of all that controversy and what the other family members think and do in private

I would love to be a fly on the wall when Caroline and Stephanie are together. I would like to hear first hand how they really get along and find out if all the talk of their disagreements is true. I always wondered if a lot of it is exaggerated by the press.
Haha, this is a very funny poll. When my brother and me were little, our mother always used to say, that she would love it to be a fly on the wall in our school...and then we (very mean and cheeky kids) always said, that we would slay this fly...
Well, I wouldn´t like to be a mayfly, because then I just could be on the wall of one castle...but I want to be on ALL walls of all Royal houses...or maybe on a wall of a room, were all Royals meet each other in private (e.g. at a Royal wedding)... And now excuse me, I have to go to my laboratory and create a magic-potion, which change me to a fly...the time until the weddings of Mary and Leti is running ;)
Originally posted by carlota@Apr 9th, 2004 - 4:09 am
i would love to see leti and mary alone... just to see if they really love :heart: felipe and fred or if they just want to be cp... :p
Carlota, you said what I was thinking :lol: I would love to be a fly on the wall of the rooms of all the prospective brides to hear how they really feel about their future husbands and in-laws ;) I would also like to fly into the design houses to see the wedding gowns :p
Originally posted by royal_sophietje@Apr 9th, 2004 - 5:34 am
I would love to be an fly on the wall in the dutch palaces and the British palaces. Gabriella was right. There is so much to do about the Windsors, that you are really curious to know what Elizabeth II thinks of all that controversy and what the other family members think and do in private

Yes, we could see whether or not QEII has the patience of a saint or if she is constantly criticizing her family members for their various scandals. That would be interesting.
Originally posted by mgrant+Apr 9th, 2004 - 10:03 am--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (mgrant @ Apr 9th, 2004 - 10:03 am)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-carlota@Apr 9th, 2004 - 4:09 am
i would love to see leti and mary alone... just to see if they really love :heart:  felipe and fred or if they just want to be cp...  :p
Carlota, you said what I was thinking :lol: I would love to be a fly on the wall of the rooms of all the prospective brides to hear how they really feel about their future husbands and in-laws ;) I would also like to fly into the design houses to see the wedding gowns :p [/b][/quote]
:lol: , good option mgrant!
Haha...I can hear it now..

"Day 240: Visit Gucci, Prada and Calvin Klein. Must meet my daily spending limit of $143,000. Get rid of Freddie's brown plaid suit. Try on a tiara...oh there's so much to do!"

"Day 120: Pick up 6" heels from store. Visit 'Senora Maracha's School of Royalty' for weekly lesson. Get servants to pick up laundry..."

Alexandra (Denmark):
"Nikolai! Put Felix down and back away from your brother!"

CP Victoria:
"Oh, Dennis. How I long for thee...Sigh...Daniel is...nice. But you are so worldly!"

"Marius! Put Ingrid down and back away from your sister!"

(On phone)
"You know, Val, you are SO lucky you have no children. No, I'm serious! My oldest son is dating that Parker-Bowles woman, you know her...wrinkled. I tell you, she's had her beady little eye on my crown since the beginning! My Andrew is still attached to that Fergie creature. My granddaughter Zara wants to date a rugby player, can you imagine that? William is dating a model...I tell you, I don't know where my family went wrong."
Originally posted by moosey60@Apr 11th, 2004 - 12:19 am
Haha...I can hear it now..

"Day 240: Visit Gucci, Prada and Calvin Klein. Must meet my daily spending limit of $143,000. Get rid of Freddie's brown plaid suit. Try on a tiara...oh there's so much to do!"

"Day 120: Pick up 6" heels from store. Visit 'Senora Maracha's School of Royalty' for weekly lesson. Get servants to pick up laundry..."

Alexandra (Denmark):
"Nikolai! Put Felix down and back away from your brother!"

CP Victoria:
"Oh, Dennis. How I long for thee...Sigh...Daniel is...nice. But you are so worldly!"

"Marius! Put Ingrid down and back away from your sister!"

(On phone)
"You know, Val, you are SO lucky you have no children. No, I'm serious! My oldest son is dating that Parker-Bowles woman, you know her...wrinkled. I tell you, she's had her beady little eye on my crown since the beginning! My Andrew is still attached to that Fergie creature. My granddaughter Zara wants to date a rugby player, can you imagine that? William is dating a model...I tell you, I don't know where my family went wrong."
That was priceless. I mean the children are doing what children often do especially at those young ages. I can see QEII chatting on the phone, filing her nails. Mary, Mary. Well, I agree with getting rid of some of Fred`s outfits. Bonfire on the palace lawn might be a good idea. Letizia. Yes. That would be funny. As for CP Victoria, well, I knew it. I knew it.
Originally posted by moosey60@Apr 11th, 2004 - 5:19 am
(On phone)
"You know, Val, you are SO lucky you have no children. No, I'm serious! My oldest son is dating that Parker-Bowles woman, you know her...wrinkled. I tell you, she's had her beady little eye on my crown since the beginning! My Andrew is still attached to that Fergie creature. My granddaughter Zara wants to date a rugby player, can you imagine that? William is dating a model...I tell you, I don't know where my family went wrong."

I would love to be a fly on the wall at the palace in Spain after Felipe and Letizia returned from their trip after their snit in Miami. I am sure that got a firm talking to, perhaps a few days in the royal dungeon.
The moment Mabel Wisse-Smit, the bride-to-be of Prince Johan-Friso of The Netherlands, opens the mailbox. She takes a look at the newspaper...and on the frontpage she sees a large picture of the bodyguard of her murdered lover, Charlie da Silva, with the tekst...Mabel, do you still know me (the most famous line of the year 2003 in the Netherlands? ...From the other room JF asks, something interesting in the newspaper honey....??? ..etc
Originally posted by royal_sophietje+Apr 11th, 2004 - 6:17 am--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (royal_sophietje @ Apr 11th, 2004 - 6:17 am)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-moosey60@Apr 11th, 2004 - 5:19 am
(On phone)
"You know, Val, you are SO lucky you have no children. No, I'm serious! My oldest son is dating that Parker-Bowles woman, you know her...wrinkled. I tell you, she's had her beady little eye on my crown since the beginning! My Andrew is still attached to that Fergie creature. My granddaughter Zara wants to date a rugby player, can you imagine that? William is dating a model...I tell you, I don't know where my family went wrong."

:mrgreen: [/b][/quote]
lol that good one!

I wishes Prince William would kick her out because he and his dad wanted be alone! because many people not like Camilla since Princess Diana's death! but Camilla not fit for Queen! if Camilla would become Queen many people would give her as BIG BOO! you know that!

Sara Boyce
Lol! Wow...I'm bored.
Edition 2:

(Staring at herself in the mirror)
"Oh, look at you. You ARE a beauty. *pout*...Hmmm...I wonder what I'd look like with a tiara. Well, enough of that...*pout*. *Sigh*...Oh, I'm SO beautiful."

"Val, darling, I simply do NOT know what to do. What? No, it's not Philip. Ever since he started on those ‘treatments’, he’s been just lovely. Oh, it’s my birthday soon. You know what would be the best birthday present? If that Camilla left my Charlie. Of course, I’ll have to check my inventory…she might have stolen some jewels. I know her…beady eyes fixed on my crown, I’ll tell you. Hmmm? Well, I suppose not. Philip! Put that DOWN! Sorry, Val, I've simply GOT to go."

(Sticking stamps on Ingrid)
"You know Ingrid, I've heard some wonderful things about Africa. Would you like to go there?"

"What's this? 'William Finally Gets a Girl'? Well, I'm shocked! I've had plenty of girlfriends...there was...wait...Jessica, no, that was Harry's girlfriend. Oh! I know! Theresa-no, Harry...Julie- Harry..."

"Finally 18, and legally able to do all the things I've been doing since I was 15."

(Taping pictures on her wall)
"Oh Dennis...How I long for you. What could you be doing now? Singing? Sitting? Cooking? Are you thinking of me? Oh...I wrote a poem for you:
There was a young man named Dennis,
He had a big fixation with tennis,
He fell in love with me,
Then went out for tea,
Oh, how I long for thee.

Okay, I'll admit it...I can't write poetry. Hey...look, a fly on the wall..."
anyones bathroom

yes i am that desperate :(
it is actually very sad
Originally posted by moosey60@Apr 12th, 2004 - 4:31 pm
(Sticking stamps on Ingrid)
"You know Ingrid, I've heard some wonderful things about Africa. Would you like to go there?"
That is just hilarious!! :lol:

If I could be a fly on the wall of any palace, I'd sit in on Fred and Mary when they are alone together, judge for myself whether they are in love with each other(because everyone here always denies it), and fly back to LTR to tell everyone all about it!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I love your little "plays", moosey...you´re very talented...I see you as writer for sitcoms in a couple of years!
That line is amusing, simply because the song I was just listening to had the very line in it. Anyway if I were to be a fly on anyone's wall, it would have to be the bathroom wall in William and Harry's bathroom, or perhaps Guillaume and Felix's bathroom wall. lol. I'd close my eyes....lol. Oh I just thought, I'd also have to be on the bathroom wall of Amedeo of Belgium, and the bathroom wall's of Ernst Jr, and Pierre of Monaco.....hehe
Flies can differ 300 ( individual) pictures a second (a human being only 30). This would mean, that you would see all these young male Royals in their bathrooms in slow motion ;)
I think I would be a fly on the wall of the Swedish Royal Family. I think it would be interesting to hear their private thoughts on the recent scandals that have come up against them. They have been scandal free but all of the sudden they have been attacked by the media.
Originally posted by beebee+Apr 12th, 2004 - 4:47 pm--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (beebee @ Apr 12th, 2004 - 4:47 pm)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-moosey60@Apr 12th, 2004 - 4:31 pm
(Sticking stamps on Ingrid)
"You know Ingrid, I've heard some wonderful things about Africa. Would you like to go there?"
That is just hilarious!! :lol:

If I could be a fly on the wall of any palace, I'd sit in on Fred and Mary when they are alone together, judge for myself whether they are in love with each other(because everyone here always denies it), and fly back to LTR to tell everyone all about it!! [/b][/quote]
that is just too funny!

I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Felipe told his mother he was marrying a divorced commoner :lol:

Heaps of thanks to Moosey60 for the 'editions' definitely brighten up my day!!!

I'm looking forward to seeing more ^__^
I don't know about everyone else, but I'd really liked to have been there when Prince Joachim and Princess Alexandra decided to get divorced. That way, I'd know what really happened to cause the breakup of a marriage everyone thought was so solid.
Yes, good one. Something more serious for the flies to observe.
I would like to be a fly on the wall in any royal family so that I could see the reactions, when the ladies found out they were moms-to-be and then told their husbands that they were dads-to-be. :)
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