chrissy57 said:The awkward thing to my mind with her title is when would Parliament pass this legislation?
If they pass it before the Queen dies then they are asking her mother-in-law to sign legislation making her son's wife a second class wife - ie not good enough to be queen and therefore raise the question of whether the marriage should ever have taken place in the first place.
If they wait until Charles is king she will automatically become queen. Then they pass legislation taking away a title. They would have to give a reason surely - again - not good enough to be queen - what a great accession present for the new king that would be - 'congratulations on your accession Your Majesty - by the way your wife isn't going to be queen any more and you have to sign the legislation taking it away from her'.
Does anyone really envision either of these situations actually happening? I don't.
She will be Queen.
I could envision the second scenario if Camilla really wanted to not be Queen. But I hope that in that case, some influential people sit her down and give her a talking to about the responsibilities she took on when she married Charles.