Mette-Marit's father makes music video
Crown Princess Mette-Marit's father, Sven O Hoiby, is launching his own music video.
Hoiby said he identified with the music and text, written by local entertainer Dag Ringstad. "I thought the text was very good and fitting for myself as well," he told wire service NTB.
In the video, Hoiby dances and sings that he, roughly translated, "has done a lot of good, and made a fool of myself," that "I've cleaned up after myself, I've made a lot of messes," and that "I've chewed out a lot of people who have made mistakes I also made."
The video is the latest of the irreverent Hoiby's projects that may not sit well with Norway's royal family. He regularly gives interviews to gossip magazines, has subjected himself to compromising situations and says he plans to write a book about his grandson Marius, whom he seldom sees. Marius is his daughter Mette-Marit's son from a brief affair before she met Crown Prince Haakon.
The book project reportedly infuriated now Crown Princess Mette-Marit, who refuses to talk about her father and reportedly isn't on speaking terms with him.
Hoiby, who is divorced from Mette-Marit's mother, admitted that no one in his immediate family has seen the video yet. "They'll see it soon enough," he said.
In one way, Hoiby is following in the crown princess' footsteps. She played in a video herself with the Bergen band Pogo Pops in 1996, and unauthorized videos also have circulated that allegedly portray her during her own wild past when she was active on Oslo's house party scene.
The royal family is gathering this week to baptize the baby daughter of Princess Martha Louise and Ari Behn, mark the 100th anniversary of the late King Olav's birth and celebrate Queen Sonja's 66th birthday. Sven O Hoiby isn't expected to appear on any of the guest lists.
From: aftenposten online
Crown Princess Mette-Marit's father, Sven O Hoiby, is launching his own music video.
Hoiby said he identified with the music and text, written by local entertainer Dag Ringstad. "I thought the text was very good and fitting for myself as well," he told wire service NTB.
In the video, Hoiby dances and sings that he, roughly translated, "has done a lot of good, and made a fool of myself," that "I've cleaned up after myself, I've made a lot of messes," and that "I've chewed out a lot of people who have made mistakes I also made."
The video is the latest of the irreverent Hoiby's projects that may not sit well with Norway's royal family. He regularly gives interviews to gossip magazines, has subjected himself to compromising situations and says he plans to write a book about his grandson Marius, whom he seldom sees. Marius is his daughter Mette-Marit's son from a brief affair before she met Crown Prince Haakon.
The book project reportedly infuriated now Crown Princess Mette-Marit, who refuses to talk about her father and reportedly isn't on speaking terms with him.
Hoiby, who is divorced from Mette-Marit's mother, admitted that no one in his immediate family has seen the video yet. "They'll see it soon enough," he said.
In one way, Hoiby is following in the crown princess' footsteps. She played in a video herself with the Bergen band Pogo Pops in 1996, and unauthorized videos also have circulated that allegedly portray her during her own wild past when she was active on Oslo's house party scene.
The royal family is gathering this week to baptize the baby daughter of Princess Martha Louise and Ari Behn, mark the 100th anniversary of the late King Olav's birth and celebrate Queen Sonja's 66th birthday. Sven O Hoiby isn't expected to appear on any of the guest lists.
From: aftenposten online