Dutch Royal Carriages, Cars, Ships and Airplanes

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Aug 13, 2004
Post here your questions, information etc. about anything related to Dutch royal ways of transportation. Carriages, cars, ships, airplanes.... and maybe even bicycles.

Note that this year the golden state carriage will not be used for Prinsjesdag as it is restored. They will use the glass state carriage instead.
Here some pictures and information about my favourite carriage, the Creme Caleche.

From the website of the royal house:

Cream Calèche

Built by the Hague-based firm Hermans, the Cream Calèche was a gift from Queen Emma to her daughter Wilhelmina.

The Calèche is ivory-coloured and adorned with gold oak leaves. The coach sports two groups of gilded figures representing the Graces, along with a gold royal crown, a laurel wreath and a palm of victory. The Cream Calèche is drawn by six horses and driven by two postillions, one at the front left and one at the back left of the carriage.

Read more here

Pic, free of copyrights from the ministery of Internal Affairs:


Another picture here.

Juliana, Bernhard in the Creme Caleche in Paramaribo, from Het Geheugen van Nederland - Geschiedenis van Nederland in illustraties, foto's, teksten, films en audio and free of copyrights:


I believe that the carriage was last used in 1980, when the new Queen and her family entered the residence, The Hague.

An excellent website about the creme caleche and the restauration of the carriage can be found here.
I believe that the carriage was last used in 1980, when the new Queen and her family entered the residence, The Hague.

No, the Crème Calèche has been used by HRH The Prince of Orange for his triumphant entrance during the opening ceremony of The Hague World Equestrian Games 1994 and also was on display in Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) 5 years ago or something.

Since then it was withdrawn from the active service to undergo a major restoration, part of a restoration of all stately carriages (like the Golden State Carriage on this moment). In 2004 the (much needed) restoration was ended and the carriage is in full splendour again.

You can see pictures of the golden ornaments here and of the carriage here.
That's such a beautiful carriage, the Cream Calèche. The Dutch Royals don't seem to use open carriages as much like the British do, i'd like to see them more in those.
That's such a beautiful carriage, the Cream Calèche. The Dutch Royals don't seem to use open carriages as much like the British do, i'd like to see them more in those.

Together with the British, the Dutch Royal House has a fine collection of carriages. But indeed: the habit of having a ceremonial ride through the city of Amsterdam or The Hague during a State Visit has been abolished in the end of the 1980's.

Reason for that was the declining public interest for seeing, let us say, the President of Ivory Coast or the President of Venezuela. Of course the public turn out would be massive when Queen Elizabeth II or King Albert II or President Sarkozy would be seated next to the Queen. But then she would make a difference in various heads of state and that was 'undesirable'.

Two other main reasons were the fear for the security of the VIPS ánd the less and lesser acceptance of closing a whole city centre, for laying ropes in the rails for the streetcars (to prevent carriage wheels become stuck into it), the adding of sand on the asphalt alongside the route, ánd to house some 100-150 horses to escort the procession. (Amsterdam is a logistic nightmare for royal events: it is no royal residence and does not have the extended Royal Mews to house the carriages and horses in, like in The Hague or Apeldoorn, the traditional residences for the Orange-Nassau Princes, Stadtholders and Kings).

Luckily this was no reason for the Queen to neglect her carriages: these are all kept in wonderful condition and can be seen on highdays. This year will see the fantastic Glass State Carriage from 1826 on the annual Prinsjesdag (the usual Golden State Carriage is in restoration).

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Seems the Golden State Coach wiil be used after all this year as John reports on the BRMB.He wrote to the RVD/Postbus 51 on the matter of restauration of both the Golden- and Glass State Coach,the reply was that there are plans of restoring both,but it will be of no consequence for this years Prinsjesdag.Alas.

Courtesy John in Assen,BRMB.
Thanks Henri. The Glass State Carriage looks really impressive, i am sure it would bring new impression about the annual Prinsjesdag.
Seems the Golden State Coach wiil be used after all this year as John reports on the BRMB.He wrote to the RVD/Postbus 51 on the matter of restauration of both the Golden- and Glass State Coach,the reply was that there are plans of restoring both,but it will be of no consequence for this years Prinsjesdag.Alas.

Courtesy John in Assen,BRMB.

That is a pity, I would have liked to see the glass state coach in full service again. Now it is only used for the test-ride the day before prinsjesdag, I believe. When was the last time the coach was used? At the wedding of Beatrix by Juliana, Bernhard and Gosta von Amsberg?
Last ride with passengers

That is a pity, I would have liked to see the glass state coach in full service again. Now it is only used for the test-ride the day before prinsjesdag, I believe. When was the last time the coach was used? At the wedding of Beatrix by Juliana, Bernhard and Gosta von Amsberg?

The carriage is held in excellent condition and is used for rehearsals for the Golden State Carriage: it is also pulled by eight horses. It can ride any moment and it is no museum-piece in un-use.

But the very last time the carriage was used wíth passengers was on March 10th 1966 indeed, with as passengers:

- Her Majesty The Queen
- His Royal Highness The Prince of the Netherlands
- The high- and wellborn lady Gösta von Amsberg, Baroness von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen

The previous time was a marriage as well, the one between Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard in 1936. The only pic I could from the Glass State Carriage 'in action' was made during this marriage. The carriage had two passengers:

- Her Majesty The Queen
- Her Serene Highness Princess Armgard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld, Baroness von Sierstorpff Cramm

See picture.
Museum Pieces

The Glass Coach really is the venerable old state coach of the Netherlands. It ís a museum piece. The craftsmenship is unique and the detail of the ornamentation is exceptional. It seems they are planning to restore this coach as well.
Although the Royal Mews have a department for painting and restoring carriages these people don't seem to have the manpower and the knowledge for the restoration of 'special' carriages.

In the brochure by fa. Stolk about the restoration of the Créme Caleche if was pointed out that, although with the best intentions, the Royal Mews had really made an mess of the paintwork, used wrong materials etc.

Queen Beatrix really has more attention for the monumental side of the monarchy. It is under her reign that Coaches are restored to be used again.
Several Berlines have been restored, the Creme Caleche, now the Glass Coach and the Golden Coach and of course also the Minerva car of Prince Hendrik etc. etc.

The most special restored coach is of course the old Royal Hearse that was put back together by Belgium Coach builder Patrick Schroven.
He had to make an entire new 'onderbouw' for this coach as the original lower part of the coach is used for the modern Royal Hearse.
Schroven also restored a berline, see picture http://cms.proximedia.com/files/27425/MediaArchive/gallery/11.jpg

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Here some pictures Oscar made and posted on the Benelux Royals MB. I have his permission to post them, so they are free of copyrights and thus can be shown directly. The pictures were made during the rehearsal of Prinsjesdag and show the Glass State Coach, according to many the most beautifull coach owned by the Dutch RF.


And 3 more:



The Royal Barge

The Royal Barge has been transported out of the Scheepsvaartmuseum in Amsterdam for restauration. Part of the walls had to be demolished as the barge is too bg to fit through the door/windows.

After the renovation the barge will be exhibited outside, so hopefully it will be used on a later occassion.

A clip of the transportation of the barge on AT5, here. NOS also has a clip, here.

And an article in Dutch here. And here an article and two pictures from the Volkskrant.
The Golden Carriage is one of the most beautiful carriages in the world (in my opinion :))

Here some of my photos from the Carriage:





bron: www.hw-photoall.nl
The Gold state coach is very beautiful, I remember reading that the coach is actually painted gold rather than using real gold ( gold leaf) as done with for instance the gold state coach in the British collection.
Correction to my previous statement, the Golden Carriage is indeed covered in gold leaf.
Just curious, has Queen Maxima been seen driving around in recent months?
26-02-2014 The Hague New car for King Willem-Alexander.
An AUDI A8 W12 Limousine, colour Blue and an estimate value of 350.000 euro of the RemetzCar company.
Bullitprove glass, bar and 10.2 inch LCD tv screen.
Weight 3.725 kilo.
Length 5.715 meter.
6.3 liter engine and a W12 motor with 500 HorsePower and 625Nm..

[DNF] Fotoarchief Denieuwsfoto
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines will replace all planes constructed by Royal Fokker Aircraft. This Dutch company still exists but does no longer construct complete aricrafts, it is now specialized in space technology, in aircraft maintenance and in development and construction of advanced components for the Joint Strike Fighter Jets.

This means that for the first time in history, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines will fly no longer with Dutch-made airplanes. The last Fokker 70's and Fokker 100's will leave the fleet and be replaced by 15 Embraer E175+ planes, 30 Embraer E190 planes and optional 15 of these more. These Embraers (made in Brazil) will form the heart of the new fleet for mid-range distances ("city hoppers") of KLM.

Why is this news in this forum? The Royal House flies with a Fokker 70. The plane is under maintenance by KLM and is operated by pilots from KLM. The Government has announced that because all Fokkers leave the fleet, a new plane will be purchased. No formal decision has been made yet but it is in the line of logic that -for reasons of efficiency, costs and maintenance- it will be an Embraer too.

The present plane, the ph-KBX (Koningin BeatriX)

The future plane, possibly named the ph-KWA (Koning Willem-Alexander), will of course have another colour scheme and striping

The price of a standard Embraer E190 is around 40 millon Euro. It is expected that the plane which will used for the Royal House will have the necessary modifications, with an effect on the prize tag.


It seems Fokker still constructs aircrafts, that means: the existing Fokker 70 and Fokker 100 blueprints are used but with lower airframe, 20% lighter materials, increased fuel capacity and new generation Rolls-Royce engines, isobar winglets on the wings and other modifications.

It seems Fokker has competed with other aircraft manufacturers but KLM choose for the Brazilean manufacturer Embraer to replace the Fokker fleet. Possibly because Embraer already delivered 45 planes to Air France (with which KLM forms one company) and this had a positive effect on the prize tag for another 45 Embraers to be delivered to KLM.

I hope that a choice will be made for the Fokker 100 NG (New Generation). The King should always arrive with a Dutch-made airplane, I think. According Wikipedia (I know, I know...) the USA (Boeing), Russia (Ilyushin), France (Airbus), the United Kingdom (BAe) and the Netherlands (Fokker) are the only countries which have self designed, built, operated and maintenanced the official plane used by the head of state.... The first Fokker 100 NG will be presented later this year, I understood. Maybe that was also a problem for KLM: they want to be sure that the new planes can be constucted in large quantities (45 to begin with) and absolutely trustworthy and operational for daily flights. The plane used by the King, of course has another frequency of use and also does not need to fly 100 or 120 passengers, again and again and again.

The present Fokker 70 used by the King

The Fokker 120 New Generation but the King will hopefully use the smaller Fokker 100 NG
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After coming Prinsjesdag (the annual Address from the Throne on the Third Tuesday of September) the Golden State Carriage will be taken out of royal service for three/four years. It will undergo an extensive restoration.

In the coming years the King will use the Glass State Carriage, which was recently finished in a long-years restoration and is in splendid state again.

The Golden State Carriage which will go out of service: see picture.

The Glass State Carriage which will be used instead: see picture.


Thanks for the update Duc - I will miss the Golden State Carriage whilst it is out of service, but the Glass State Carriage is certainly grand enough for the King and Queen as a temporary measure!
After coming Prinsjesdag (the annual Address from the Throne on the Third Tuesday of September) the Golden State Carriage will be taken out of royal service for three/four years. It will undergo an extensive restoration.

In the coming years the King will use the Glass State Carriage, which was recently finished in a long-years restoration and is in splendid state again.

The Golden State Carriage which will go out of service: see picture.

The Glass State Carriage which will be used instead: see picture.


It must be an artisans wet dream to restore such a carriage.

Thanks for the update Duc - I will miss the Golden State Carriage whilst it is out of service, but the Glass State Carriage is certainly grand enough for the King and Queen as a temporary measure!

Yes Jack I agree,the Glass carriage is splendid but I will miss the sheer magnificence of the Golden State Carriage.
The stablemaster, Colonel Gilbert E. Wassenaar (Royal Marechaussee) stated to the media that wood shrinks and expands when it is wet or dry. It was normal, in old days, that farmers would throw wagon wheels into a well or canal, to soaken it and to let the wood expand.

That is why the carriages of the Royal House are stored in climate controlled stables. But what is good for the wood (moist) is not good for the vulnerable interiors of the carriages. Too moist surroundings will cause mould or moths on the precious textiles.

Too dry surroundings or sunlight will also cause precious lacquer paint to show craquelé. On this picture you see how splendid the lacquer paint of the Glass State Carriage from 1821 looks again, thanks to the skilled craftsmen. It is so polished that it almost looks like metallic paint. Yes, it is a dream for craftsmen.

Before the Glass State Carriage also a few Gala Berlines (see picture) were brought in splendid state as well the Crème Calèche (see picture). Note the difference between the sparkling new gold on the restored carriage and the old gold on the Golden State Carriage next to it. It will be spectacular when the carriage will have new gold!
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:previous: I could easily spend a couple of hours walking around these carriages simply admiring the craftsmanship - and kicking the wheels.
They are almost as sexy as steam locomotives. :p
:previous: On the other Muhler i would like to go ride in these carriages especially with Crème Calèche. Can i ? :innocent:
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