Duke and Duchess of Sussex, General News 3: February - May 2019

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Nov 5, 2005

Coat of Arms of TRH The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Welcome to The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's
General News, Part Three

Commencing February 24, 2019

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We actually have no clue what is going on with this matter as both KP and the Mail on Sunday have not commented on the issue.

However, reading the article in the Guardian made a good point that should be taken to heart and its also part of our own rules here on TRF and that is the amount of the letter that was published. Here, we can quote in our posts excerpts from a source up to a certain degree and then link to the source.

I seriously doubt that any action, if any, that is being taken on this matter will be available for public consumption. The legal eagles will handle it all.
Apparently Meghan is threatening to sue the Mail on Sunday for publishing her letter to her dad


KP of course says no comment but no statement saying it stands by the reporting. I wonder if the paper's legal counsel told the TPTB they crossed the line and now both sides are working on a settlement.

I sincerely hope no legal action is initiated, as it is unlikely to be successful. Much as I do not think private correspondence between a daughter and her father is for public consumption, the letter was probably provided to the DM by Thomas Markle and not obtained by inappropriately.
I sincerely hope no legal action is initiated, as it is unlikely to be successful. Much as I do not think private correspondence between a daughter and her father is for public consumption, the letter was probably provided to the DM by Thomas Markle and not obtained by inappropriately.

The Duchess of Sussex still holds the copyright as the author of the letter. However, as international copyright laws state, a portion of the letter could be legally published and I think that's what the DM will/are stating since the entire letter was not published.
I think it's probably just a legal threat. I hope Thomas Markle isn't sued. He absolutely did the wrong thing, reprehensible really, in giving this letter to a newspaper (or selling it to them) but a Royal suing anyone isn't a good look, and that goes double for a new Royal taking legal action against her own father, even though she is in the right.

All it will do in my view is provoke the horrible Samantha to even more insults ahead of her book, and Thomas too would probably respond with more interviews. The situation would IMO escalate and might get considerably worse.
The Duchess of Sussex still holds the copyright as the author of the letter. However, as international copyright laws state, a portion of the letter could be legally published and I think that's what the DM will/are stating since the entire letter was not published.

So the question is, why isn't MoS defending itself publicly? Other media is starting to pick it up. @Curronyg - the situation may have gotten to the point there is no other choice. Tom Sr and Samantha were going to give spiteful interviews no matter what.
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So the question is, why isn't MoS defending itself publicly? Other media is starting to pick it up.

It's probably a lot of legal issues going on behind the scenes. I agree, many legitimate press have picked up on the story, but Kensington palace nor the Mail on Sunday is responding. We just have to wait and see.
I read that as tongue in cheek, Mocking these "British traditions" that seem to have become so important only when there's even a hint of Meghan breaking them.

Some of those "traditions" actually are not very commendable from a contemporary PoV. In the comments section, there was a reader who summed it up quite nicely writing that the conclusion in the article is that "real posh people" in Britain "have poor hygiene, eat (too much) meat, wear worn-out clothes, and are extremely tight-fisted with money". I would add "live in houses with bad plumbing and poor heating".

Rather ghastly, but it fits our image of the British aristocracy on this side of the Atlantic. No wonder Meghan is not fitting in !
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I sincerely hope no legal action is initiated, as it is unlikely to be successful. Much as I do not think private correspondence between a daughter and her father is for public consumption, the letter was probably provided to the DM by Thomas Markle and not obtained by inappropriately.

It will probably be treated after US copyright laws, as Meghan is an US citizen as is her father and the letter was probably sold on US soil. Plus it could be read in the US because it was posted online. That means it could become extremely expensive for the DF. Especially if they used the excerpts to create a different story to what the complete letter would say (which is what I assume, otherwise they would have printed the whole thing). Looked up a bit of American Copyright law - the physical letter belonged to Thomas Markle and he could have legally sold it to the Mail. But the Mail would have needed Meghan's permission to publish the content, to show the artistical way she wrote it and to allow that handwriting "experts" to make statements about the letter and publish them.

Here in Germany, it would have been Thomas Markle's right to publish the letter, as Meghan is a person of recent history and the receiver of a letter may publish it in that case. But it's different in the US. I am sure Amal Clooney is able to recommend the best lawyer for a case like this to her friend Meghan. :D
If there is any kind of legal action going on, most likely Meghan is being advised on it all and, IMO, it most likely would be her wish that it all is conducted in a discreet manner out of the public eye and kept private.

As this news is already circulating, I'm afraid that the end result will be even more money generated for the Fail and other tabloids and press as they follow the story, get Daddy's and Samantha's viewpoints and dwell on that for the next month or so. This story is fresh meat to them.
Some of those "traditions" actually are not very commendable from a contemporary PoV. In the comments section, there was a reader who summed it up quite nicely writing that the conclusion in the article is that "real posh people" in Britain "have poor hygiene, eat (too much) meat, wear worn-out clothes, and are extremely tight-fisted with money". I would add "live in houses with bad plumbing and poor heating".

Rather ghastly, but it fits our image of the British aristocracy on this side of the Atlantic. No wonder Meghan is not fitting in !

Who says Meghan isn't fitting in?! Imho she seems to be enjoying her life in UK quite a lot.
Who says Meghan isn't fitting in?! Imho she seems to be enjoying her life in UK quite a lot.

I was being sarcastic.

Anyway, the "posh" Telegraph writer does seem to think she is not fitting in.
I was being sarcastic.

Anyway, the "posh" Telegraph writer does seem to think she is not fitting in.

Ahhhh ok, I've not drank enough coffee this morning, clearly. ?

As this wasn't attempting to be a factual piece, I think, it's not worth pointing out the facts he did get wrong in his piece either.
I was being sarcastic.

Anyway, the "posh" Telegraph writer does seem to think she is not fitting in.

But why should she? She is now a part of the British Royal family but she is not yet a subject of Her Majesty, just a granddaughter-in-law of her. She is not a Royal in her own right, she just shares her husband's titles and style, as it is custom in the UK. Legally she is still an American citizen, the British government did not make her a Briton like eg the Danish government did for princesses Mary and Marie and the Spanish did for Greek princess Sofia.So why is it wrong if she returns to her home country to do traditional American things once in a while? It was made clear on the day of her marriage that she does not get any privilege for being the wife of a Royal - she must reside in the UK and apply for citizenship like anyone else. So why should she behave in every little thing as if she was what she isn't yet?
I'm going to rely on Ralph again here. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

If Meghan has to change who she is to "fit in", she stands to lose who she is. Harry married her for the woman she is. The BRF have accepted her as the woman she is. Why can't the rest of us?
I think the majority of the 'angst' is from the online community. My guess is the average person living in the U.K. may not really care...and out of the percentage that do care my guess is most of those are fine with Meghan and how she's doing.

That's the feel I get anyway when seeing discussion about the BRF/Meghan on various forums.

I agree. Once upon a post in Facebook, there was the question asked that if you were going to be getting married, what TV personality would you want to plan your wedding. Of course, this was way back before the Sussex wedding (it was imminent though) and I typed in "Meghan Markle. I hear she does weddings up quite royally". Got a few people asking me "Meghan who?" in private.

We're in an environment here that scrutinizes things day in and day out with our royal favorites. Compared to the rest of the world, we're as big as a grain of salt in our universe that just might be a grain of salt in the overall picture of of being just a part of a multiverse. Then again, a grain of salt may contain a whole universe in itself.

At least here we have a venue to express our thoughts.
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I think there is an assumption that a new member of the royal family has to "fit in" somehow - to me it's rather a media-driven myth. Harry chose the woman he wanted to marry, it happens to have been Meghan and that's the end of it. The Royal Family have welcomed her into the family and she has proven popular amongst the people whom she meets. Those commenting in the media (both social and otherwise) - as well as the media itself - are a concentrated demographic within the wider population.

Meghan is well-liked and as a separate issue, I see no reason for her to do anything differently or to change other than the natural development of a person as time passes.
Back to the potential lawsuit -could it possibly be DM is more legal exposure? For months Tom Sr told the media Meghan virtually ignored him and didn't contact him and he couldn't contact her. The letter and Dad's interview shot down that narrative.
Back to the potential lawsuit -could it possibly be DM is more legal exposure? For months Tom Sr told the media Meghan virtually ignored him and didn't contact him and he couldn't contact her. The letter and Dad's interview shot down that narrative.

I see it as: Stay tuned for the next episode of "How The Stomach Turns" sure to reveal everything and anything about a private life we have no business knowing about in the first place. ;)
Definitely tongue in cheek & rather mocking of the upper classes. Also, given that Meghan has been in Harry's social circle for a couple of years, I doubt she needs lessons on what 'properly posh' looks like.

If she had learned her lessons, she would have developed a sixth sense for what is proper and what not as a member of the Firm. Her adventures last week suggests she still has to learn a lot. I am surprised that apparently there is no guidance from the men in grey suits. Or from her father-in-law and husband. Or there was but the Duchess made her own judgement.
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Definitely tongue in cheek & rather mocking of the upper classes. Also, given that Meghan has been in Harry's social circle for a couple of years, I doubt she needs lessons on what 'properly posh' looks like.

Given that they met through a mutual friend, I'd say she's known something of that circle for even longer than that.

As for any "antics" nothing she's done has been any worse and in some cases a whole lot better than what some blood royals and born aristocrats have done in their private times, including her husband and brother in law.
If she had learned her lessons, she would have developed a sixth sense for what is proper and what not as a member of the Firm. Her adventures last week suggests she still has to learn a lot. I am surprised that apparently there is no guidance from the men in grey suits. Or from her father-in-law and husband. Or there was but the Duchess made her own judgement.

She hasn't done anything that isn't 'proper' as a member of the BRF.
If she had learned her lessons, she would have developed a sixth sense for what is proper and what not as a member of the Firm. Her adventures last week suggests she still has to learn a lot. I am surprised that apparently there is no guidance from the men in grey suits. Or from her father-in-law and husband. Or there was but the Duchess made her own judgement.

We are just assuming we know what is proper from members of the Firm. I would better understand this imho fake outrage about the baby shower, if the same publications hadn't previously started outrage about avocado toasts, black nail polish, off shoulder dresses, which ALL were something Meghan apparently needed guidance for. Personally I highly doubt Harry, Charles or anyone else had any issue with Meghan being spoiled by her friends with this baby shower. But that's just my opinion, others can have theirs, obviously. But they're just our opinions. It doesn't mean, that what we think is the proper way to behave in the Firm.
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