Death of Erika Ortiz, Princess Letizia's Sister: February 7, 2007

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Heir Apparent
Jun 19, 2005
Erika Ortiz passes away, the smaller sister of Princess de Asturias

MADRID. - Erika Ortiz, smaller sister of the Pricesa de Asturias, has died to the 31 years in Madrid, according to has confirmed the Real House. The family Ortiz Rocasolano has requested “respect and prudence” in relation to the death of Erika Ortiz, according to familiar sources. Érika Ortiz was interiorista and graphical designer of the Globomedia producer. The sister of the princess of Asturias had carried out lately the magazines of the heart by her separation of Antonio Vigo, with whom she had a daughter, Car it, and its later one supposed engagement with Ramon Garci'a, camera of television.

Fallece Erika Ortiz, la hermana menor de la Princesa de Asturias |
That's terrible ! She was so young and I think at her poor little girl. They're speaking about that in tv. What a terrible news for all her family and for Letizia... It's so sad ! I wish they'll find the force to accept this so bad and so sad news.
That is so terrible. Do any of the articles mention what happened?
LadyS said:
That is so terrible. Do any of the articles mention what happened?
Nothing at the moment. She passed away in her home this morning :sad:
fanletizia said:
Erika Ortiz passes away, the smaller sister of Princess de Asturias

MADRID. - Erika Ortiz, smaller sister of the Pricesa de Asturias, has died to the 31 years in Madrid, according to has confirmed the Real House. The family Ortiz Rocasolano has requested “respect and prudence” in relation to the death of Erika Ortiz, according to familiar sources. Érika Ortiz was interiorista and graphical designer of the Globomedia producer. The sister of the princess of Asturias had carried out lately the magazines of the heart by her separation of Antonio Vigo, with whom she had a daughter, Car it, and its later one supposed engagement with Ramon Garci'a, camera of television.

Fallece Erika Ortiz, la hermana menor de la Princesa de Asturias |

Horrible.So young.
This is very sad, I am totally sad. A young woman with a small daughter.
All my strongness for the family.
Poor Letizia, this horrible thing and pregnant :S
That's a such sad news, I fell sorry for all the family.
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Oh GOD! i´m so sorry, she was so juong!
Rest in peace.

Mucho animo para Letizia y su familia!
I just read about the death on Hello's website and was shocked. My thoughts and prayers go out to her entire family.
Queen Sofia receives the news of the death of a sister of Letizia Ortiz in Indonesia and studies to advance her return

Queen Doña Sofía today received the news of the death of Erika Ortiz, the smaller sister of Princess de Asturias, in Indonesia minutes before the 13,00 hours (Spanish peninsular hour) and his first reaction was “to take the hands at the top” and “to break to cry”, according to related in declarations to Telecinco the journalist Maria Angels Palace, that covers for the newspaper “the Vanguard” the visit from Doña Sofía to the archipelago.
Queen Sofia repeated in addition” what pity, what pity! “nothing else to know the news and, according to the journalist, it studies to return to Madrid. Within the framework of her trip from cooperation to Indonesia, Reina, that today returned of the island of Nias, had predicted to move tomorrow to Cambodia.
Doña Sofía knew the news after finalizing a trip in helicopter. Then, the journalists who accompanied it could need how the surroundings of Reina surrounded it and shortly after she introduced herself in a car.

La Reina recibe la noticia del fallecimiento de una hermana de Letizia Ortiz en Indonesia y estudia adelantar su regreso

The King continues his visit in Germany as it were predicted, after the death of the sister of Letizia Ortiz

BERLIN, 7 King Don Juan Carlos will not modify the agenda from his visit to Germany, where this behind schedule will receive a prize, after to have received the news of the death of the smaller sister of Princess Letizia, according to they informed to Europe Press, sources of the Spanish Embassy in Berlin.
According to these sources, “at the moment one is not going away to absolutely modify” the agenda of the monarch, who began yesterday his official visit to the country, invited by the president of the Federal Republic of Germany, Horst Köhler.


Prince Felipe suspends his agenda of activities of this week.
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Oh my God!
It reminds me two little orphans in my friends circle! I hope everyone will help the little Carla, who is now orphan :sad:
Reactions to the death of the sister of Princess of Asturias

The president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, wanted to specially transmit “in name of the Madrilenians” her condolence to the family “and to Princess de Asturias” by the death of her sister Erika Ortiz, who passed away today in Madrid to the 31 years of age.
The president also showed to her condolencias Prince de Asturias and the parents and the sister of the deceased. “The loss of a human being is always a misfortune and if it is in the heat of youth, he is still greater”, Aguirre indicated.

Reacciones al fallecimiento de la hermana de la Princesa de Asturias

The PP transfers their condolence to the Royal Family by the death of Erika Ortiz

The parliamentary spokesman of the Popular Group in the Congress, Eduardo Zaplana, today transferred his condolence and condolencias to the Royal Family by the death of Erika Ortiz, the smaller sister of Princess de Asturias.
“My more sincere condolence and condolencia to the Royal Family and logically to Princes de Asturias”, noon in the House of Representatives assured east Zaplana, after confessing that it had found out the news by the agency teletypes and that did not have more information

El PP traslada su pésame a la Familia Real por el fallecimiento de Erika Ortiz

Zapatero transmits his condolence to the Royal Family by the death of Erika Ortiz

The president of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, has transmitted his condolence to the Royal Family by the death of the smaller sister of Princess de Asturias, Erika Ortiz Rocasolano. In declarations to the journalists in the corridors of the Congress, Zapatero asked the “maximum respect” the family Ortiz Rocasolano.
After his intervention in the House of Representatives in the first session from control to the Government of the year, the head of the Executive informed, to questions of the journalists, of which already she had transmitted his condolencias to the Royal Family by the death Erika Ortiz Rocasolano.

Menú izquierdo de home Telépolis

IU and ERC express their condolencias by the death of Erika Ortiz

IU y ERC expresan sus condolencias por el fallecimiento de Erika Ortiz
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Such sad news for someone so young.
It's a sad day for the family, to die so young and leave behind a liitle girl.
Oh my God, such an horrible new. So sad

But what happened, was she sick???

And Letizia 5 months pregnant, such a shock.

Condoleances to all the family
The parents of Erika Ortiz found out the death of their daughter while they were working

Paloma Rocasolano, mother of Erika Ortiz, found out the death of her daughter when it was working in the union of infirmary (SATSE) of Madrid. Nothing else to know the news Paloma Rocasolano left its work, although their companions could not need towards where he went.
Also the father of the deceased went this morning to his work normally, Jesus Ortiz, in the company Study of Communication, where they solely limited themselves to indicate to Europe Press that had left.
On the other hand, a judge of instruction of Madrid, accompanied by two agents of the national body of police, arrived at 14:40 hours to the residence from the deceased Erika Ortiz, the same house that Princess Letizia occupied until she was transferred to the Palace of the Zarzuela.
Numerous peculiar and professional of mass media Almonds tree have been transferred to the street, located in the Madrilenian district of Valdebernardo, in order to know more details on the death the sister smaller Doña Letizia Ortiz.

Los padres de Erika Ortiz se enteraron de la muerte de su hija mientras estaban trabajando
Oh my god.
poor her parents and family,poor princess and carla.this is soooo sad.
god give them strength and patience to bear her loss.
OMG...Such sad news. My heart goes out to her family and to her daughter.
Condolences to all the family... Rest in peace :sad:
This is a very sad day for the SRF and for Letizia's family :sad: . I'm still in shock.

God help all of them, especially little Carla.

May Erika rest in Peace.
I am very sad, when I heard this news I had a shock.It´s in peace
Oh my God! This is endlessly sad! :sad:
I feel deeply sorry and I am really moved to hear about this!
I wish her family all the best, especially her little daugheter, to go through this hard and sad period.
my deepest sympathy to the family!
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