"Next Thursday, May 11, in the chapel of the Royal Palace will take place the funeral by the Infanta Alicia, which was aunt of the King Juan Carlos
On Thursday, May 11, the funeral of the Infanta Alicia, the last living aunt of King Juan Carlos and grandmother of the current Duke of Calabria, Pedro de Borbón, who died in Madrid at the age of 99, will take place in the chapel of the Royal Palace.
At first it was shuffled that the funeral of Dona Alicia was celebrated in El Escorial, but since it will not be buried in the pantheon of Infantes, but in the pantheon of the Borbón-Parma in Austria, its native country, has opted for a More discreet ceremony in the chapel of the Royal palace.
A scenario that also allows for greater privacy, as it is expected that most members of the Royal Family will attend and thus avoiding coincidences that may trigger media controversy. And is that Calabria were raised next to Prince Felipe and Infantas Elena and Cristina, also their firstborn, Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias, is a nail and flesh of the Infanta Cristina, at the same time very close to the Kings, Husband Pedro Lopez Quesada is intimate with Don Felipe.
The rupture between the monarch and his sister in the aftermath of the Nóos scandal has made this family in a difficult situation. In fact, the scene of the controversial Easter of the Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin has been the La Toledana estate, in Ciudad Real, owned by the Duke of Calabria, who along with his older sister, Cristina de Borbón-Dos Sicilias have exercised Hosts. Something that has caused some astonishment, since they are very close also to Don Felipe and to Doña Letizia. The Urdangarin Borbón family has stayed in La Toledana has to do with the death of their grandmother, since the former dukes of Palma, given the sudden death, could not move to Spain from Geneva, but they wanted to personally express their condolences To his family."
El funeral que podría reunir a los Reyes con la Infanta y Urdangarin | loc | EL MUNDO