QMII has gone all out in entertaining her guests lately!
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #43, 2018.
Written by Trine Larsen.
Last week QMII hosted a gala dinner at Christiansborg for participants in P4G summit, consisting of heads of states, prime ministers, ministers and leading businessmen from various countries. 150 in all.
Also present were M&F.
The purpose of the P4G summit was to discuss how to adapt and implement solutions and production that will help ease the effects of the current climate change - and make money at the same time...
QMII started the gala by giving the welcoming speech, expressing hope that the summit will help develop international partnerships.
Women were few and far between in this sea of suits, but Mary wore a dress by Claes Iversen. Gian Rossi shoes and clutch.
- After having eaten the guests were led into the adjacent Knights Hall which had been turned into a discotheque 70's style. Here the guests danced the evening away.
And that brings me to the gala for politicians last night.
QMII totally surprised many of her guests by having invited the entertainer Søren Østergaard, who performed as one of his recurring characters who is pretty foul-mouthed and very violently inclined.
QMII, who is an avid fan of Søren Østergaard and his wacky characters was cracking up, while he gave a speech thrashing everybody present.
There is a clip showing both QMII cracking up and one politician sitting literally with has jaw between his knees!
It's a priceless clip and I sincerely hope it will surface soon here on TRF.
I suspect QMII of having a very wicked sense of humor - and I understand QEII too has a wicked sense of humor, so I would like to be a fly on the wall when the two of them go into humor-mode.
Despite the many sh*t and h*ll words flowing out of Søren Østergaard's mouth last evening, this will no doubt endear QMII even more to the average Dane.
ADDED: Here he is:
Go to 6:30 to see the baffled politician - A Social Democrat BTW. (It's AFAIK his first gala with QMII.)
If you listen carefully at the beginning of this clip, you will hear a quacking sound - someone forgot to turn off the mobile...