D-Day 70th Anniversary: June 6, 2014

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Aug 13, 2004
São Paulo
On June 6th 2014 it will be 70 years ago that operation overlord started. This will be commemorated in Normandy, France.

Confirmed guests thus far:

- Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip;
- King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima;
- King Philippe and Queen Mathilde

It is likely that the reiging couples of Belgium, Norway and Luxembourg will also attend the event, as well as heads of state and representatives of the other Allied powers.

Entry of the veterans in 2004:


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Queen Margrethe II of Denmark will be there too.
She will attend a memorial in Ouistreham on 5th June (according to DRF's calendar).
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I can't recall Q. Margrethe at the memorial before, as Denmark was not part of the allies.Nice that she will be paying her respects.

Princess Claire will represent her brother-in-law, King Philippe, at the French-Belgian memorial at the 'pont des Belges' in Deauville-Trouville. The King will limit his public appearances due to his role in the post-election process, which is expected to take months.

Prinses Claire vertegenwoordigt koning in Deauville - Binnenland - De Morgen

According to the RVD, Prince Jaime of Parma will attend the French-Dutch commemoration in the morning of June 6th at Arromanches. Fitting, as the Dutch fighters were part of the Princess Irene brigade.
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From the Norwegian Royals King Harald will attend:

05.06.2014 - 06.06.2014 D-Day 70th anniversary
His Majesty The King attends the D-Day 70 Commemorations in Normandy in France (5 – 6 June).
Will any spanish royals attend the commemorations?
:previous: Since Spain under Franco was officially non-belligerent during World War II, I doubt anyone from Spain will attend.

Queen Sofia is in NYC next week and Spain celebrates Armed Forces Day on June 8th so I don't think we'll see anyone from Spain.I will check the royal website when its updated tomorrow.
I get very emotional every time I read or see anything about D-Day. The incredible courage of those men landing on that beach to begin the liberation of Europe is simply something I can never fathom. Many of them were prepared to die, and die they did. They were slaughtered. But they knew that what they were doing was right and had to be done.

For me, there is nothing exaggerated about naming the WWII generation The Greatest Generation. That is what they were and are.

On CNN last night there was a story about a guy, now in his 90's, who was a teenager when he landed at Omaha Beach. He was from Mississippi. At the American military cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach, he returned to find the grave of his commanding officer, a New Yorker who died that day. He just stood there and cried and cried.

Even today here in America there are so called neo Confederates and libertarians who argue that the US should have been permitted to split up in 1861 and that Abraham Lincoln was wrong to commit to war to keep the country united.

Thank God for Lincoln's foresight is all I can think after watching CNN last night. :sad:
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I think that the forthcoming commemorations will bring forward many stories of human sacrifice and bravery but mainly strong, sustaining spirit that kept people going.

Although my father was not involved in the D day landings, he fought through all 6 years of the War. He was evacuated with the few remaining soldiers at Dunkirk; he fought in the North Africa Campaigns; he fought in northern Europe at the end of the war.

My mother, only 19 when the war broke out, was "called up" and worked in munition factories in Glasgow thru' the war. The bombing was horrendous - she lost family and friends. And all the time she waited for my father to come home.

We should honour those who fight to maintain their homes; protect their families and to maintain their countries liberties.

Next week will be very emotional.
^^^I wholeheartedly agree moonmaiden. They were the greatest generation who IMHO saved our world.
And they will soon be gone, as they are literally a dying breed. If you see a WWII era person, thank him/her and give them a hug if they will let you!

Lovely post cepe, I agree!
Lovely posts above, indeed, about the courage of that "Greatest Generation" of which my dear, late, parents were a part: I am so proud of them.
Jamie McFadden @JamieMcFadden_ · 14h
BBC1 will broadcast 'D-Day 70: The Heroes Return' in 2 parts next Friday. The shows will follow coverage of commemorations in Normandy.
On the website of the Swedish Royal House there is no indication on this event.

Liechtenstein and Mónaco will participate?
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On the website of the Swedish Royal House there is no indication on this event.

Liechtenstein and Mónaco will participate?

Probably, because at that time, they were very pro Nazi, too.
On the website of the Swedish Royal House there is no indication on this event.

Liechtenstein and Mónaco will participate?

Sweden celebrates it's National Day on 6th June. The king and queen are in Ånge during the day and in the evening the whole royal family attends at the National Day celebration in Skansen. After that the king hosts a reception at the Royal Palace.
And Sweden didn't take part at the war.
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Probably, because at that time, they were very pro Nazi, too.

I don't know about Liechtenstein, but it's not quite accurate to describe Monaco in WWII as "very pro-Nazi". The Principality had a wishy washy ruler(Louis II)who was pro-French but supported the collaborationist Vichy government because he was buddies with Petain. He tried to play both sides. The mostly Italian populace felt an affinity for the fascist leader of their homeland,Benito Mussolini. The future Rainier II himself fought the Nazis in the Free French Army and was awarded the Bronze Star.

History of Monaco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This will be the first major WWII Anniversary w/no surviving WWII Vets in my Family left. W/my Aunt Evelyn's passing last year, it was the end of having a living touchstone back to those times. Having been raised listening to the stories of my Uncle, Cousin and to a lesser extent due to being in BC, my Aunt, the events of the War has always been more than far off History to me thanks to them.

While none of them fought in Normandy, I will still be thinking of them on Friday morning.

One thing I wish got more coverage period is/are the stories of the Men and Woman (Nurses from the Philippines) who fought/served in Hong Kong/The Asian Theatre and ended up as POW's. What they went through and survived is just beyond words and they deserve so much respect, but their stories just don't seem to be told that often. If at all. It is far worse than a shame that's happened. :(

For those interested, the CBC will be "reporting" on Operation Overload/D Day "as it happens" over at Twitter starting sometime Thursday. It's CBC D Day Live for those interested in following along. It's a pretty neat idea IMO and can't wait to see how it all goes down.

So looking forward to Friday and all the coverage. Then again, it's History w/Royal watching combined. Two things I adore, so what's not to love!?! :)
D-Day veteran honours war dead as 70th anniversary celebrations begin | Mail Online

  • Hundreds of British Veterans are in Normandy to take part in events to mark the greatest military invasion in history
  • Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall headed to Cafe Gondree, the first place to be liberated in France in 1944
  • Princess Anne made an appearance at the main UK event, a Drumhead Service on Southsea Common in Portsmouth
The Princess Royal has led tributes to the heroes who took part and the many who died in the D-Day landings at the main ceremony in the UK to mark the 70th anniversary of the Normandy invasion. Anne, who is commodore in chief of the Royal Navy in the Portsmouth area, attended a drumhead service on Southsea Common, Portsmouth, along with veterans and serving members of the armed forces-
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Prince Charles has attended a parachute drop in Normandy this afternoon, as part of commemorations marking the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Scottish D-Day veteran Jock Hutton, 89, took part in a tandem jump with one of the Red Devils during the drop at Ranville and met Prince Charles after the jump-
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The taking of Pegasus Bridge was a major triumph for the Allies in the early stages of the invasion in France. Prince Charles and Camilla met veterans of the Glider Pilot Regiment at Pegasus Bridge this morning and Prince Charles laid a wreath at the Glider Pilot Memorial-
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I wonder if it will beat the Polish Freedom celebrations in number of heads of state attending. http://www.theroyalforums.com/forum...ee-elections-in-poland-37016.html#post1672126

The Polish President is expected to be there. The most important thing about this whole D-Day anniversary is Putin's presence, his dinner or lunch with Hollande and his potential meeting with President Poroshenko of Ukraine.
I also look forward to see how will the organisers deal with protocol questions in order to not offence anyone and at the same time, not to let Putin and Obama, for example, step on each other's toes. ;)
I wonder if it will beat the Polish Freedom celebrations in number of heads of state attending. http://www.theroyalforums.com/forum...ee-elections-in-poland-37016.html#post1672126

The Polish President is expected to be there. The most important thing about this whole D-Day anniversary is Putin's presence, his dinner or lunch with Hollande and his potential meeting with President Poroshenko of Ukraine.
I also look forward to see how will the organisers deal with protocol questions in order to not offence anyone and at the same time, not to let Putin and Obama, for example, step on each other's toes. ;)

I know its wishful thinking but wouldn't it be grand if all these heads of state did some deep thinking while they were there and realized that its up to all of them to ensure that the horrors of WWI and WWII don't ever happen again?
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