Custom avatars

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Feb 20, 2003
United States
Andy assures us that most of the problems regarding uploading custom avatars have been resolved. If you are still having difficulties uploading your custom avatars please provide the details in this thread.

Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for your continued patience.

I wanted to ask why can't we upload animated avatars?:ermm:
cris, your animated works perfectly, but when I try to upload it, I get message, that I cant upload animated. How did you do it? :confused:
Thanks in advance! :flowers:
mims111 said:
cris, your animated works perfectly, but when I try to upload it, I get message, that I cant upload animated. How did you do it? :confused:
Thanks in advance! :flowers:

You might have to link animated avatars to an off-site host, like Photobucket or Imageshack.
We've referred the animated avatar problem to Andy and as soon as he gives us an answer, we'll let you know.
mims111 said:
cris, your animated works perfectly, but when I try to upload it, I get message, that I cant upload animated. How did you do it? :confused:
Thanks in advance! :flowers:
your animated avatar works perfectly as well:ermm:
well, I asked one of the admins to upload the avatar and they kindly did so:flowers:, that's why I have it;)
and for the external hosting of avatars, it's not working, I tried photobucket, imageshack, tinypic, supload and nothing:neutral: I always get the following message: invalid file type or invalid address:bang:

Thanks to the mods, admins and Andy who are working on this:flowers:
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crisiñaki said:
and for the external hosting of avatars, it's not working, I tried photobucket, imageshack, tinypic, supload and nothing:neutral: I always get the following message: invalid file type or invalid address:bang:

that's what happened to me too. i tried uploading from my Photobucket but got the Invalid URL message. uploading from my computer has never worked for me also. :sad: so sad.
Uploading from my computer seems to work, but uploading from Photobucket doesn't. I get the Invalid URL message when I try to upload this avatar from Photobucket, but it works fine when I upload it from the computer.
How to upload an avatar?

Sorry,but I haven't managed yet to upload an avatar,how to do it?Or I can't as I am a beginner.
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