Alexandre & Nicole Coste Current Events Part 4: July 2008

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Feb 20, 2003
United States
Welcome to part 4 of Alexandre and Nicole Coste’s current events where you can post article links, photo links and comments regarding their current activities.

The old thread can be found here.

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This was all I was asking for in the previous thread. I glimpse into his fraternity and that he spends time with them. Lovely to see !! :eek:)
Alex is getting bigger and he so cute and his brother is too. He look like his parents and grandfather.
I wish good things for his mother and him.
It cannot be easy no matter about money.
A five-year relationship behind a curtain to end this way.
The child is lovely!
I wish good things for his mother and him.
It cannot be easy no matter about money.
A five-year relationship behind a curtain to end this way.
The child is lovely!

Yes, the child is lovely. Wasn't that suppossedly the raison d'etre?
What do we know about her happiness? How fair is that? What do we know whether anybody cares or not about "this way"? Just looking/reading--it seems as if all three people ,child,mother,father are happy and adjusted where and how they are. We're on the outside looking in.
what a beautiful little boy
I am just commenting.
Just like you, Olga.

"suppossedly the raison d'etre?" who says????

"How fair is that?" Fairness??????

"this way"? My perspective.

"seems as if all three people ,child,mother,father are happy and adjusted where and how they are. We're on the outside looking in." Yes we are and purporting that they are happy and adjusted is just as much of a leap as anything I've said.

Once again I watch Tosca's photos and I wonder if Alexander now as a kid is somehow resemble Albert? Maybe if he will be older it wil be look more.
I am just commenting.
Just like you, Olga.

"suppossedly the raison d'etre?" who says????

"How fair is that?" Fairness??????

"this way"? My perspective.

"seems as if all three people ,child,mother,father are happy and adjusted where and how they are. We're on the outside looking in." Yes we are and purporting that they are happy and adjusted is just as much of a leap as anything I've said.


Raison d'etre--My thinking. If a child, a baby really is so "lovely","lovely" time after time, supposedly some adult, likely this mother is responsible. Adult's ultimate purpose, especially the parent (mother)--is to make their children" lovely".

She, ostensibly, to some poster/posters from trait A-Z find/see her as being lacking. I'm sure Alexandre sees her as his precious angel. And as a member of the human race,society, this thread,etc I would like to just put a good thought out for this child.

I'm not attacking this present poster,but as long as I have the privilege here am exercising the dictates of my posting conscience. And of course you have the same right.

Once again I watch Tosca's photos and I wonder if Alexander now as a kid is somehow resemble Albert? Maybe if he will be older it wil be look more.

Hi, Its so amusing and actually cute to hear the discussion of the resemblance of Alex to Albert. IMO resemblances are seen differently by different individuals.

I would like to refer you to the one,imo is quite a shocking resemblance especially on first look: Probably on NC & Alex Curr Events 3 I think. In Dec,2005 ,I think, when they were on the Bahama Island beach and he was 2 plus standing there getting his hands lotioned and he apparently was looking at the photog. The big shoulders even at 2 and the big head. Take a look. And the early baby pics with the two heads together is sort of resembling.

Boys often show resemblances to their fathers-physically- body structure,movements,walk,etc as you suggested, older.

To Magnik--references made re Alex's pic are on NC & Alex Current Events #l, pg 9 post #163.
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Maybe we can stick to commenting on the subject of the thread and not so much on the syntax of other posters. This is not a battling ground. Some of us just want to exchange pleasantries on this site, on what we think is good on the subject.

I think the boy is "lovely" and his mother or nannies or whoever is in charge is doing a fine job. Whether or not the boy gets totally screwed up by his upbringing and strained arrival has yet to be seen in the future.

Olga, you have had very interesting things to say in the past and I enjoy reading you most of the time. I guess sometimes, we just have differing perspectives. But, such is life.

do you know where i can see any recent pics of the boy?
Alexandre is growing to be a very handsome boy. Nicole, on-the-other hand needs to stay out of the sun, if you know what I mean.
Alexandre is growing to be a very handsome boy. Nicole, on-the-other hand needs to stay out of the sun, if you know what I mean.

Yeah and tell me where I can find late pics of her? :bang: Did you wish her son a hb/d today? En avant to the proper thread--PF of M B and A Wishes.

On second thought. Yes, I'm engaged."stay out of the sun...if you know what I mean"... I can't believe this.. There is a commercial, I think on how low one bank can make their rates: A line of people are doing the Caribbean dance shimmering under the bar each time as it is raised.

Correction please: as it is lowered.
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Any news on this front? I cannot find much.
Rosalee, where have you found info on her and the boy in the past? I would love to go back and look. Thanks.
Look under YouTube "King of Sorrow" for footage of Alexandre Coste. It was too large a link to attach here. Same with Jazmin Grace, his sister.
Look under YouTube "King of Sorrow" for footage of Alexandre Coste. It was too large a link to attach here. Same with Jazmin Grace, his sister.

Please. Thanks for not throwing that over dramatic dribble on this forum--its just from one overdramatic personal-attack-type to another (as is often here.) I would like to see some recent photos of him, as well as Jazmin, his half-sister.

And that King thing is not current events which is what this thread is supposedly about, which most times than usual, it is not current events here.
I did not say I cared about the "King thing" either. There are just some recent pics on there is all. I thought the drivel was quite tacky myself. I agree.

It was only for the recent pics.
Not I, said the little Red Hen. Not since here, about June. We'd/I'd like to see if he went to Kindergarten this September. Maybe that's not the interest of the razzis, since thats usually who captures his activities.
Has anybody seem pictures of little man lately.

Goody, And if this doesn't get the old boot- there are rumblings that there is a ban on photos of the kids?--From a broken heart--mine.
I don't think there is any ban for pics of children. Paparazzi may not be interested in Alexandre right now or his mom is tired with staged pics. I say about these staged pics, because many previous pics of the boy seemed staged and mom was obviously posing in them.
I don't think there is any ban for pics of children. Paparazzi may not be interested in Alexandre right now or his mom is tired with staged pics. I say about these staged pics, because many previous pics of the boy seemed staged and mom was obviously posing in them.

Caroline did not like the photographers intruding on her kids private lives when they were young, perhaps Albert has taken a page out of Caroline's book and wants the kids protected. Of course it would be nice to see a photo of them once in a while. Just a thought.
I don't think there is any ban for pics of children. Paparazzi may not be interested in Alexandre right now or his mom is tired with staged pics. I say about these staged pics, because many previous pics of the boy seemed staged and mom was obviously posing in them.

First, this is big news for us who cared about Alex and for some reason I would think it kind of get some exposure on the front page, at least a post stay for 24 hours or so.

Laksmi0-- Of course where would you see this info posted under MC current events or the local newspaper? This info came from a pretty reliable source. And please at the end of this long cruel, inflammed journey re the Costes, let it be. It was obvious that this last few times the razzis were on the scene. After three years please, stop the unkindness.

Hibou, perhaps
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So thanks now they are back. I want to make what I think is a worthy tribute.

If this is true well-If its for "respect for the kid's privacy,etc." Well-well, just well.

I know as per a big contingunecy of forum folks, Other folks, main folks,etc that the preferencea that this both of them should have never hit the press. But thats all history and we need to look and handle history honorably and responsibly.

As for Alex-he belongs to France and the world. Now that we've seen this pre-teeny tot Olympian stroll so intently and purposefully down and through the beaches. He can't just like that be expected to be forgotten. And we know about the other kids mentioned above and we have seen them many times and trust me we will be seeing them.And thats normal human behavior.

And so now -Hail to thee Blithe Spirit ( a little spirit-Alex)
Thanks Radker. He. indeed has a big-boy look, those big hands and a kind conscientious smile. Thanks for that- its nice to see him--Happy New Year to All -Everyone.
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