Albert & Charlene: The Engagement Interview

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Aug 21, 2005
Somewhere in
United States
So that the interview of Albert & Charlene doesn't take over the engagement thread, the musings thread as well as their current events threads, the Monaco moderators have decided to create a thread to discuss the interview that Albert and Charlene gave following the announcement of their engagement.

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Monaco Moderator
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Albert & Charlene: The Interview

i just viewed the video of their 1st official video together, hmmmm. She seems like she can understand quite a bit of french, i wonder if she had an earpiece in her ear that translated what he was saying to her? In addition, she seems like she has claimed her teritory, i mean she says "we" have a country home when it becomes a bit much. For a woman of 32 who was just an ordinary swimmer, she seems to have an attitude of superiority. I get the impression that she wears the pants in that relationship.
This video is on the you tube for 2 days ago, it was at the ending of the interwieu of the prince Albert for the fifth birthday of his enthronment, I saw this interwieu in Juliy on the french tv. We did not find this interwieu after . And suddenly she apparears on you tube, you will find the interwieu with charlene at the part 7, you must understand french because the reporter spoke in french and english.
This video is on the you tube for 2 days ago, it was at the ending of the interwieu of the prince Albert for the fifth birthday of his enthronment, I saw this interwieu in Juliy on the french tv. We did not find this interwieu after . And suddenly she apparears on you tube, you will find the interwieu with charlene at the part 7, you must understand french because the reporter spoke in french and english.

Thanks, I do understand some french I've been taking a french course since I was in highschool so it's been about 6 years of studying french, I'll see what I can pick up. Thanks again :flowers:

ETA: watched the video have no clue what they said half the time but Charlene did good it was cute with the tv host correcting her in her wording. She'll catch on though good to see her trying even if it's only a few phrases. I mean I've been working on trying to learn for French for the past 6 years and I still suck so I don't blame her if she hasn't fully learned the language yet.
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Thanks, I do understand some french I've been taking a french course since I was in highschool so it's been about 6 years of studying french, I'll see what I can pick up. Thanks again :flowers:

ETA: watched the video have no clue what they said half the time but Charlene did good it was cute with the tv host correcting her in her wording. She'll catch on though good to see her trying even if it's only a few phrases. I mean I've been working on trying to learn for French for the past 6 years and I still suck so I don't blame her if she hasn't fully learned the language yet.
I can't find the video in youtube, could some one please put the link here? i would really like to watch it:)
you can go on facebook you writte Charlene wittstock, there is the video or if you are not register on facebook , you writte on youtube " Albert, autre prince, part 7", and you will find the video, Charlene Wittstock said to the reporter that she undersatand french, she has no earpiece in her hear because she would have answer all in french. But if she could not exprime all her feelings, she answered in english.I can say you what were the questions, first the reporter said " are you afraid of all this around you, the protocole.the weedding," she answered in english. He said "is it because you are used because you compete sport so many time" she answered it"s not a competition but a life we speak, and she added i hope i am ready, prince said you are ready. he said you like the nature, she said she has a house where to go to" refugier "her, and prince said " when there is complication" and she said "no" reporter said "do you know who will be your witness to the weedding" prince said "we have a little clue"And then reporter said" You want children who will be heirs, Charlene said "let us take a moment" in laughing and prince said " yes we want to found a family". excuse me bad english, I read, I understand a little when somebody is speaking but I make many mistakes when I writte. It is very difficult to speak french. And I don"t blame Charlene for not speaking fully french. But she must learn every day french because there will be many events where she must speak french.It did not matter when she was only the friend but when she will be princess, she must speak french very well
After living 4 years in a French speaking country, her French is awful. But this woman cannot make up a sentence in English. Her gestures speak for her, she´s absolutely nervous when she´s asked only simple, silly questions.
And the answer to the ovboius question, do you want to have children, "give us a break" was so out of place. Someone tell her what to say! What was she doing all this time?
I think the point is that nobody is telling her to say what she says. This would be PA's task, but he shows no sign of reining her in. And she seems somewhat over-relaxed, considering the role she will (presumably) be assuming.
how can some persons critize that charlene wittstock don"t speak french very well, do they know french, do they speak french?I am not enterely for her, but I don't like the criticisme for nothing.Four years are not enough to speak french very well, I see she understood the questions. It is already good, further, she will ameliorate this language with intensive lessons.
Thank you for the link to the interview. I must say I was a little disappointed with Charlene's efforts to speak French. I can fully appreciate to speak on live tv would be daunting & all lessons/schooling can go out of the window when faced with having to respond on the spot. BUT she could have endeared herself to an audience by responding with "oui"/ d'accord etc.& perhaps have prepared a few comments in her newly adopted language. She has been albert's companion for many years now & she must have access to the very best schooling. Must try harder would be my verdict. (And French is such a beautiful language too!)
Thanks for the interview! I'm sort of dissapointed of her french, i'm sorry but 4 years are 4 years, she has to be at least more fluently. If she would have had an stronger training, her french would have been a lot better that this. It sounds hard, but it's the true.
how can some persons critize that charlene wittstock don"t speak french very well, do they know french, do they speak french?I am not enterely for her, but I don't like the criticisme for nothing.Four years are not enough to speak french very well, I see she understood the questions. It is already good, further, she will ameliorate this language with intensive lessons.

She's lived in a French speaking country for 4 years, she should know it better than what is on the interview. I have fought for Charlene when people mentioned her french, now hearing her I understand what people were saying.
I've heard people speak french at A-Level better than Charlene does, my apologies to her.

Thanks for the interview! I'm sort of dissapointed of her french, i'm sorry but 4 years are 4 years, she has to be at least more fluently. If she would have had an stronger training, her french would have been a lot better that this. It sounds hard, but it's the true.

I think Stronger training is the key, Albert should provide her with the right people who can teach her properly, and she should use french daily to improve. Maybe a trip to France is in order?
I don't like people who don't learn the language of the country they are about to become Princess of, I stood by her when I thought she would be getting the right training so she could learn quickly but hearing her makes me think otherwise. It takes a lot to turn me against something. :ermm:
how can some persons critize that charlene wittstock don"t speak french very well, do they know french, do they speak french?

Yes I do, I have been studying French for 4 years, only two days a week, and I can do better than this, that´s why I´m astonished. With an intensive course, this would have been different. Maxima did that, and within a year, when the wedding was announced, she could speak Dutch, or at least an intermmediate level.
CW doesn´t care at all.
But she seems to have a small vocabulary in her own language.

I felt so embarrased for PA as I saw the interview again. "I want to discover France"!!!! God!
Oh, please, people live in the States for years and speak miserable English. Some cannot speak English at all. It is easy to criticize when you are not the one doing it. Some people have a facility for language others don't. Albert and she speak English together. He speaks English most of the time. One post said he preferred to speak English. That is his prerogative.
I've been learning french too, since last september 2009, and i speak it more fluid that her (having french classes once a week) So...this is beacause:
a-She didn't have a good training (which is unforgivable because she can have the best french teachers)
b-She doesn't care AT ALL learning french. If it wouldn't be because she is going to be the future consort, she obviously wouldn't learn it.
c-She is not inteligent enough to learn it. It sounds rough, but c'mon, 4 years and she can't make one sentence?
I felt so embarrased for PA as I saw the interview again. "I want to discover France"!!!! God!
Yes me too, but then again he must have been aware how important it was that Charlene made a good impression, & he didn't seem to have had much of a hand in preparing her for the interview or in "feeding her the right lines". I have watched the interview a couple of times & I cringe more each time I see it. Even the interviewer seems perplexed!
In a previous post I tried to point yout that Monaco is - at least geographically - one of the largest francophone countries in the world (notwithstanding African countries).

CW has had ample opportunity to learn much of the language - she is surrounded daily by French-speakers.

I'm disappointed at her, shall we say, nonchalance - now there's a beautiful French word.
Frankly speaking, here she is giving a televisised interview she leans in at times squinting at the report as he is asking questions, sucking in her cheeks, says "we" have a country home, "give us a break" as she tosses her head when asked about children and then at the end of the interview when she is told best wishes, etc, she replies ok and nods her head. Come on have a little more class then that Charlene, and stop being arrogant, because that is how you came off to me.
Frankly speaking, here she is giving a televisised interview she leans in at times squinting at the report as he is asking questions, sucking in her cheeks, says "we" have a country home, "give us a break" as she tosses her head when asked about children and then at the end of the interview when she is told best wishes, etc, she replies ok and nods her head. Come on have a little more class then that Charlene, and stop being arrogant, because that is how you came off to me.
I was thinking the same too, Christine. She better change that attitude...
I didn't find her arrogant, I found her nervous. I agree, her French leaves a lot to be desired. I found the question regarding children a bit silly from the interveiwer and would have probably responded the same way. What I was pleased to see is that PA's mannerisms indicate he is just absolutely smitten with her. Considering her origins, I think she did quite well.
I think she did as well as any other royal fiancee who had to learn a new language and I agree, KittlyA, that she was very nervous.
What bothers me most is the lack of warmth between these two. I can see no spark at all.
Interesting that Al still stammers when he speaks French.
I don't think he will ever lose the stammer - it reminds him of his father.

By contrast, he felt much more comfortable with his US relatives, and doesn't stammer when with them.
I don't see there was not warmth between the two, when she spoke in french, he looked her with love, ; Also when she ashed him, if it was this answer she must say, he said her it was rigt, when she said there was a house where to escape, he said in taking her arm", when things complicate "she said lovely "no", also when she said she hoped to be ready, he said I am sure you are. he looked her in laughing when she said "take us a break". She was nervous, and he knows how a first interview gives stress. There was also no caoching for this interview, other persons would have ask a coaching, she no I think that's courageux.
I still think Albert could have done much better, but he seems "comfortable" with her
Albert & Charlene: The Interview

So that the interview of Albert & Charlene doesn't take over the engagement thread, the musings thread as well as their current events threads, the Monaco moderators have decided to create a thread to discuss the interview that Albert and Charlene gave following the announcement of their engagement.

Please remember the following:

  • We expect our members to treat each other with respect.
  • Opinions should be backed up by reference to published reports.
  • Empty posts, that is posts that do not add or contribute to the discussion, will be removed without notice.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the moderating team.

Happy Posting!

Monaco Moderator
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What surprised me was her answer to the "Vous etes Protestante?" question..." suis Chretien"...surely she must understand that any NON CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN IS CONSIDERED PROTESTANT?? :bang:(With the exception of the Orthodox)

The word Protestant implies that you do NOT accept the authority of the Bishop of Rome-the Pope-as head of the Universal Church.

That is why a Catholic-though indeed Christian-does not describe him/herself as merely is to differentiate themselves from all the other baptized followers of Christ...a Catholic is a Christian who believes the Pope is the successor to the Apostle Peter as head of the Christian Church. Even the interviewer seemed confused..thank goodness he didn't ask her what she meant by the nonsensical "Je suis chretien".

Charlene seems very sweet, but her answer regarding religion indicates confusion at best and ignorance at worst. I was a little embarrassed for her, shame on PA and her handlers for not getting her up to speed. :sad:
I definitely think that the Monaco handlers could be doing a better job of preparing her to be a Princess. Maybe because its been a while since they last had to do it?
I don't know.
As usual Zonk...we are on the same wavelength. Her French is hesitant, but it is fairly correct grammatically speaking...and she seems to understand perfectly, which is a relief. I am surprised she is not yet fluent, but I have no doubt she will be soon.

As for her answer regarding children, I think she was caught off guard, not being arrogant at all. The answer in French ("Donnez-nous le temps"...I think?) sounded much nicer than the English "Give us a break". In fact hours after the birth of Prince William someone asked Prince Charles about more children and his reply was "Bloody hell...give us a chance!" while Diana's was the even more testy "I am NOT a machine!"...can you imagine if CW had said that??:lol:

She and PA seem very much on the same wavelength...the only part of the interview that gave me problems was CW's apparent ignorance regarding Catholicism/Protestantism actually.
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