I'm very interested in formalities and protocol, so can someone please tell me how an abdication takes place, from a constitutional and formal point of view?
Say Queen Beatrix wakes up one morning and says: "Okay, I'm going to abdicate". What happens next?
She keeps her mouth shut.
....Then calls Alexander and invites him over.Once they´re clear on the matter,HM calls the PM to pop in.
The PM will inform the Government under strict state secret untill HM herself announces the date of such event publicly by radio,tv and
the Staatscourant.
On the day,the RF will gather at the Royal Palace,Amsterdam as the Nieuwe Kerk opposite the Palace is designated to be the place where all Inthronisations of Dutch Monarchs are to take place according to the Constitution.
At 10 AM HM and the Heir will enter the Mozes Hall of the Palace where the entire Royal Family and Government is present,and both HM and the PoO will sign and contra-sign the Act of Abdication.From that moment on the Prince of Orange will be King Willem IV Alexander.After this short ceremony Queen Beatrix will present the new Monarch on the palace balcony to the crowds.
At 3PM the Inthronisation ceremony in the Nwe Kerk starts.While all are present,Government,Parliament,distinguished guests,family and friends ( but never a Crowned Monarch even if it´s a best friend,they do not attend each others Coronations or Inthronisations as a rule,but Heirs and Spares do attend-) HM and Queen Máxima will leave the Palace a few minutes before 3PM with their entourage and walk to the church.Upon arrival HM is announced by the Heraut and the National Anthem is played while TM proceed to the Throne,or whatever chair is used as such,that differs from time to time....
The PM opens this special occasion with a speech and the reason why the `congragation`is gathered there that day.Then each Member of Parliament will swear /or promiss allegiance to the new Monarch after which HM himself will speech and take the Oath in front of the Credens Table holding the Crown,Orb,Scepter and Sword of State.After the ceremony the Monarch and his family will leave for the Palace and present themselves at the Palace balcony.
There´s a lot of music before during and after as the Orchestra in attendance with Choir will play/sing Salve Regina.At least that was what I recall from last time,in 1980,the Maastrichter Staar,a choir with the predicate Royal from Maastricht,was invited to perform during this most solemn ceremony.All other events are the choice of whomever chooses.With Queen Beatrix there was a grand party at the ship/ferry `Koningin Beatrix` and all were taken there by canal boats,the Prince of Wales,Henri,all.Maybe Queen Máxima opts for a nights of tango and salsa,which is ofcourse great too.