Queen Letizia and the Press

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Duke of Marmalade

Imperial Majesty
May 19, 2007
Frankfurt am Main
Rough translation about an incident in February - if true or not I don't know, I wasn't there.

Letizia usually goes with her children to an exclusive club to play / spend time with friends and on that day there was another child's birthday party. Because there were clowns and magicians and many other children Leonor somehow got mixed with them and enjoyed herself. Everything was fine until at the end Letizia or her bodyguard demanded pics and videos taken during the party because of Leonor's appearance on the footage, although she had not been invited. The parents refused to give the footage because they wanted it for their own memories and Letizia left in anger.

Vanitatis.com - Letizia 'confisca' imágenes de sus hijas en una fiesta infantil

If Letizia doesn't relax and gets rid of her overprotective streak I wonder how she will pull through the times when Leonor goes to school and and will mix with friends from outside Zarzuela.
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i think that it is the security of the zarzuela that as ask for the foto
the bodyguard can't ask for her name ...
i think that is not think o right de letizia
is the security of zarzuela
Provided that Vanitatis says the truth, IMO, in order to avoid these unpleasant incidents, either they shouldn't have gone to the club that day or they shouldn't have let Leonor join the other children.
Asking for all the pics and the videos at the end of the private party is really crazy and rude. I cannot believe that the security of Zarzuela doesn't know how to prevent this sort of incidents and I hope that is not true that Letizia sent the bodyguards to ask for the pics.
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Provided Vanitatis says the truth, IMO, in order to avoid these unpleasant incidents, either they shouldn't have gone to the club that day or they shouldn't have let Leonor join the other children.
Asking for all the pics and the videos at the end of the party is really crazy and rude. I cannot believe that the security of Zarzuela doesn't know how to prevent this sort of incidents and I hope that is not true Letizia send the bodyguards to ask for the pics.
mi too if the bodycard ask for the pic is just the pic who was leonor ...
This web is not trustworthy, and less this journalists. Paloma Barrientos is together with Peñafiel, which harder have beaten the princess. Her histories always are manipulated, exaggerated and distorted. At least this time has not returned to commit the mistake of saying that Leonor has 3 years (up to in something so simple she commits mistakes).

She declares herself republican, always she praises those that are rich or powerful, but she cannot support that a normal woman, a journalist as her, is today Princess of Asturias. If the Princes make something normal of any family she criticizes them, if the princes do something that is supposed is own of her social position ... also. Before the wedding the Princess did a commentary on the assaults of this journalist to Erika, and since then she has attacked her mercilessly. It seems that also she had problems with Jaime de Marichalar.

The press is despair, because as the Princess has had very few activity they do not have material, and the Princess is a fixed material in magazines or programs of television. Always the same thing happens, when they pass a few days without news harass to her family and terrible histories are invented on her.

I remember that when this Christmas appeared the photos of the Infanta Leonor in the parade of Three Wish Men, the magazine was commenting that the Princes did not put any problem to which the people were photographing them with their daughter.

But it is a topic on the one that must think over the Royal House. Nowadays we all are paparazzi, with our telephones and cameras of photos, and the normal people know can sell these photos for thousands of Euros.
I cannot understand this "hiden the children" by Letizia, it is so absurd IMO!
I would not believe that neither Letizia nor the security would know where Leonor was and that she was being photographed. No mother of a child would be so ignorant about the whereabouts of a small child, especially a child that has security watching her. Sounds like a made-up story.
Rough translation about an incident in February - if true or not I don't know, I wasn't there.

Letizia usually goes with her children to an exclusive club to play / spend time with friends and on that day there was another child's birthday party. Because there were clowns and magicians and many other children Leonor somehow got mixed with them and enjoyed herself. Everything was fine until at the end Letizia or her bodyguard demanded pics and videos taken during the party because of Leonor's appearance on the footage, although she had not been invited. The parents refused to give the footage because they wanted it for their own memories and Letizia left in anger.

Vanitatis.com - Letizia 'confisca' imágenes de sus hijas en una fiesta infantil

If Letizia doesn't relax and gets rid of her overprotective streak I wonder how she will pull through the times when Leonor goes to school and and will mix with friends from outside Zarzuela.

Well, I don't think Letizia will do that. She knows that her daughter will be photographed anywhere so acting like what was stated in the article is really something. I don't think she will insist on confiscating the pictures after all Leonor has been photographed so many times without her. If she really does not want these pictures out she could have contacted all the people around Leonor during the circus with her mother or any other pictures of her daughter. She knows that by being rude will only weaken the monarchy so I really don't think she did that. ;)
Vanitatis.com - Letizia 'confisca' imágenes de sus hijas en una fiesta infantil

If Letizia doesn't relax and gets rid of her overprotective streak I wonder how she will pull through the times when Leonor goes to school and and will mix with friends from outside Zarzuela.

An article without an author ? :cool: If someone had such a connection, was sure about the story, why didn't he/she put down the name ? He/she would have the chance to be famous :lol:. From the previous experience, those type of articles should be taken with a grand of salt.
wow, that article is harsh. it is written with quite a lot of subjection in my opinion as well, which isn't good when you are trying to report something and making it sound real. i don't know whether it's true or not, but i somehow have the impression no one (princess, celebrity... whatever) in their sanity would do it. it's really pedantic.
This web is not trustworthy, and less this journalists. Paloma Barrientos is together with Peñafiel, which harder have beaten the princess. Her histories always are manipulated, exaggerated and distorted. At least this time has not returned to commit the mistake of saying that Leonor has 3 years (up to in something so simple she commits mistakes).

Is this the same woman who reported that Letizia was annoying other people on a plane because she's going up and down the aisle with Leonor many times to the labotory? :rolleyes:
From what I'm reading i found it quite hard to believe, that the Princess would act in such manner and be rude to people in that way!!:rolleyes:
Is this the same woman who reported that Letizia was annoying other people on a plane because she's going up and down the aisle with Leonor many times to the labotory? :rolleyes:

Yes, it's her. Jaime de Marichalar almost got into a fight with her after she spreaded mand rumors on him.
She had another similar airplane article on the trip of Felipe, Letizia and Leonor from Madrid to Milan. That time was Felipe walking Leonor up and down the aisle. Of course she dare not say that such a tall man walking up and down were annoying other people. But it must be Letizia's fault :lol:, her Prince should be sitting on his first class seat, drinking coffee and reading newspapers, instead she 'forced' him to walk the kid :cool:. On the other hand, she praised Inaki for taking 4 kids to Canary Islands while his royal wife was still in Barcelona working. Royals and commoners have different job descriptions even in their family lives :lol:.
But this time, the article was not written by Paloma Barrientos since she usually put down her name. Maybe they picked up the article from the junk mails. It's lacking news right now due to election. Some bored people might write their own stories, mail them the tabloids. If a certain tabloid saw it fitting its agenda, it would publish the article, that also explains why no author. It had happened before several times (sources of some of Jaime P's articles), another ex, there was a story of Felipe and Letizia taking the Ortiz family to Paris after the death of Letizia's grandpa.
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I figured to bring it here from the old thread.

An article without an author's name? Not brave enough to write his/her name? Anyway, here's another version from ABC and Zarzuela. I'm busy to translate maybe someone will.

ABC.es: gente - gente - Otra historia de la Princesa Letizia

that's not another version and it in fact explain's zarzuela's reaction to the incident. according to them, that didn't happen and neither letizia or the bodyguards asked for the photos. it does mention that once, leonor was playing at the club and a lady approached her to take pictures, which the bodyguards inmediately stopped according to the "law of the minor" (minors are only to be photographed with the consent of their parents). apparently, the women then told someone having a party there about the incident and it got a bit out of proportion.

to be honest, i have no idea which version is the right one, both seem a bit strange (so zarzuela now confirms that the lady went to the other people and spreaded a rumour? how would they know/dare to say that?)
to be honest, i have no idea which version is the right one, both seem a bit strange (so zarzuela now confirms that the lady went to the other people and spreaded a rumour? how would they know/dare to say that?)

It is easy to understand it, is a private club, not the street, so the bodyguards found out easily about everything.

Seeing often the behavior of the people, it is easy to deal. There are people who believes herself with right to do what wants, in this case to photograph the girls without permission in a private place. And as the girls they are Infantas, and Leonor is pretty and funny, the people assimilate them as a possession public, as an exposed object in order that the whole world looks at them. And when someone comes and prevents them from doing something, they get angry. There are many persons like that. Probably, the lady in question would do certain commotion, and this journalist would find out and she took charge adorning the whole history.

And another commentary. This place is an exclusive enough place of Madrid. It is closely together of the Zarzuela Palace , and probably it is one of few places where the Princess can go calm with her daughters. The problem is that surely, some of the people who are present at this club it is thinking about being over the plebeian Letizia Ortiz. I am sure of that the Infanta Elena, does exactly the same thing with her children ... but it would not be a news.
Finally, the persons demonstrate what they are. How yesterday the news publicized her, today the same journalist returns to insist, and once again she demonstrates her evilness and her ignorance. A shame is those who could not read Spanish, because they would see like only she reveals evilness in her words.

Vanitatis.com - El arroz de la Princesa Letizia

This time, she criticizes that the Princess organizes lunch with relatives in her house. In this case the birthday of her grandfather. Also she criticizes that according to her, some members of her family establish themselves in the House of the princes when they are in Madrid.

Later she speaks about the agenda of the Princess, says that she never has acts weekends, and that in the last weeks only she has had hearings while the Queen and the Infanta they were travelling.


And now the list of explanations and alterations.

- They did not celebrate the birthday of the grandfather which is in July, but that of the grandmother.

- Thelma does not live in the Zarzuela, but when she has been in Madrid (that have been a few days for the birthday of her grandmother because she has been in Asturias and Toledo), she has visited her sister in the evenings, since does often Paloma with Carla. And it has been said by the photographers who follow her.

- Normally no member of the Royal Family they have activities the weekends, because anybody organizes acts the weekends that it is when all the civil servants rest. So the Princess is not different from the rest of the Family.

- The Queen did a trip to Cambodia, but later she has been two weeks without acts. The Infanta Cristina does not have a public act from January 29. Her trip, it was a trip as part of her work in The Caixa, works for the one that receives a salary, and that does not have any relation with her official activity. Like the Princess, the King and the Prince only have had hearings. Reason ... we are in electoral campaign, there is no official activity, and the Royal Family must avoid appear in public acts with politicians (always in their acts someone accompanies them), to support their image of neutrality. In addition, the country is in the highest level of security (4 years ago 11M, yesterday a murder).
Whether true or not there are always two or more sides of the story. As much as there is critizism or even slander from the yellow press in order to make money with the princess there is also sugary coverage or even propaganda from journalists close to the Royal House who want to keep their positions by helping to improve the public image of the princes(s).

Usually it's not a problem to find a suitable balance with anyone - not only with those who please you but also with those who don't - but in this case I think Zarzuela failed to hear and react to the call from when Letizia entered the stage, and now it's kind of the horse has left the barn and it's too late to close the door. Their dealing with the media as a whole is simply poor and they urgently need to adjust their public relations strategy (do they have one?) in order to cope with the realities of today's business.
that's not another version and it in fact explain's zarzuela's reaction to the incident. according to them, that didn't happen and neither letizia or the bodyguards asked for the photos. it does mention that once, leonor was playing at the club and a lady approached her to take pictures, which the bodyguards inmediately stopped according to the "law of the minor" (minors are only to be photographed with the consent of their parents). apparently, the women then told someone having a party there about the incident and it got a bit out of proportion.

to be honest, i have no idea which version is the right one, both seem a bit strange (so zarzuela now confirms that the lady went to the other people and spreaded a rumour? how would they know/dare to say that?)

Paloma Barrientos picks up on the topic, writing about what happened after the publication of the first article about the alleged confiscation of pictures showing Infanta Leonor during another kids' birthday party.
Vanitatis.com - Las matizaciones de la Casa Real

In an unusual move, Zarzuela hurried up to circulate their own - of course completely different - "correct" version of the event (see above, as described by carlota), even felt the need to approach Paloma directly and tell her what really happened that day :rolleyes:. I wonder what they are thinking, lowering themselves to even contacting Paloma B and giving her and her articles some more relevance. That's a desperate move and I doubt a good strategy. If Zarzuela start dismissing stories like this one on a regular basis - where to draw the line? - it will keep their PR people certainly busy for the next 30 years! ;)
Duke, not only they have spoken with her, also with other journalists, not so wicked as she, and many times are the own journalists those who call to Zarzuela, asking for explanations.

The news of Paloma Barrientos on the Princess has been like that for 4 years, so they surprise nobody. She has an obsession and anyone that follows her a bit knows it. But she has entered a dangerous way, when her the histories have been ended on the Princess, has started using the Infantas girls to attack the Princess.

The Zarzuela has never said a word, and with the barbarities of two or three of these "journalists" (always the same persons) it is possible to write an encyclopedia on fictitious histories on the princess, that always have been ended being false.

But they seem not to be arranged to that what is in debate is the intimacy and the safety of the girls. I believe that the Zarzuela has seen the limit exceeded when one has started losing the respect to the children. The first notice took place with the improper attitude of the press in the doors of the school of the children Marichalar, the second notice comes with to the difusion of gossips on the Infantas when they were in a private enclosure... I do not believe that it is chance that they name the Law of the minor, believe that they are ordered a notice to the press in order that they return to a previous attitude, of major respect towards the children. They do not want to come to the limit of the President Zapatero, or of the Dutch Royal Family, but they do not want either that they use the children.

Certainly, Paloma Barrientos in her "rectification" (is it possible to call this way?:rolleyes:), fills like always of commentaries that reveal evilness, commits a nice mistake. If, since she has defended in other occasions, the Princess is so unbearable that does not bear her anybody of the Royal Family except her husband ... what there was doing Cristina de Borbón Dos Sicilias with her?:lol:... Yes, the same one that with her husband and the Princes was few weeks ago to the theatre, or that was with the Princess in an official act in a charitable representation ... the same one that is an almost the third sister Borbón for the relation that she supports with the Infantas. Surprise ¡ :lol:
Paloma Barrientos picks up on the topic, writing about what happened after the publication of the first article about the alleged confiscation of pictures showing Infanta Leonor during another kids' birthday party.
Vanitatis.com - Las matizaciones de la Casa Real

In an unusual move, Zarzuela hurried up to circulate their own - of course completely different - "correct" version of the event (see above, as described by carlota), even felt the need to approach Paloma directly and tell her what really happened that day :rolleyes:. I wonder what they are thinking, lowering themselves to even contacting Paloma B and giving her and her articles some more relevance. That's a desperate move and I doubt a good strategy. If Zarzuela start dismissing stories like this one on a regular basis - where to draw the line? - it will keep their PR people certainly busy for the next 30 years! ;)

It's not like Zarzuela cares about the no-name article on Paloma Barrientos's website, however Paloma B. does have a few minutes fame on Ana Rosa's high rating 'heart' program, last week she was spreading her gossip there in front of the national audience, that probably caught the attention of the royal house. She was not the only one getting the denial from Zarzuela, many other journalists also did. I'm glad Zarzuela has been taking a more aggressive stand recently, nothing wrong, they should have done that 4 years ago. On the PR department of a royal house in contact with the press, it happens to every single royal house in Europe all the time, nothing unusual, some other royal houses were even sueing the tabloids for trying to damage the images of their royals.

to be honest, i have no idea which version is the right one, both seem a bit strange (so zarzuela now confirms that the lady went to the other people and spreaded a rumour? how would they know/dare to say that?)

The royal bodyguards are not simple body builders who know martial arts or how to fire a gun, they are national security agents. Is there anything out there they wouldn't know when they had the desire to know :lol: ?
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Two more information to clarify the history.

It seems that the lady not only wanted to do photos to the Infanta Leonor, but also to her cousin Pedro Lopez Quesada, who was playing with her.

A journalist has commented, that the mother of the child of the birthday has offered to the Zarzuela to clarify the history to the mass media, but that Palace has said to her that wasn´t necessary.
Letizia currently heads a survey of 20 minutos regarding the most annoying person, even before Aznar, Hugo Chavez or Lewis Hamilton (!) :lol:

Funny enough even Pope Benedict or Queen Elizabeth II are to be found on this list, too.

I am personally missing Borja Thyssen & Blanca Cuesta.

PERSONAJES ODIOSOS - Listas - 20minutos.es
Letizia currently heads a survey of 20 minutos regarding the most annoying person, even before Aznar, Hugo Chavez or Lewis Hamilton (!) :lol:

Funny enough even Pope Benedict or Queen Elizabeth II are to be found on this list, too.

I am personally missing Borja Thyssen & Blanca Cuesta.

PERSONAJES ODIOSOS - Listas - 20minutos.es

Curiously two days ago she was between the last positions, it seems that someone has devoted to vote her insistently...
Curiously two days ago she was between the last positions, it seems that someone has devoted to vote her insistently...

By the comments below a few frustrated from Cotilleando :lol:. You can play internet options to vote as many times as you want.
Yes, in that survey you can vote as many times as you want, and that hatefull forum make people vote several times, but it isn't a head survey from the newspaper is from someone who is checked in the newspaper who created the survey.
This survey is neither credible nor reflect the reality. In Spain the majority of people like Princess Letizia.
Anyone with an ill hatred towards Letizia, is capable of wasting time voting to position her in the first place.
Camarina said:
Anyone with an ill hatred towards Letizia, is capable of wasting time voting to position her in the first place.
You're right, it must be someone without a life!, sad.
Letizia, el oficio de princesa (Letizia, Princess' job)

Very positive article abaut princess Leitizia solo's activity and job. At the moment it isn't fulll published, but next week we can read it in the "Tiempo" web.

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