HSH Prince Albert Current Events 7 : June 205

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michelleq said:
I say this to lighten the mood.

When Albert and I marry, I am having all of my Royal Forum Comrades, esp. Lady MacAlpine and Dennism at my reception. We will show royalty how royalty should act!

Long live the Royal Forums!!!:)
You think so he is already mine :p lol. But then I have said I will share I am not greedy. Those wondering what I meant by I had a strange feeling there was another surprise remember back to February and what I said. That this year Albert's life was going to change. Said there was more to his being single then meet's the eye. Wait and see what comes next.
Everything Considered

I think it could be possible that Albert has met women he felt he would marry, but due to the extreme stress of the position of his future wife, couldn't, in good conscience, put the woman/women through such a life. As much as I would like to see him happy and fulfilled, I hear he is a very considerate man, and I don't think we may fully understand-as he does- what his future wife will be put through.
I know I also miss Julia here :( Nope I haven't heard anything regarding that. I remember reading last month after many mags published the story that someone in another forum said the mags involved were gonna be sued. But don't know anything else.
very shallow

(quote)have to say this: it is her statement that he was trying to hide this affaire, he did not ever tell her not to tell anyone; he never asked her to keep quiet -- and she openly admits this in the interviews that she gave to the reporters. She and her children have been living in his apartment in Paris and Albert has been taking care of them as well -- giving her money and everything else. She has been able to move about freely and she has been talking to everybody(quote)

i have a very, very shallow comment to make. as i sit after faxing about 14 resumes an after making about 24 phone calls all for a job. her job(as it were) was very nice, could someone pls take care of me. goodness i know i am a little old for adoption but i can cook.

but on a more serious note-has nicole ever explain why didnt want until after albert's statement about their child before giving interviews? and if albert didnt say for her to keep their relationship quite, why is he so upset?
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leahteresa said:
Aloha, just thought I would throw in an opinion and ask if anyone thinks I'm on the money, or dead broke......I think a man of Albert's age and position has probably already got a wife all picked out. I just suspect he has been waiting for his father to pass and the mourning to end so he can make an announcement. I also strongly suspect NC knows she is not it, which goes to the timing of her "outing". Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.......all opinions aside look what Princess Diana did to damage Charles. (Justified or not) I have not read this anywhere I have no facts or quotes or "insider scoop" to back it. But I seriously believe PA is already way into another woman...who knows who.....

That's a possibility. Interesting...:rolleyes:
michelleq said:
I say this to lighten the mood.

When Albert and I marry, I am having all of my Royal Forum Comrades, esp. Lady MacAlpine and Dennism at my reception. We will show royalty how royalty should act!

Long live the Royal Forums!!!:)
OK! Maybe you could set me with a friend too?
semisquare said:
(quote)have to say this: it is her statement that he was trying to hide this affaire, he did not ever tell her not to tell anyone; he never asked her to keep quiet -- and she openly admits this in the interviews that she gave to the reporters. She and her children have been living in his apartment in Paris and Albert has been taking care of them as well -- giving her money and everything else. She has been able to move about freely and she has been talking to everybody(quote)

i have a very, very shallow comment to make. as i sit after faxing about 14 resumes an after making about 24 phone calls all for a job. her job(as it were) was very nice, could someone pls take care of me. goodness i know i am a little old for adoption but i can cook.

but on a more serious note-has nicole ever explain why didnt want until after albert's statement about their child before giving interviews? and if albert didnt say for her to keep their relationship quite, why is he so upset?
Maybe because of those things she said about him to the reporters. It looks bad for him and can damages his image. True or not, I would be mad too if somebody said all those things about me too...especially in the papers that went all over the world.

And she probably know he does not like bad gossip about him. but I do not know. I am not an expert on any of this. so, take it with a grain of salt.

Don't know, just a thought...
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Actually, Prince Albert II has never said anything - not one word - about Nicole or the child. What you are referring to is a reporter at a publication saying he was upset. (However, if it is written in a newspaper, tabloid or magazine, it must be true. Right?).

PA's attorney did indicate that nothing would be said - today, next week or next month - about the allegations. And, I believe, that is all that has been said about the incident from the Palais.
Here’s a piece of the full article from the 12 Mai circulation of issue of le Point. I do not know if I can put this here and maybe they will let it stay for the moment; but it’s a story that is already out there and they say she gave them the interview – also it is a very longue story from her too.

The writer is Émilie Lanez at le Point magazine where they say she talked to them. Take it with a grain of salt.

Les Secrets D’Un Prince (Cover Story)
C’est veritable coup de tonnerre qui a fait a trembler le Rocher encore enduillé. Albert serait le pére d’un bébé de 20 mois. C’est ce qu’affirme Nicole Coste, une hôtesse de l’air d’origine togolaise. Le palais, pour l’heure, se tait. Enquête sur une affaire d’état civil.

Nicole Coste ne sort plus dans la rue. <<Même pas pour aller au Monoprix>>, confie-t-elle en riant. Elle passé de loungues journées à jouer avec son fils, Alexandre, <<qui marché depuis qu’il a 1 an>>. Elle attend, dans l’ombre confortable d’un appartement periesien prêté par la principauté monégasque, des nouvelles d’Albert, <<l’homme que j’aime d’amour et en qui j’ai confiance depuis huit ans>>. Nicole Coste est la femme par qui le scandale éclôt. La femme qui fait vaciller le Rocher. La femme qui dit avoir donné, voilà vingt mois, dans le secret, un fils à Albert II, nouveau prince de Monaco, souvrain d’une des plus vieilles dynasties d’Europe.

Nicole Coste est une jeune Togolaise de 33 ans, hôtesse de l’air en conge parental. Une femme intelligent qui dose avec delicatessen confidence sentimentale et contournement stratégique. <<J’ai fait cet article parce que tout ce que je dis est vrai, confie la jeune femme au Point. J’aime Albert d’amour, mais je ne peux plus continuer à le couvrir. Je n’ai pas envie de rentrer dans le details, mais ce que je dois dire, c’est que je me suis decide à tout raconteur à partir d’une situation qui devenait indécente. Je ne peux plus mentir. Dans une famille, il y a un père, un enfant et aussi sa mere, il faut penser à moi, on m’a laissée trop seule, on m’a trop demandé, je n’en peux plus. Alors, c’est simple, je parle pour qu’on m’écoute et qu’on m’entende. C’est vrai que je vis dans un appartement prêté par Albert, c’est vrai qu’il y a eu reconnaissance, par Albert, de son fils, chez le notaire, c’est vrai qu’on a fait des tests d’AND, qui conferment la paternité d’Albert. Que vous dire de plus? Que je fais cela pour que mon fils ait un père qui assume ses responsabilités. C’est tout de meme une fierté d’avoir un fils, pas honte, non? Et moi, j’aime Albert d’amour profound depuis longtemps. J’ai confiance.>> Nicole paraît près de pleurer. Puis se retient.

Future querelle dynastique?
<<Ce palais n’est pas destine à devenir le fief d’un vieux célibataire>>, grondait parfois Rainier III, lassé de voir que son fils, sévèrement préparé à lui succéder, ne se donnait pas d’épouse convenable. Son voeu semble en passé d’être curieusement exaucé, car la vie sentimentale vibrionnante du nouveau prince de Monaco, via les revelations incroyables de Nicole Coste, agit depuis une semaine l’ensemble de la presse européenne. Un coup de tonnerre dans le ciel encore endeuillé de l’opulente principauté déclenché par ‘interview finement maîtrisée --- publiée dans les hebdomadaires Paris Match, Daily Mail, Bunte, Chi. Avec force details, mais sans document official, Nicole Cost dit être la mere du fils d’Albert. Et pour mieux se fiare entendre, la belle aligne sagement quatre photos montrant Albert, la mine ravie, donner à la cuiller un petit pot aux carottes à son fils. Le bercer sur les genoux tandis que celui-ci joue avec un quartier de pomme, ou le porter, fier, dans les bras. Une bombe médiatique.

Une revelation qui pourrait aussi donner lieu à une féroce bataille juridique, voire, si la paternité se confirme, à une truculente querelle dynastique. Albert II, Albert le gentil timide, Albert le collectionneur d’amourettes furtives, Albert le richisseme héritier de Grimaldi, le tout nouveau patron de la flourissante enterprise monégasque, serait donc le père embarrassé d’un petit bonhomme aux joues rebondies, Alexandre, 20 mois. L’azur se voile sur le Rocher. Et partout où l’on feuillette avec ébahissement les pages de ces magazines, on s’interroge sur les réelles motivations de la belle Nicole. On questionne la moralité de ce personage inconnu de tabloids mais un peu mions du monde joyeux des noctambules jet-setters. On soupçonne un coup tordu manigancé per un clan de conservateurs pour éprouver le nouveau souvrain. On suppute encore qu’Albert aurait laissé dire, afin de donner de l’épaisseur charnelle à son personage encore falot aux yeux du monde. On devine les tractations serrées menées entre deux emissaries, amis togolais de la belle et successivement quatre agencies de presse photo, jusqu’à trouver la plus culottée et la plus offrante. Enfin, on s’interroge sur l’étrange vie qui attend ce bambin métis, Alexandre, le bien nommé, est-il un prince? Un Grimaldi? Un héritier ou un successeur? [[I am leaving the last little part away because it is more dramatic comments that do not add anything helpful]].
Une stratégie judiciaire.

Du côté du palais princier, justement, le silence est total. Mutique. L’avocat et ami d’enfance du prince Albert, le Parisien Thierry Lacoste, n’y a vas pas quatre chemins. Il promet <<non pas une repose médiatique, mais une stratégie de riposte judiciaire>> Sans toutefois vouloir préciser sur quell point et surtout sans affirmer que Nicole Coste ment. Veut-il laisser à un tribunal le soin d’en decider ainsi? Ou tout simplement ne peut-il démentir aussi catégoriquement la paternité d’Albert II? <<Beaucoup de choses dites dans cet article ne correspondent pas à la réalité>>, dit-il. Lesquelles? Silence. Du côté de Nicole Coste, l’avocat, guère plus disert, fait montre d’une grande quietude. Michel Peisse, spécialiste en droit immoblier, confie <<connaître Nicole Coste depuis longtemps par des relations communes qui recherchent ma discretion dans des affaires for compliquées. Elle voulait éclaircir la situation de son fils, elle a réussi. Elle voulait rapeller qu’elle existe, le message est passé>>. En effet.

Selon Nicole, qui s’est longuement confiée au Point, son histoire est celle, banale et mièvre, d’une amorouse deuce. Un genre qui peut devenir redoubtable tant, alors, rien n’effraie le couer brisé. Nicole est divorcée d’un premier marriage. [[again, I am leaving the little part away because it is more dramatic comments that do not add anything helpful]], …Nicole s’est vu retirer la garde de ses deux fils aînés, parce que, dit-elle, <<mon mari ne supportait plus que je sois si proche d’Albert>>. Le 13 juillet 1997, elle embarque sur le vol Nice-Paris et apprend qu’en illustre passager sera du voyage. L’héritier du trône de Monaco. <<Une emotion m’a traverse l’esprit, comme la sensation que quelque chose allait arriver.>> Cupidon virevolant sur la checklist. Le chef steward vient l’informer qu’un passager VIP l’a remarquée at qu’elle devrait aller le saluer. [[I am leaving this little part away because it is more dramatic comments that do not add anything helpful]]. La conversation s’engage entre le prince et l’hôtesse. Voici le récit donné par Nicole: <<Il était timide mais charismatique. Il avait faim. Je lui ai donné mon proper plateau repas. Il me demande mon numéro de telephone. Je lui demande un autograph. Il signe une carte à jouer.>>

Deux samaines plus tard, Nicole écoute son répondeur. <<Bonjour, c’est Albert, je ne sais pas si vous vous souvenez de moi…>> Nicole s’en souvient assez bien et rapelle. Tombe sur son répondeur. Albert rapelle. Répondeur. Enfin, <<alors, que je me trouve dans le shuttle bus sur le tarmac>>, Albert la joint sur son portable. Et l’invite sur le Rocher. <<Lorsque je suis arrive, dira-t-elle dans l’interview donnée au magazine allemande Bunte, il était très fatigue par le sport. Quand Stéphanie a telephone, il est allé lui parler dans une autre pièce, puis on est allés au restaurant…nous promener dans un parc derrière le casino. Toute la nuit nous sommes restés dans les bras l’un de l’autre.>> Chastes, mais épris. Nicole jure que jamais Albert ne lui demanda de se cacher ou de se taire. Il la sort, la montre, notamment aux trophées MTV, recontre trios fois ses deux fils aînés, les emmène même à un tournoi de tennis, lui donne une clé de son apartment. <<Un jour, on a croisé Caroline, parce qu’il devait voir ses neveux, elle l’a embrassé et moi elle m’a snobée>>, se souvient Nicole.

I will try to put the rest of it very soon. It is a little long (but not as long as the actual interview in Paris Match :eek: :p) .
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The Secrecies Of The Prince (Cover Story)
Is true thunder clap which has made the still Rock to tremble. Albert would be the father of a 20 month old baby. It is what Nicole Coste affirms, an air-hostess of origin togolaise. The palace, for the hour, is keep silent. Nicole Coste does not leave any more by way of the street, <<I’m not going into the Monoprix>>, she is saying to us while laughing. She passes longs days to play with her son, Alexandre. She waits, in the comfortable shade of an apartment parisian owned by the principality Monegasque, of the news of Albert. Nicole Coste is the woman by whom the scandal hatches. The woman who makes waver the Rock (i.e. Monaco). The woman who says to have given, here are twenty month, in the secrecy, a son with Albert II, new prince de Monaco, souvrain of one of the oldest dynasties of Europe. Nicole Coste is a Togolaise young person with 33 years, air-hostess. An intelligent woman who looks with delicate sentimental confidence and strategic thinking. <<I made this article because all that I say is true>>, tells the young woman to le Point. I love Albert of true love, but I cannot continue any more to cover it. I do not want to return in the details, but what I must say, it is that I am deciding to tell because from a situation which is became indecent. I cannot lie any more. In a family, there is a father, a child and also the mother, it is necessary to think of me, I am left alone too, it is asking me too much, I cannot lie about it any more. Then, it is simple, I speak so that I am listened to and that I am heard. It is true that I live in an apartment lent by Albert, it is true that there was recognition, by Albert, of his son, in the notary, it is true that one made tests of DNA, which conferment the paternity of Albert. What to say to you moreover? That I do this sao that my son has a father who assumes his responsibilities. It is a thing of pride to have a son, not shame, right? And me, I have love Albert of love profound for a long time. I have confidence.>> Nicole appears close crying. But then holds back.

Future quarrels dynastic?
Sometimes a wearied Rainier III thundered on to see that his son was thoroughly prepared to succeed to him, and did not give himself to pass a suitable wife. Its wish seems at last to be curiously come true, because the private life of new prince de Monaco, because of the incredible revelations of Nicole Coste, which has since one week to stir the whole of the European press. A thunder clap in the still sky of the opulent principality started by the interview finely controlled --- published in the weekly magazines Paris Match, Daily Mail, Bunte, Chi. With force details, but without official documents, Nicole Coste known as being the mother of the son of Albert. And for better making the issue clear, the beautiful one aligns four photographs wisely showing Albert, the delighted mine, to give to the spoon a small pot to carrots to his/her son. To rock on the knees while the child plays with an piece of the apple, or to carry it, trusting, in the arms. A media bomb.

A revelation which could also give place to a wild legal battle, even, if paternity is confirmed, with a truculent dynastic quarrel. Albert II, Albert the nice shy person, Albert the collector of furtive passing fancies, Albert the very rich heir to Grimaldi, the very new owner of the flourissante enterprise Monegasque, would be thus the father embarrassed of a small catch with round little cheeks, Alexandre, 20 months. The azure is veiled on the Rock. And everywhere where one turns into with amazement the pages of these magazines, one wonders about the real motivations of the beautiful Nicole.

One questions the morality of this personage unknown of tabloids but a little less in the merry world of the night birds jet-setters. One suspects a twisted blow made by a clan of conservatives to test new the souvrain. One still calculates that Albert would have let say, in order to still give carnal thickness to his personage hand lantern with the eyes of the world. One guesses the tight negociations carried out between two emissaries, friends togolais of Nicole and going to successively four agencies of photo press, until finding trouble and the highest offerer. Lastly, one about the strange life which awaits this little small child, Alexandre, the named good, is he wonders a prince? Grimaldi? A heir or a successor? ? [[I am leaving the last little part away because it is more dramatic comments that do not say anything]].

A Judicial Strategy
Side of the princely palace, precisely, silence is total. Mutique. The lawyer and friend of childhood of prince Albert, Parisian Thierry Lacoste, A do not go there four ways. He is promises << not staying to the media, but a legal strategy of response>> Without however wanting to specify on what and especially without affirming that Nicole Coste lies. Does he want to leave with a court the care in deciding thus? Or quite simply can't it also categorically contradict the paternity of Albert II? << Many things printed in those article do not correspond to reality>>, he said. Which ones? Silence. Side of Nicole Coste, the lawyer, hardly more eloquent, makes a point of the big quiet. Michel Peisse, specialist negotiator, confides, << I have known for a long time Nicole Coste by common relations which seek out my discretion in this complicated business. She wanted to clear up the situation of her son, she has succeeded. She wanted to call out that she still exists, the message passed.>>. Indeed.

According to Nicole, who lengthily entrusted to le Point, her story is that, banal and mièvre, of a love gone away. A kind which can become very formidable to overcome so, then, nothing can draw a battle like the broken heart. Nicole is divorced a first marriage.. [[again, I am leaving the little part away because it is more dramatic comments that do not add anything helpful]], … Nicole saw herself withdrawing the guard of her two elder sons, because, says it, <<my husband did not support any more that I would be so close to Albert>>. July 13, 1997, it embarks on the flight Nice-Paris and learns that as a famous passenger will be on the trip. The heir to the throne of Monaco. << A emotion has came across me, as the feeling that something interesting was going to arrive>>. The steward chief comes to inform her that a VIP passenger has come onboard and that she should go to greet him. . [[I am leaving this little part away because it is more dramatic comments that do not saying anything ]]. The conversation begins between the prince and the hostess. Here the account given by Nicole: << He was shy but charismatic. He was hungry. I gave him a plate meal that I prepared. He asks for my number of telephone to me. I ask him for the autograph. He signs a playing card.>>. Two weeks later, Nicole listens to her responder. << Hello, it is Albert, I do not know if you remember me...>>. Nicole remembers it rather well and calls back. Fall on the responder. Albert calls back. Responder. Finally << then, that I am in the Shuttle bus on the tarmac>>, Albert joins her on his portable. And invites her to Monaco. <<When I arrived,>> she says in the interview given to the magazine German, Bunte, he was very tiredness by the sport. When Stéphanie has called on the telephone, he went to speak to her in another part, then we went over to the restaurant... to walk us in a park behind the casino. All the night we remained in the arms one of the other.>> Nicole swears that never Albert did not ask her to hide or to keep herself silent. He takes her to see things, in particular to the trophies MTV, meets 3 times her two sons elder, takes them along even to a tennis tournament, gives her a key of his apartment. << One day, we went to see Caroline, because he was wanting to see his nephews, she embraced him and she completedly ignored me>> Nicole remembers.

That is my english translation of this part for semisquare because she says she does not read in french. Sorry if I mixed it up :cool: :p .
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Thank you for the article, I enjoyed it.

I have a question, The last line is says that "Caroline snobee me", does that mean snubbed me? As in Caroline wouldn't speak to Nicole?

In the interview Nicole gave she said she had never met Caroline or Stephanie...I think we have to take all the "news" and revelations of this period with more than a grain of salt! Only time could tell (and I'm not sure the public will know it) the truth...

Someone also posted another article (& translation) on the rbhq messageboard today. It seems to be a little different in some ways (could be the translators used). If my understanding of that one is correct, Nicole wasn't originally angry because Albert didn't publicly acknowledge Alexandre; she was upset because he had promised her the notarized paper where he acknowledged Alexandre and then refused to follow up with his promise. That is a very big difference. Who knows what to believe anymore?! :) Or is it the different translators? If the rbhq article IS correct, it looks like she wasn't originally necessarily even wanting to "go public", but like someone said earlier, there truly is nothing worse than a woman scorned. Also, she could have just gotten so mad and tired of being given the "run around" that she decided to retaliate. OR, I could have read it wrong altogether. :)
I'm just saying 'hi'. I haven't posted in awhile because no new info has come out and I've said all I've had to say :)
thx lillia for the translation, i appreciate it. hello pallas athina hope u r doing fine.

so does this article make anyone else think she was mad at albert for "something"? or am i alone in this way of thinking?
i think she's mad at albert for something. but what I can't understand is why would he ask for someone number? especially some flight attendant he knows nothing about and then give her his number? I just...I don't understand why anyone, let alone him, would do that.
also. in the first part, she says 'I love Albert of true love, but I cannot continue any more to cover it. I do not want to return in the details, but what I must say, it is that I am deciding to tell because from a situation which is became indecent. I cannot lie any more.' but then later she says 'Nicole swears that never Albert did not ask her to hide or to keep herself silent.' So...if she never lied about anything, like previous people have said, then when did she lie? I'm just...confused by the whole thing.
obviously, she's not just the guilty party. But...I have to say. She was going to get a response from Albert before she broke the story because of the mourning period, and she's still not going to get any answer. Maybe, just maybe, if she had waited a few more months, Albert would have said something public. I don't know...I mean. Maybe she just...really screwed her and her son up. I mean, he's letting her live in his apartment and all of that stuff! So what if he doesn't return a few calls. his father died for god's sake! Does she expect him to drop everything for her? I'm sorry...but no.
Like I said, she's not the only guilty party. If the kid is his, then he should have worn protection or something. He has a brain, now he should learn how to use it.
okay since all of us have been speculating why nicole told the world about alex. can we speculate what response albert will give on July 6?
does anyone think she will be allow to keep alex or will albert have to take custody of alex?
will nicole continue to live in albert's paris apartment or will she be kick out? pls fill free to add any other tib-bits.
if im wrong with my questions, dont get upset just dont answer any of them.
i think she will get custody of alex, but albert will kick her out of his apartment...at least, that's what i would do.
man...july cannot come fast enough!
It's worked in Albert's favor that his advisors have had all this time to think about and make decisions about what he should say/do. I'm sure they will have scrutinized all the possibilies and he will do what is decided to be the best p.r. move (which could be total silence forever). I guess when you're in a position like his you'll probably do whatever will make you "look" the best to the most people. With this happening right after Prince Rainier's death and Albert being the "brand new ruler", they really don't need bad publicity for him. My vibes from him are that he's a "peace-keeper" and obviously someone who wants to make others happy (example-his dad not liking Nicole, so therefore he terminates the relationship) even if it means not getting to do what he really wants. However, now that his dad is no longer with us, he may decide to start doing what HE wants to do and announce his engagement to his latest girlfriend that his daddy wouldn't let him marry! :)
lashinka2002 said:
Thank you for the article, I enjoyed it.

I have a question, The last line is says that "Caroline snobee me", does that mean snubbed me? As in Caroline wouldn't speak to Nicole?

Yes - it is something like that. Being brushed aside or just ignored. Not paid any attention to at all. Sorry.
semisquare said:
okay since all of us have been speculating why nicole told the world about alex. can we speculate what response albert will give on July 6?
does anyone think she will be allow to keep alex or will albert have to take custody of alex?
will nicole continue to live in albert's paris apartment or will she be kick out? pls fill free to add any other tib-bits.
if im wrong with my questions, dont get upset just dont answer any of them.
Aloha and I will speculate...

I think complete silence on July 6th.

I read that PA had actually given the apartment to Nicole already, so, is she really "living" in his apartment?

I do not think Albert will take custody of alex, I think he's going to marry someone else, likely someone who posts on this blog, and make many little Grimaldi babies.....:p
I can't recall where I read it now regarding Tamara she was also on birth control pills when she got pregnant and the other man in her life was her exhusband. She was somewhere between 30-34 weeks pregnant when Jazim was born if Albert was the father. She was said to be born six weeks early.
But a friend of Tamara, Bruce McCormack, told The Mail on Sunday last night: 'I understand that there has already been a warming of relations between Jazmin's mother and the prince and that at the very least he would like to have the right to visit his daughter.
That was May 3, 2005. Tamara was getting a divorce on the pill as Nicole and both got pregnant.
leahteresa said:
Aloha and I will speculate...

I think complete silence on July 6th.

I read that PA had actually given the apartment to Nicole already, so, is she really "living" in his apartment?

I do not think Albert will take custody of alex, I think he's going to marry someone else, likely someone who posts on this blog, and make many little Grimaldi babies.....:p
May I ask what is a blog? Did you mean Board?
My own slang...yes, I mean board...

I picked up this translation on another board of interested folks....

Translation by http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr

It was once a prince and an air-hostess... MONACO - June 5 2005- by COUMBA DIOP Between Albert of Monaco and Franco-Togolese Nicole Coste, all started like a fairy tale. Eight years afterwards, it is the hour of the payments of accounts. In the heart of the media storm: Alexandre, 20 months... Since the beginning of the year, the principality of Monaco, this paradise for billionaires, is shaken by a true seism. Its name? Alexandre, 20 months. On the cradle of this child, fruit of the illegitimate loves of Albert, wire of Rainier III, and a 33 years Franco-Togolese, are indeed leaning the fairies of the discord and the scandal. Who would have imagined that his/her father, this bachelor confirmed 47 years whose the one evening conquests feed since so many years the speculations of the press people would finish in the skin of a doting father? Another question, with the more serious truth: Will Alexandre be one day the sovereign of the Monegasques?

All begins on July 13, 1997. Like a fairy tale. Except that instead of a shepherdess, the prince meets an air-hostess. Its name: Nicole Coste. It does not have a white destrier, but a mounting with the steel wings (an apparatus of the company Air France). During the flight which takes them along from Paris to Nice, young people sympathize, smile themselves. It offers its tray meal to him, it asks him its telephone number - and obtains it. Beginning of a pretty history of love.

Between two planes, Nicole finds the prince not in her palate perched with the ridge of the rock Monegasque, but in her apartment, more discrete. They seldom dine at the restaurant, pass most clearly from their evenings at the head to head. Nicole plays the model wives, mitonne of the small dishes. Sometimes, Albert nevertheless asks him to accompany it at the time of official events, World Music Awards or tennis tournament of Assembles-Carlo. "Very in love", the air-hostess is on a small cloud. The first turbulences will appear only five years later.

During a dinner with the palate, Albert presents its dulcinée at his father "Here is the person about which we spoke", blows it. But Rainier, which dreams to link his/her son with an aristocrat of the good Europe old woman, is not transported of enthusiasm. The African Cinderella feels that it is not the welcome and regains her thatched cottage. Albert, who does not have anything, but then nothing a rebellious son, seeks to join it. Worse, it puts a term at their relation. End of the first act.

Nicole from there will look after her heart broken on the Basque coast. From Biarritz, it calls the man whom it loves, questions it: "In my place, which would you make? - I would wait, answers Albert. Not a long time, but I would wait " It is what the young woman does, in the hope which one day its prince will return...

Disappointed hope. Little by little, Albert is detached from it. Their history however continues, after a fashion, until the day when, one year after the official presentations, Nicole fall pregnant "It was desired neither of him nor of me, it swears. I took my precautions, but I went on on this date a journey to New York. I should have taken my first compressed, but I had forgotten my box... "At the beginning, his lover princely seems to be delighted by happy (?) the event. One sees it dividing into sheets repertories of male first names... Enough quickly, however, Nicole owes déchanter. Under the influence of his entourage, Albert of Monaco issues that to keep the baby would be finally a bad idea. With more than ninety days of pregnancy, Nicole refuses to fall through. End of the second act.

Albert promises to assume the existence of the child financially to be born, then disappears. He is not from now on injoignable... As from this moment, the former lovers do not communicate any more but by interposed lawyers. It is alone which Nicole will be confined, August 24, 2004, at theSaint-Vincent-de-Paul hospital, Paris. Nothing, not the least basket of flowers... On the other hand, the emissary of a French laboratory accredited by the Swiss Mortuary made displacement. He takes on the new-born baby a sample of ADN. The test of paternity appears positive.

For Nicole, who already has, of a first marriage, two little boys whose father has the guard, the following months are not frankly pink. The young Alexandre is of fragile health and, little after his birth, must be hospitalized during six weeks "I faced that all alone, without me to entrust to anybody", tells the young woman with a journalist of Paris Match.

She however will end up reconciling herself with Albert. Two months and half after the birth of Alexandre, the prince takes for the first time his son in his arms "I asked to him whether it felt something, remembers it. He answered me that he did not realize "If he does not have very developed paternal fibre yet, Albert holds in spite of very assuming his responsibilities. In December 2004, it recognizes officially the child, in the only condition which the act is recorded with the town hall only after the death of prince Rainier. Nicole is relieved: "In my spirit, the not-recognition, for a child, that amounts refusing its roots to him" It will not obtain however the copy of the document which it claims on several occasions during following months. Albert agrees on the other hand to install it in his apartment of the 16th district of Paris and to pour a quarterly pension to him. Gradually, Alexandre and it tame down. Paris Match published photographs showing the prince pouponnant with application...

Little after the death, last 6 April, of Rainier III, Nicole requires, by the means of her notary, the copy of the famous recognition of paternity. Answer of the new sovereign (who took the name of Albert II): niet. The young woman is done insistent, but only succeeds in aggravating the entourage of the prince. It holds good, refuses that his/her child grows in the shade and the secrecy, like Mazarine, the hidden girl of François Mitterrand. "I want that Alexandre grows normally, with a father. What ceases these lies. Me, I cannot lie any more, hide and pass from it for the mistress of his friends. Because of this silence, I do not have any more identity, I live almost in the illegality ", tell it. At this point in time it decides to make their history public.

Does this recognition of paternity to which it holds so much make for all that of its small child possible claiming with the throne? Nothing is less sure. According to article 10 of the Constitution Monegasque, modified in April 2002, the succession "takes place in the direct and legitimate descent of the reigning prince". What seems well to draw aside Alexandre. In any event, Nicole claims for her son neither preferential treatments nor privileges. She waits simply of the father of her child whom he assumes the fruit of their "beautiful history of love".

In Monaco, the sky still hesitates: will it definitely turn to the storm? Already traumatized by the disappearance of prince Rainier, the principality lives from now on at the rate/rhythm of the bounces of "the Nicole business". Reserved and modest, Albert, who feels "trapped", walls itself in silence. He entrusts that he often had the unpleasant feeling which the women were interested by him than by the hope of a princely future...: "When I meet a woman, I say myself: OK, it is charming, but what really seek does? Behind wouldn't this pleasant appearance, be there some machiavelic intention? " Is this what it thinks today of Nicole Coste? One does not know. Only certainty: confronted with a succession difficult and pressed to prove reliable, the new sovereign, who is undoubtedly the most beautiful party of Europe (seven times centenary, the Grimaldi dynasty are with the head of a fortune estimated at several billion euros), would have happened well from these controversies.
I don't think that she will get kicked out of the apartment. She is the mother of his child.
leahteresa said:
Aloha and I will speculate...

I think complete silence on July 6th.

I read that PA had actually given the apartment to Nicole already, so, is she really "living" in his apartment?

I do not think Albert will take custody of alex, I think he's going to marry someone else, likely someone who posts on this blog, and make many little Grimaldi babies.....:p
Shall we take a poll as to who it will be?
Just read the article...I cannot understand that woman in no way! And cannot understand how can she talk about such very intimate things as night :confused: Description their meeting in the plane is one thing, but telling about night...It's something that in any case shall remain between two people...
I tried to imagine what would I do in case if turned out in such situation when a man like Albert decided to disappear behind the horizon. Probably I have an over-pride or very squeamish about honour, but I would prefer to say: "Perfect dear!!! I lived without you the main part of my life and will be able to be happy with my baby without you and your money! I will survive! Believe me!"...Thought I guess that such women as Ms. Coste are always in thousand times greater profit than me :cool:
I agree with you AquaMarine, but this woman is just money hungry. It is almost a shame that Albert got involved with her.
According to Nicole did Stephanie and Caroline know about Albert's 'alleged' son? Did they meet him? Thanks!
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