Villa for Philippe and Mathilde on Île d'Yeu- France

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Imperial Majesty
Apr 25, 2015
King Philippe and Queen Mathilde bought a holiday home on the French island of Île d’Yeu. in 2019 but the renovation of their holiday home now meets with protests on Île d’Yeu: “Is it enough to be a king to break the law?”
The palace denies that they violated local building regulations.

They did get a permit to build a new building on their property for the security personel. Apparently some people in the local counsil are angry as normally it is difficultto get a permit to even build a garage.

The king and queen vacationed on the island at least in 2013 and 2017.

The island is located in the Atlantic, a few kilometers under Saint Nazaire in the Vendée.

Interesting that it was possible to keep the acquisition quiet for 2 years.
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King Philippe and Queen Mathilde bought a holiday home on the French island of Île d’Yeu. in 2019 but the renovation of their holiday home now meets with protests on Île d’Yeu: “Is it enough to be a king to break the law?”

The islanders of Île d’Yeu are speaking out because King Philippe was granted a building permit back on August 12, 2020 for an annex of 40 m2, to be built next to their vacation home to house their security services. This is 10 m2 beyond what the law permits in that protected area of the island.

Patrice Bernard an elected representative of the M’Yeu Ensemble group, is speaking out against the special permit. “It is seen as a privilege. We are a country of law, what we grant to one, we must grant it to the other and there, today, you with the islanders who come knocking on the door and say, I want the same thing“, summarizes Patrice Bernard, of the M’Yeu Ensemble group. Mr Bernard is currently running for mayor.;)
The Île d’Yeu is so beautiful and picturesque.
non-French residents always try to get around the law to do what they want in our country... i suggest to the king of Belgium to buy and expanding a house in a protected area... on a Belgian island...
non-French residents always try to get around the law to do what they want in our country... i suggest to the king of Belgium to buy and expanding a house in a protected area... on a Belgian island...
That would be hard... I am not aware of any Belgian islands... (other than tiny ones in a pond, small lake or river)
non-French residents always try to get around the law to do what they want in our country... i suggest to the king of Belgium to buy and expanding a house in a protected area... on a Belgian island...

Perhaps it is the French authorities that you may want to take exception with.
That would be hard... I am not aware of any Belgian islands... (other than tiny ones in a pond, small lake or river)

perfect... nothing like a return to nature, calm and bird watching to take the stress out of a royal life... lol ...
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Philippe le Grand...

Rather odd that an alterego was used for the application and also interesting that they were able to keep the thing quiet for over a year.

Does anybody know if the building as posted in the link of Lady Daly is the annex? It seems larger than 40 square meters. But I can not imagine it is the main house as it looks like a mess. Or are they adding 40 square meters to an existing building?
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Is it common for a King and Queen to buy land and house in another country to live in upon retirement or for vacations?
Rather odd that an alterego was used for the application and also interesting that they were able to keep the thing quiet for over a year.

Does anybody know if the building as posted in the link of Lady Daly is the annex? It seems larger than 40 square meters. But I can not imagine it is the main house as it looks like a mess. Or are they adding 40 square meters to an existing building?

I think I found the house on Google maps. It seems to be the main house. A 'screen' has been placed between the house and the road for further privacy I assume.
Is it common for a King and Queen to buy land and house in another country to live in upon retirement or for vacations?

Yes: Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands in the Peloponnesos (Greece) and in Patagonia (Argentina), Albert of the Belgians in Alpes-Maritimes (France), Margrethe of Denmark in the Lot (France), Beatrix of the Netherlands in Tuscany (Italy), Henri of Luxembourg in Pyrenées-Atlantiques (France), Baudoin of the Belgians in Andalucía (Spain), Philippe of the Belgians in the Vendée (France), etc.
Is it common for a King and Queen to buy land and house in another country to live in upon retirement or for vacations?

Yes, several royal families have holiday homes in other countries; whether they will double as retirement home seems to vary. Philippe's parents do spend most of their time outside of Belgium...

Some examples:
Sweden: France
The Netherlands: Greece (previously in Italy; still in use by princess Beatrix)
Belgium: France (and Italy)
Luxembourg: France
Communications Director for The Royal Palace of Brussels, Francis Sobry, states "the building permit has been obtained in good and due form, with a request respecting French regulations."

"Even in protected areas, to build collective facilities of general interest, when the reason is related to security, the (building) regulation provides an exception, to get a waiver and that's what was done".

The royal couple's house is located on the Route du Ponant, near the Pointe du But, in the far north-west of the island, "in a natural area, like the entire hamlet", confirms The Royal Palace.
The renovations are near the central building where the royal family is housed. The construction of an annex to house “the security services" is planned, near the road, at the entrance to the 70-acre site. The article includes a picture with the caption "The 40 m2 annex is built on the edge of the road" showing construction at the entrance to the property. Notice the 'screen' mentioned by Somebody in her post #14.:D
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a security annex obviously only concerns "very important people"... the native people of the island will NEVER have the possibility to extend their houses in a protected natural area even if their families have always lived there... it's a tragedy in many french islands where rich people are driving up residential property prices and force native people to move elsewhere...
a security annex obviously only concerns "very important people"... the native people of the island will NEVER have the possibility to extend their houses in a protected natural area even if their families have always lived there... it's a tragedy in many french islands where rich people are driving up residential property prices and force native people to move elsewhere...

On itself: it is free for anyone to request a permission. It is up to the municipality to accord it, or not. It is not that "Philippe Legrand" did something illegal, so on itself there is little to blame the King.
Communications Director for The Royal Palace of Brussels, Francis Sobry, states "the building permit has been obtained in good and due form, with a request respecting French regulations."

"Even in protected areas, to build collective facilities of general interest, when the reason is related to security, the (building) regulation provides an exception, to get a waiver and that's what was done".

The royal couple's house is located on the Route du Ponant, near the Pointe du But, in the far north-west of the island, "in a natural area, like the entire hamlet", confirms The Royal Palace.
The renovations are near the central building where the royal family is housed. The construction of an annex to house “the security services" is planned, near the road, at the entrance to the 70-acre site. The article includes a picture with the caption "The 40 m2 annex is built on the edge of the road" showing construction at the entrance to the property. Notice the 'screen' mentioned by Somebody in her post #14.:D

Based on the pictures, I identified this house as the royals' holiday home and it fits with the description above.
Based on the pictures, I identified this house as the royals' holiday home and it fits with the description above.
Initially I had considered either the "Charlotte" property or the one just further west. Thank you for clarifying.
Initially I had considered either the "Charlotte" property or the one just further west. Thank you for clarifying.

I intended to share the link yesterday but internet went down in the whole country (for about 5 hours) exactly when I was posting. I did look into the 'further west' property as well but it didn't match the pictures in the local newspapers and this one to the east/right of 'Charlotte' did.
Wim Dehandschutter of Het Nieuwsblad has discovered that not one resident has actually filed a complaint about the annex of the King, despite there being a public inquiry on the matter during 2 months. Only the opposition leader has spoken out against it.

Mr. Dehandschutter says that it appears the King has become pawn in a local political fight between the opposition leader and the mayor. In a statement the mayor declares that he regrets that a local politician might have endangered the safety of the king and his family for local political motives.

Source: Het Nieuwsblad
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So not only was the initial reporting that this was political but none of the actual residents of Île d'Yeu had filed a complaint. The problem was wholly created as a political ploy against the current Mayor by opposition Patrice Bernard. Thank you Marengo for clarifying.:flowers:
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